Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Genki Nightstalkers And Icarus)



1 month, 30 days ago


GENKI CONCEPTS TOYHOUSE TEXT: https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26722042.genki-nightstalkers-and-icarus

Genki Toyhouse page. It has some concept art: https://toyhou.se/26722657.genki


Ethnicity: Japanese/American

Probably has american last name. Especially since his family is on the run from Harunas' family. Nishimoto.

Genki will be important nightstalker arc/hostage scene, deity trialrooms/safe haven. and haruna. even more fuel to her anger at her family. a thing haruna and dami can connect over. and dami can talk about genki to haruna later. I bet she would want to know more about genki and his family, if she was lied to about her uncle/aunt and wasnt aware she had cousin/s.

I also get impression with genki getting energy theme name. that is also a sign that his parents weren't loyal to the nightstalker organzation.

Last name: last name might have been Nishimoto, but changed to something else to flee from their family and to reject the nightstalkers and deity haruna?? (IF Genki was Haruna's cousin) If Genki has another last name. It can explain why the others might not be aware Genki is related to harunas? Genki could be like victor. a painful memory, although not TOO painful, since dami most likely used the genki name as civilain hero name. In honoring genki's memories. i can also imagine damien feeling extreme survivors guilt, that he survived safe haven and genki didn't. (so he can relate to cyrus survivors guilt about surviving the first battle with mayhem while lu "died"

IF Genki is harunas cousin that haruna isnt aware existed. I can imagine that would also add fuel to harunas agner at her family. And maybe make her show less mercy towards her family when Damien asks what haruna wasnt damien to do to her family (especially if her family decide to attack. He is more likely to show mercy if haruna ask for it. or if she doesnt want them to have mercy. he wont give it to them if they aren't surrendering. It's also a high chance the question might be "do you want me to save your family" the risk of harunas family getting mobbed. information about that below --------------- Genki symbolise/Theme: Genki most likely symbolise , truth, freedom and justice. Justice for all the people affected by the nightstalker organization. Especially the victimcs who were nightstalker/icarus followers.

Genki plays a big role in why damien take away all nightstalker powers.

------------- This is super rough draft. I have lots of notes about genki if he is pure icarus follower. I need to find them and share them as well.

I Think this is the focus on the topic about Genki possibly coming from a nightstalker/icarus follower family.

Is Genki connected to Ikimi and Raiden? Or did he prefer the name Raiden? Maybe he has siblings? However, if he has siblings. Then Haruna must have positive associtation to accept Ty's suggestion in naming their son and daughter Ikimi and Raiden? Unless those siblings were made in safe haven AFTER genki disappeared? I always imagined ikimi and raiden being named after two people in safe haven who passed away/were killed. I think i might lean on Raiden and Ikimi arent siblings to genki, or something else killed them? Then again. it's also fuels the tragedy of all 3 siblings being killed in the trial room. or 2 of them are killed in the trial rooms and genki surviving the trial room but is killed by the organization. I think i lean on the organization killing genki than safe haven (if genki doesnt die in the trial room) since it would fuel damiens despair and rage how the organization dispose of their own people who try to do good.By taking away everyones powers, its a way to force the bad people to surrendering and co exist with the people who wants to do good. ------------- TYREK IKIMI RAIDEN DAMIEN GENKI AND HARUNA and i can imagine it would mess up haruna (in a good way). and make her even more remorseful for her actions towards the others if Genki's siblings are Ikimi and raiden. Tyrek has also then been honoring Genki and his family. Who is harunas family.

---------------- -Genki is most likely the civilian hero name damien use before he takes icarus name that the public named damien.

I realized. I'm extremely certain that Damien has footage of the deity trial room that safe haven and the nightstalker organization doesnt have.Those who arent icarus followers or deities connected to icarus. they can't enter the trial room. so their only footage is the contact lenses they give the ones who enter the trial room. Somewhere in the diety trial rooms. There is a portal that takes damien to another world (maybe genki too, if dami carries genki with him? Maybe damien hopes to heal genki? but damien hasnt learned healing until suicide squad. It's possible icarus heals genki for getting so far. Or to demonstrate that his powers can be use for good if damien accepts fusing?

OR damien is alone in the trial room. and when he fuses with icarus and goes home. he carries genki back with him? I also like the idea that if dami carries genki with him. Genki's dying wish to see the truth. then genki is the first to enter trial room and see the truth. i cant overlook genki might play as even more fuel to damiens actions in the nightstalker arc. and it can also cause even more of a rebellion if the footage is shared. maybe genki talks about the truth before he dies? I also like the idea that the organization might have killed him the moment the boys came out from the deity trial room? that way it comes out of the blue. Or they kill him when Genki talks about telling the others the truth?

i will share notes below about for and against when genki dies. Damien could use that footage to show the others the truth? Especially if Genki came from a nightstalker/icarus follower family. Maybe his family tried to flee the organization? And they were hunted down? The organization lied about genki's family being a traitors? Or possibly a half truth. The family weren't loyal to the organization. They just wanted to flee and live normal life and protect their family.

Concept 1 bet that Genki wanted icarus followers/nightstalker to co exist (makes it bit sad that damien takes away all their powers HOWEVER, people willingly loosing their powers. To reject organization and deity haruna. and they are using their powers to fight back against organization. so its nice to see thei organizations own people/power be used against htem.)

concept 2: OR maybe i lean more on genki changing alliance. Rejecting the nightstalker part of himself? he wanted the truth to be revealed. this would add additional fuel to damien. Genki dying to share the truth, and damiens guilt of being too scared to reveal the truth. (in damiens defence. he is probably 18 years old. Mentally he wasn't ready. especially since he never saw himself as good or strong enough. and they are shapeshifters. a massive weakness. he didnt want to hurt people. so he does second option. hope that redeeming deity haruna. they get a deity back that are worth worshipping, and hope she can change their minds)

concept 3. i THINK original concept is that genki comes from a loyal icarus bloodline. so it might be interesting that Genki is harunas cousin? Both of his parents coming from a extremely loyal bloodline? And I can imagine it would infuriate harunas family that the nightstalker parents switched to become icarus follower. and maybe genki is symbol of the rebellion and truth? Breaking free from the nighstalkers cult grasp on other nighstalkers. He doesn't want his family's suffering to be in vain? clear his family's name? Clearing the name, would be like tainting the nishimoto name to the nishimoto nightstalkers who are loyal to deity haruna?

Nightstalker organization might have lied about genki and his family being "traitors". That they were among the nightstalkers who were rebelling (idk if the organization are aware of rebellion. I think realisticly. there are nightstalkers who fake alliance. And i bet they rise up during the nightstalker arc. At least the ones who are still allive? I bet the organization killed the ones they found out weren't allies.

haruna might have seen genki as traitor? So she wasn't interested in hearing or pitying genki??

If genki was killed in front of damiens eyes. or hearing genki was kileld (if genki doesnt die in trial rooms) That could play additional big role to daimen not being ready to challenge the organization. he has too much to loose and the organization is a behemot. existing in all countries. Dami would have to constantly fear for his life (which he does, he makes all the science stuff to help with paranoia dsd)

Genki alternate ending. I lean on Genki died somewhere in the trial room. since i like the idea of people panicking over losing damien when he enters the portal. The panic of the only one who has made is so far, is out of their grasp/control.

ONE alternate, is. What if. Damien enters the portal? Or maybe both? (Then genki might be the first nightstalker to enter the trial rooms.

Dami carries genki with him.

Genki is either disposed off since they dont see him of use (might be less likely, since they might want him to send him back in case if they loose damien. I dont think he would be able to enter the room anymore?? Unless it's the chance to fuse with another deity? i lean on the room "obeys" damien, so people can't enter unless they are damien or deity connected to him? Or damien has to do some magic to allow others to access the room when he isn't there?

OR Genki changed alliance during the trial room (it's possible he was also never a ally to begin with. Or wasn't sure what was the truth or not? He wanted to enter the trial room to find out the truth? Maybe damien carries genki with him to the portal?

It's sad to imagine icarus not defending genki. but then again. that is icarus rule, and i think victor in suicide squad is the first time he breaks the rule. i lean on dami ressurects victor on his own. its possible icarus does the task of handling selcouth. teaching damien how to take a deity soul and keep it contained. teaching damien is also against icarus rules

maybe genki survived the deity trial room and wanted to tell the organization the truth about what he saw in deity trial room? the organization killed him? If genki wasn't rasised in safe haven, and people knew genki and his family. then the organizaiton could have framed it on icarus.

IF genki was killed by the organization for wanting to tell the truth or loosing his value. When damien passed the trial room. it's possible they also killed genki out of fear? Fearing Genki as potential enemy? Genki might have knowledge about icarus and nigthstalker organization. and the organization fears the destruction that knowledge can do to their organization? and maybe they also see the truth as lies? Genki being tainted by dami/icarus? Maybe damien talks about these things? Damien need to know what happened to genki. Either Dami was present when genki was killed. Or someone tells him genki's fate. William. Or even haruna?? haruna in suicide squad? If she lash out at damien, and damien tells his side of the story. they both can talk and analyse what might have happened. This is also risky since i can't have dami and haruna to talk TOO MUCH, to avoid the problemsolving of "why doesnt haruna ask damien to destroy deity haruna " then agai. her fearing to loose that chance if she asks. is maybe good enough. it's a huge gamble to ask. then your plan is revealed. and could risk dami being more difficult to destroy it. like i wrote before. he would have destroyed it in a heartbeat if she had asked.

i keep imagining that, if damien talks about genki. it opens up some nightstalker eyes about dami/icarus isnt the enemy. maybe damien talks about things he remembers about genki??

sitenote about genki: By damien going in different worlds and destroying organization. I'm very certain he saves genki in some worlds. No matter if Genki is nightstalker or not. I can imagine damien will want to save genki in other worlds.

I have notes about genki being pure icarus follower. I will need to find them

notes about for and against when genki dies. I like the idea of daimen being the sole survivor since that unleashes a panic in the organization to loose the only one who managed to pass this far However. if damien carries genki with him in the portal. genki is also lost (and maybe they assume genki will die from his wounds sooner or later

there is also something tragic about genki surivivng the deity trial room. maybe he is too wounded to go to the next room? and since damien won, damien is now has the chance to take genki with him. (i can also imagine damien would want to take the other bodies with him, so they can be buried. or that he handles the bodies. since he might suspect that once he leaves the rooms. they might not allow him to go back. so he gives them "burial". or that was the plan. i lean on the place is collapsing when he gets back.

back to tragic part. if genki survived. and damien has this happiness/relief of thinking genki is saved or will be safe. and and the organization or safe haven kills him. maybe the organization kills him (that would also make it very traumatic when they try to kill victor. and gives another backstory to damien oneshotting them.(dami will do it no matter what. the organizaiton has taken enough lives + he refuse to loose victor again) i also like the potentail extra depth/trauma of loosing genki to the organization.and this time damien "sensed" rhe right moment to stop them. he either lowered his guard for a split second or wasnt fast enough to prevent genki being killed.


Possible deaths that I need to write about

1. One possible scenario is the topic of self sacrifice. Dami might have tried to sacrifice himself since he saw genki as the worthy one to walk to the next trial room. and the room killed or hurt genki. since damien did the "correct" thing. Showing the willingess to risk own life for others.

2- It's possible genki might have sacrificed himself since he saw damien as the best suited person to go to the trial room? He felt Damien had higher chance of successfully helping the others in safe haven break free.

3.maybe Genki is cocky? since that is one of the possible scenarios that got him killed. Underestimating the room because it was going so smoothly. so he felt confident in thinking he knew the correct answer in the room. and him getting one shot. resulted in others panicking. he was the one the group relied on. And they didnt listen to damien. Dami tried to calm them down but they were too scared panicked to listen.

---------------------- for and against the topic about self sacrifice and who does it, IF it's canon:

There is something sweet? about a nightstalker helping icarus (although genki is a icarus follower too, if he is nightstalker/icarus follower offspring).

and damiens repeated topics are: self sacrifice, damien sees everyone as better than him. so he would sacrifice himself, believing genki is best suited and better to help the others. damien sees himself as worthless. probably believes it's selfish of him to try to survive when he doesnt think he can be of much help (although the others has been complimenting his actions, like being able to send a message through william. and if william ran/fled safe haven. then they would compliment that too. dami broke william free from organizaitons control. its also possible william fakes alliances to safe haven.. so he can help damien. and when damien is lost in the portal. and doesnt come back. that might be when william leaves. so dami isnt aware of his impact on william.

---------------------- Is Genki harunas cousin? And does haruna even know she has cousin/s? Maybe she was told a story about her uncle or aunt betraying the organization. It was drilled in her head "don't be like your uncle/auntie" (i can tell from own experience that's what my dad to my sister and i. Fueling their jealousy towards my sister and i. i was too...naive? back then to see it as being set up. i didnt dislike my sisters. i saw them as better than me in every way. striving to be more like them to please family?? While my sisters would be bitter/jealouse towards sisters (but they also didnt get drilled in the head like i was, because my dad assumed i was stupid, and he probably doesnt self reflect on the narcisstic actions and its classic black sheep, flying monkey and scape goat tactics. and how that shifts is also classsic narcissim) my dad would also comment "dont be like your auntie " or other people. I bet that harunas family could be same. back to haruna. its possible she was told about uncle/aunt rebelling? and not be aware she had cousin/s? Maybe her family moved to america to hunt down the aunt/uncle? Had a normal life and family for awhile? And then someone found them? Tossed them in safe haven and deity trial room. It's horrific if they created genki and other people like mako/payton. just for the purpose of grooming nightstalker/icarus followers to be loyal to the organization and try to pass the room. Maybe genki was too old to get manipulated? or maybe he was loyal? (but had lots of positive traits since damien admired him so much to use his name as civilian hero name) or maybe genki's motives was to find out the truth? and then choose a side. or hope for both to exist. genki might have been symbol of hope of alliance. Maybe genki hope to find proof that the nightstalkers and icarus followers could co exist? And then his views changed as he passed the trial rooms? (for his views to change, he either has to see things in the rooms. I need to make sure that if he sees things. he either has to pass to the last room. or he sees things that the organization keeps secret from other nightstalkers. Since no one has made it out allive until damien enters the trial room. the organization knows whatever the person sees and if they change their mind, its high chance the room kills them. or that they will kill the person after they've obtained whatever they want. and then proof of the nightstalkers can't be trusted since he was disposed of, simply for wanting to tell people the truth and let them choose who they want to be as people? This sounds SUPER cliche. However...Haruna is extremely manipulative. I wont be surprised if that comes from the family either. MAYBE...they raised the others like that. to manipulate. with the intention to get close to a icarus follower (before the icarus follower is thrown in the trial room? squeeze out as much information as possible and discard them in the room? Hoping that one icarus follower would succeed in beating the room? and come back with information about deity haruna or/and icarus, to find out of deity harunas soul is still out there and see if its possible to obtain deity harunas soul back. OR genki's parents met, had no idea who the other person really was? And they got close? They were both shocked to find out who the other person was. instead of crashing. They decided to stick together. communicate and find out what to do next. IF a family member fell for icarus follower. i think that would make harunas family more aggreesive/angry at the thought of haruna being with ty. especially when its revealed he is a icarus follower. it might feel like a slap on the face. maybe something like " here they have put a lot of time, effort etc raising her into what they think she should be. and she goes against the "tradition" of not marrying another nightstalker. and she isnt able to obtain useful information either (at least until she finds out icarus has deity harunas soul) I often wondered why harunas family ended up in america. maybe to "expand" the nishimotos family reach?? One Nishimoto is the main leader in japan, while the other is in america? Maybe its not about hunting a family member but mainly let's say.... a uncle/aunt or grandparent lead in japan. maybe uncle/aunt. so that the other sibling leads in america? And if two nishimoto's lead. america/japan. Then that might add more depht? to how harunas family stribe for perfection? that perfection haruna stribe for and abused tyrek for (and tok tyrek for granted until he died. and then she saw more and more how much she tok tyrek for granted. but i bet it might be after suicide squad where it sinks in. if she realize sooner, then it would be moer chance for the relationship to repair itself? and i bet with vic taking over the business is a massive conflict that makes her distracted from reflecting. like her not seeing she got a one man army defending and repairing the place. what she needs. but she dislike the lack of control so much. (and being humiliated from being dumped in the trash. she deserved it for trying to kill vic. but she doesnt see that it was deserved fdsfdj not back then. and another exscuse is that she is unstable from losing tyrek. when he is gone. she looses a lot of control. he kept everything under control and running smoothly. I get impression that Genki being Harunas family is either overly complicated. Makes the story worse. OR it might open up things about characters becoming more fleshed out? Example about what it MIGHT flesh out: if harunas family lost family members because of one of their own fell for a icarus follower. and they rejected the organizaito or tried to flee. its possible those things plays as a reason the kids were ambushed? the family were done "waiting" for haruna to see who she should be loyal too? or she was showing signs to question things? I bet there are other things I could look into (which i will do my best to do, to get as many POV as possible) For example it can also be about honor? Refusing to let another family member taint and ruin their name? There is topic about how harunas family easily discard family members (cult and narcisssim) if the family member does things they dislike. the person loose value. Genki could be a "example" of how harunas family can discard their own family + then there is a red thread on them attacking their own family, like mako, payton. They have done it in the past and can do it again??? Originally it was about how haruna could easily be discarded. IF haruna has witnessed others being discared by her family or the organization (i have to be careful since haruna is loyal to the organization. so if they are discared i most likely have to make it seem like it was "deserved" Maybe haruna blames damien for "tainting" genki. and she refuse to listen to anything damien says. to avoid the chance of being discared like genki? (and she is unaware that she is reincarnation of deity haruna. if she knew. then she would realize that she has "too much value" than for them to discard her. and i bet she knows she has some value by being raised and groomed into becoming one of the deity harunas vessels. there are people (maybe women???) that was groomed/prepared to become deity haruna vessel. harunas family is extremely religious. and probably leaders/top ranked in the church??

Is Genki the original Zagan? Although if Genki is original Zagan design. It saves me throuble about character design. However. It also seems a bit like a waste? Then again. I often wondered if Zagan could be harunas family? A nightstalker?? IF Zagan is nigthstalker/icarus follower. He get's the "harunas family" while also the backstory i havent shown about the conflict of nightstalker/icarus follower

IF Genki is family to haruna. Then it seems more likely that damien would push to get to talk to haruna. i bet through ty or william, damien would find out genki was harunas family.

Its also possible haruna would push damien back more, firmly believing in whatever damien says will be lies? (maybe the organization messed with the surveillance? For them to mess with surveillance i need to find out how genki died to find out of its possible for them to even mess with recording. Or that haruna is so blinded by her loyalty to the organization that she becomes angrier if anyones tries to tell her the truth? angry that they believe damien?

Or that ty would push to tell haruna the truth.

I feel like damien could have shown the footage he has to show the truth

----------------------- Genki's appearance:

I need to keep in mind about these possibilties I lean on genki is the "leader" of the group. In his design. He should come across as strong, brave, (maybe cocky, since that is one of the possible scenarios that got him killed. Notes about that is further up with number 3. Maybe is a happy go lucky guy? Like lu? but not too goofy were he is annoying. He used humor to calm people down and get their trust?

Additional appearance notes:

IF Genki looks like icarus. Then that can fuel damiens own self doubt. By looking like icarus. Genki will also look like damien. And if genki is the "poster child" doing things flawlessly. Damien will strongly believe Genki is the person the organization has been looking for. I often imagined that damien would admire genki while also feeding his self doubt about being good enough. or even worthy to survive the trial room. its better genki lives so he can help the others.

If Genki is related to haruna. Then he might look like a haruna/damien lovechild? (sounds so wrong dsfd ) a fusion between the two.

thinking about the fusion concept. maybe that sparks some emotions in haruna too? that genki looks like damien/icarus? -------------------------------------------------- GENKI REALIZE DAMIEN IS ICARUS OR ACKNOWLEDGE DAMIEN AS THE RIGHT PERSON

I often imagined its possible that whoever people assumed was icarus reincarnation. Or the right icarus follower to pass the trials. That person would realize Damien is the right person? Or maybe start to suspect Damien could be the reincarnation. Even though the trial is fair game for any of the followers. I often imagined the person feeling peace? and also happiness/honor witnessing history? Get to see a reincarnation for themselves? (and damien doesnt believe the person or is confused about the persons last words are. for example i often imagined the person would encourage damien to fuse with icarus. but its so vague that damien doesn't understand or it can be interprated like something else. For example if the person says "trust yourself" the person would mean both damien and icarus. not damien just trusting his own judgement. that is the first example i could think of. or they say something vague to hint they realized who damien is., but too vague. for example "ah...I see now...:" i'm not good with vague hints. its to just make example.i have notes about this in the document that focus on genki being a icarus follower and no connection to nightstalker heritage. i think one of the ideas was genki being ancestor to the woman who helped icarus recover after the battle (which might still be canon) or a reincarnation to the woman. but i dont think the woman is reincarnation. its sad to imagine her dying again fdsdf i got feeling she might have been one of the last people standing, defending the trial room? or among the people who were poisoned by the organization. I think she might be in the trial rooms. maybe the riddle part of the room? ------------------


Maybe harunas family spared harunas uncle/aunt? Genki (+ siblings?) and genkis dad or mother were sent in safe haven?

Harunas uncle/aunt starts a rebellion? Or loose themselves mentally? I think maybe they were going to start a rebellion? or did rebell? but the nishimoto family were able to keep it "hush hush" to the organization? maybe haruna knew her uncle or aunt rebelled? but her family gaslit her uncle/aunt? made it seem like the organization were the victims or right for their actions? so they use the uncle(aunt as cautionary tail about "dont become like your aunt/uncle)

OR they sent harunas uncle and aunt to safe haven? and lied to haruna about what happened to their aunt/uncle?

I have mentioned the organization has handed nightstalkers over, as form of alliance with safe haven, improve their species. and to get chance to acess the deity trial room. It's very dark that a high ranked family hands over their family. Maybe lying about it as proof of alliance when in reality they see safe haven as opportunity to dispose a person who would taint their name?

It's bad enough that a nightstalker and icarus follower are allies (from nightstalker pov. i bet icarus followers have open arms to allies. as long as the person doesnt seem to have ulterior motives. Like haruna would have. And coming from a high ranked family. makes it much worse. and this opens up to explore HOW FAR will harunas family go? out of loyalty to deity haruna and to protect their name/honor. To keep their power in the organization. ............ IF genki is harunas cousin. How does haruan find out genki is her cousin? Is it the way her family panics if Damien starts to talk about genki and or if damien shares videos from the trial room? And Harunas family react in a way she knows there is something personal there? (Maybe damien can help squeeze information out? Unless genki says something in the video were haruna is able to connect the dot genki is talking about her uncle/aunt?

there is also soemthing extremely tragic and sad if ikimi and raiden are genkis siblings. and haruna and ty are unaware they would been family to their kids. I think i lean on raiden and ikimi either arent related to genki or they were killed by something else. maybe they didnt get icarus follower powers so they were unable to enter the trial rooms?

--------------------------- Haruna and Damien share the same anger/despair towards the organization I realized. IF genki is harunas cousin that she isnt aware of. And it's revealed during nightstalker arc. Damien/william leaking out video about the trial room/genki (especially if it was the nightstalker organization that killed him. they killed him by forcing him in the trial room. i imagined how Damien would most likely add extra fuel to harunas feelings towards her own family. She Doesnt need genki to be upset towards her family. But i laughed at the crack of dami pulling a uno reverse on haruna. she upsets damien (he thinks she betrayed them + at least one city lost) and here damien might make haruna snap towards her family even more

i also laughed at super super crack of the characters taking harunas family on field trip destroying deity haruna.

I wonder about their punishment. Maybe they are kept alive and witness the organization destroyed. and then shown)informed deity haruna is destroyed in other worlds and the nightstalker powers erased?

If genki is harunas cousin... there should be some sort of justice for him and his family. and i'm certain haruna agrees. even though the nightstalker organization/deity haruna is a "shared enemy" for haruna and the others. Maybe harunas family can also be on that list. I'm certain they did the ambush scene. so them hurting genki and his family. is a thread to show they've done dark things in the past. and it can be interesting to explore, what happens to a nightstalker from high ranked family, who switch on icarus follower side.

I can imagine that "Betrayal" in itself. Makes harunas family even more aggressive on haruna. they dont want one more nishimoto tainting their name? and they probably also hope by getting ridd of harunas family. she will go back to them. there is more to this.

i wonder if harunas uncle/aunt was handed over to safe haven. since the organization did canonly hand nightstalker over as part of alliance. there are notes about it in the link this isnt needed. but i think its worth exploring.

If haruna wasnt even aware she had a uncle/aunt. I bet from family's response she will find out there is conncection. and based on other people reactions. i bet some will be mad that the people they looked up to had a "rebell" in the family and kept it secret. the others can tell her. i think i lean on she knows she has a uncle or aunt. she is lied to about what happened?

and i bet it hits haruna, that damien has basicly been honoring her cousin/family's name for years. While her own family hid "the shame". I think she will feel extremelely guilty in how she has treated damien and the others.

harunas family might be mobbed? if they find out the truth that nishimoto hid their own "traitor" especially of the nishimoto punished other traitors. who in reality. were people who wanted the best for the organization. freedom and truth. They were allies not enemies. like damien/icarus is.

if they are mobbed its the theme of them getting destroyed by what they created and are loyal to. but i also like the idea of them experiencing/seeing all they built will be destroyed. It's the end of nigthstalkers and birth of icarus followers/allies. (especially since nightstalkers has probably been close to making icarus followers instinct? poisoning their food and water supply. and then hunting them down to send them in deity trial rooms. maybe thats also why they might have created more icarus follower? like using harunas aun and her husband? to create ikimi and raiden?? or just in general create more offspring with icarus powers. hoping one would pass the trial rooms? (IF its canon they made more followers. i always imagined damien was planned to be used to create more energy manipulators. for omni energy powers alone. and especiallly when damien fused with icarus. but safe haven collapsed when damien got back.so they didnt get the recording or acess to icarus) In a way. Haruna would be a ally. It will hit her that her "enemy" has been honoring her family (genki's side of family) for years. while her own family destroyed things, like the ambush incident. so they lost one more child to "icarus" maybe thats also a part of the anger at cyrus in ambush scene? Rage of losing one child. (although they are in the wrong sfs they refused to walk away from their belief. and even tossing their family away. i'm positively surprised how connected haruna might become to damien. i didn't expect that with her. don't get me wrong. i still see her as a gremlin. but this helps disconnect my trauma to her even more. and make hess less of a gremlin sdff and it hits her that her family hid genki's family from her. and dami used that name. it would be hilarious if she got energy powers BUT she doesnt deserve that.she is a villain. if she had changed to civilian or hero. then she would have gotten the powers to be used for good fdfds just the spite makes me laugh. although there is raiden and ikimi fddfsfd they can have icarus powers. that would drive harunas family insane! hahahaha i think vic is the first one who gets icarus powers. and its interesting a deity get the powers. but it will be a trade if selcouth is returned to vic?? otherwise...holy shit that is even more op. but he can trust vic with it. so its not entirely impossible vic keeps the familiar. OR it's a trade. a part of selcouth with icarus. and icarus with vic! friendship bracelet fdsffds I like the idea of vic keeping the familiar but it's also not neccesary when fused with selcouth. unless selcouth stays with icarus. i lean on selcouth goes back. and sometimes takes control when neccesary or if others want to talk to him. like osiris/ty. i will make tab about this

Damiens question to haruna, might not be about "do you want me to spare your family" it might be changed to "do you want me to save your family?" if they are being mobbed by their own people? There is something horrifying imagine nightstalkers tearing each other apart. I dont know yet what will be their fate. It could be karma for them ripping cyrus apart?? I wonder if Damien will leak the videos about genki as he fights deity haruna OR when he is in japan. I think in japan? Then haruna is present? And I also got feeling during the fight with deity haruna. damien is busy showing them the truth about deity haruna. its like this Deity haruna: showing the truth about deity haruna when that battle is finished Nightstalkers in japan: show the organization world wide the truth about their organization. Especially harunas family. What they did to genki and his family.

i like the idea that genki is the first nightstalker that entered the trial rooms. maybe damien carried him. and if he was carried in. icarus DOES ask if they want to stay or go back so he gave a option to save genki. and genki wanted to go back. do what's right. and i dont think either one of them expected that genki would get killed, especially not so fast. i think damien didnt get much chance to process what happened?

--------------------- alternate reality genki

even though i hope i dont bring a character back. i can't deny i've always felt attached to genki. and with damien going in all those worlds. he will save genki in some world. preventing the same thing from happening in other worlds. and i laugh imaginig the spiderman meme of dami meeting a genki who is fused with icarus dsffdsdf Maybe the nightstalker organization killed damien in that world? i think they tried to kill dami in safe haven but he was protected by the other.s and the others might not been aware of the assasination attempts. might have been hidden as "accidents" or they didnt figure out who was behind these things.

----------- does damien use both genki and icarus name as hero names? Genki was the name to honor genki's memories. and he wanted to use a civilian name since dami didnt see himself as a hero. he saw genki as a hero. (which also makes it a bit wrong he calls himself genki. but i feel like its more right than wrong. especially since to haruna. realize he has been doing things in her cousins memories.

and if he uses both genki and icarus. he is stil honoring genki. and now he also sees himself as a hero. and can use icarus name + genki. ----------------------

Another reason it might have been hard to find out information about genki, for example being related to haruna. Maybe the organization erased those documents. + if they thought genki was icarus reincarnation. his files were classified. I think damiens files were classified too. maybe all icarus followers were classified in case if any of them were the reincarnation or accepted as vessel by icarus. -------------------------

me:idk if this is canon brain: i think you have decided... me: yeah....I'm very certain genki is canonly harunas cousin. I also like the idea of harunas family trying to "Bury" the truth. and the truth comes back biting them in the ass fdsdf I lean on he probably survived the trial room? and the organization killed him to stop him from telling the organization the truth.

One nishimoto causing destruction when alive, and the other causing it from the grave. I'm laughing. i got feeling, i will not be able to sotp myself from.. AU genki... by ending nightstalkers in all worlds. it means he will be saved in aus. and maybe also goofy spiderman meme of pointing fingers at meeting genki fused with one icarus.

i struggle a lot now with keeping him dead. i always knew i would struggle with him.

i wont bring back their genki. IF he gets back, it's AU genki. Maybe its just a sweet closure for them? to see him again and see him okay in the world they go in? I laugh at i can see dami be like "i'mma put him in my pocket and smuggle him back to our world" damien being apartment for souls fdsfd i will never say never at damien "smuggling" AU genki.

But i will also do my best to avoid it. Dont want to take away his impact. and i dont think it takes aways his impact. ------------------

Haruna's aunt is genki's mother?? Maybe haruna reminds her family of harunas aunt? Maybe the women has more pressure as shrine maidens? idk if the men are also prepared as vessels? Or maybe vessel for someone else? I think deity haruna had sisters? inspired by medusa.

I leave it open for the men. I think maybe the women has most pressure to become deity harunas vessels? And her aunt was trained/groomed like haruna? I wonder what her purpose was to leave the organization. maybe the high ranked nightstalkers are allowed more freedom to wander outside the underground city.

and maybe thats also why the family is even more controlling towards haruna? they dont want to "fail" in raising a deity haruna vessel? Maybe harunas aunt was given more freedom. Or she was rebelling in secret? It never felt "right" to her to be blindly loyal to a deity like deity haruna? Something felt off about it? Or she saw things that made her question who the true villains were. Maybe Genki's dad was taken by the organization to be sent to the trials? Or used to make icarus followers? Or maybe tortured for answers about deity haruna? And she let him go?

It's also possible harunas aunt fled her family and by coincidence bumped into icarus followers? Maybe she had heard rumors about icarus followers giving nighstalkers sanctuary. idk how high chance it is for those rumors to exist. maybe she heard her family talk about it? they are high ranked. and they werent aware she heard those rumors? if she was given freedom. thats why harunas famly controlled haruna so much? they refuse to make the same mistake in the family again (it would infuriate them that ikimi and raiden are so free. so maybe additional motive is to protect ikimi and raiden from the "poison" of icarus family. I can imagine it's humiliating for them to loose harunas aunt. and it would be even more humiliating if they "failed" another family member. --------------------- GENKI'S DAD DEATH

Scenarios were he might have died/been killed 1. dying trying to protect his family from nigthstalkers 2.safe haven (i think he might have been used to create more icarus/nightstalkers to be sent in trial room. like payton and mako 3 safe haven collapse 4. nightstalker organization 5the city that was nuked (then the nightstalker organization needs to play a role along with safe haven. joined team up

---------------------- WHAT DOES HARUNAS FAMILY LIE ABOUT GENKI AND HIS PARENTS DEATH (or more specificly, harunas aunt)

Haruna's aunt killed when safe haven collapsed:

Maybe harunas family told haruna that a icarus follower (maybe genki's father) killed her aunt? when in reality it was them who killed her? Or sent her to her death in safe haven. Fueling harunas hatred towarsd icarus and his followers? She thinks they killed her aunt? Not aware that her aunt fell in love and tried to flee from the organization. maybe the nightstalker damien destroy on the bridge were monsters harunas aunt were forced to make in safe haven? and maybe when safe haven collapsed. someone in the organization decided to kill harunas aunt? So she wouldnt escape and tell the organization the truth?And when she is dead. that give a backstory to why no one controlled the nightstalkers. i always assumed the person who made them was killed. -------------------- AU genki.

I realized with ocs saving au genki. maybe they let genki reveal the truth and then they take nightstalker powers away??


AU Harunas family

With au genki. comes au harunas family. so maybe it varies from au to au what harunas family's fate is?? Maybe in some worlds they are ripped apart by their own people? Especially if they ambushed cyrus? Its brutal but its deserved for every pain, deaht and destruction they have caused. i bet cyrus is one of many with that same brutal fate. and they werent lucky to get healed by someone, like cyrus was . cyrus was lucky vic was with damien and has healing powers. ------------------------------ Possible way for haruna to find out Genki is her cousin

IF genki survives the trial room. and they find genki's parents (I dont know what happened to the dad. It's possible he was killed by being sent to the trial room in the past. OR the next one. Used to create icarus followers with Harunas aunt. Like payton and mako was made. its' extremely dark. then again. It would make haruna furious to be lied about her aunt and to hear what genki's family has been through.

maybe in the video genki calls harunas aunt for mom. and haruna is able to recognice it as her aunt? Maybe thats where genki is shot?? Dami and genki just walked in right after genki's mother was killed?

Maybe genki's dad was killed too when safe haven collapsed? (Maybe he is the one who makes some sort of comment about being happy to see icarus/dami. i lean on it's genki. its sad to think about all the people icarus doesnt save. especially as followers. and genki's parents are already gone. I have gut feeling icarus would protect his followers. so maybe they were already dead when dami and genki returned.

Maybe in the video from the contact lense. Damien finds Harunas aunt dead, together with genki's dad (if they died when safe haven collapsed?)

OR maybe genki, his siblings and parents survived safe haven? There is something tragic about them disappearing in the orphanage like victors family and friends. it seems too convenient. then haruna would "share" the others trauma of loosing loved ones to the city. haruna will feel guilt and loss she was responsible for the city getting nuked no matter if genki's family was taken by the mutant who nuked the city or not.

The reason they might be taken by the mutant, is to show her aunt being happy with her family? Then again. Seeing her aunt dead with her husband. is also good enough in itself to say they loved one another. they died in each others arms. haruna would be furious if her family lied about icarus followers killed her. and instead if was her own family who killed her for falling in love and wanting to do what is right. reveal the truth,.


AU GENKI WHO FUSED WITH ICARUS I can't unsee the meme of "Genki, the last nightstalker"

Question: Why would he want nightstalker powers? IF he joins in destroying deity haruna or just the organization (I feel like the deities deserve it most to destroy her. Maybe he destroyed the organization and deity haruna once. OR just the orgainzation and kept deity haruna. Which could give a backstory to why the group bumped into genki. Unless he was the only nightstalker left + deity haruna) Maybe he keeps them until all nightstalkers are gone? Maybe he has nightstalker fusion appearance. send the message that the nightstalker are being hunted/destroyed by "their own people"

maybe damien plays a huge role to genki, like genki does to damien in the main world. I'ts funny to imagine "what it genki lashed out at the organization shortly after safe haven collapsed" but.. realistly. i think he will need time OR allies, like ty, vic, etc. or this icarus is helping more? I can imagin this icarus help more if rakel was killed by the organization dfsfdsfd i wonder if genki might be a bit more "horror" like in appearance (if i can create a bit horror theme design) almost like a nightstalker boogeyman like theme? -------------------- AU GENKI WHO FUSED WITH ICARUS Reasons I like Genki being fused with Icarus + part of harunas family I like that harunas own family created Icarus/genki (they played huge role in creating Icarus/damien

--------------- AU GENKI AND HARUNA I like the idea of genki redeeming Haruna. Which is what I might lean on HOWEVER Alternate possibility is that Harunas family knew who haruna is (idk if they know what haruna was or just pushed their wish for haruna to become the vessel. Becoming even more extreme since they lost harunas aunt to icarus followers. Aunt switching alliance.) this haruna was told the truth early on. And she was unable to break free from her family's control/brainwashing. she fused with deity haruna. Haruna was either killed by genki or spared and now held captive in genki along with deity haruna. To show it was a good thing haruna was kept in the loop in the main world? Since I often imagined that "it might have been best haruna didnt know. since that could have fed into her greed/power hungry mood. and then the theme becomes a nishimoto battle of the two monsters harunas family created. Deity haruna. and Genki/Icarus.

I also think its hilarious to imagine some aus (which is high chance of being canon) that damien is meme of "haruna. have you ever met your cousin genki?" Haruna: no?????>( dami: do you want to? >D *shows genki* and have genki reveal the truth. and haruna switch alliance there. and genki can redeem her in those aus

----------------------- Genki and his family are the sole nightstalkers left? When they die. (IF he has kids of his own. The nightstalker powers are taken away from them. So the nightstalker genes are passed on to next generation. (although, I can't deny that Genki could have been the one who started a new generation of nightstalkers and they are icarus followers. Denying deity haruna. But I think he might just want her gone so there is never a chance of next generation becoming corrupt for whatever reasons (although I know icarus would be keeping an eye on them) and why would they even want nightstalkers to continue to exist after all the torment that was created? Although its funny slap in the face to harunas family that the remaining nighstalkers are icarus followers.

There is also something neat about the nightstalkers ending with genki and his family. In other aus they were killed by harunas family to be silenced. And now they might be the last ones left. But i also got feeling if they are the last ones left. and if any nightstalker found out. they would risk being targets? and risk being used to get nightstalkers back? I bet there are still some extremely loyal nightstalkers out there. and Damien willl realisticly have created a lot of enemies by erasing their powers. Maybe its only genki left. since he has icarus to defend himself with. and if it ever came to it were he is in danger. he would erase those powers. or erase the powers when deity haruna is gone and the nightstalkers are handled. He destroys the nigthstalker part himself using icarus powers? ------------------------- GENKI AND HIS DAD ARE DESCENDANT OF THE WOMAN WHO HELPED ICARUS HEAL?

the only thing I think is sad, is that, just very tragic end to her descendants. however. They will most likely save genki in a lot of worlds by taking away nightstalker powers.

-------------------- harunas aunt

Maybe she was given more freedom? Or tasked to infliltrate Icarus followers group?Maybe as a test to become deity harunas vessel when the time came??

It's funny to imagine her husband knew all along her intentions wasnt good. He allowed her in since he wants to communicate with the nightstalkers and get peace.

and if harunas aunt had more freedom. Maybe that gives depth to harunas family being so controlling on haruna? and haruna is controlling on tyrek. she doesnt know better. -------------------

Did genki call himself damien as hero? Like how damien did with genki? Using genki's name?


I dont know how he looks like yet.

There is information about for and against Ikimi and Raiden are named after genki's siblings. (If he has siblings) I lean on he is descendant of that woman/Icarus follower in the image. Harunas aunt his his mother I think this will focus on Genki's family. The perspective of a nightstalker and icarus follower unite. And the tragic end a lot of those families had if the nightstalker organization found out and if they were able to capture them.

In the main AU he is gone (Of course. if i really wanted to. I could have said that genki decided to stay in the world that icarus lived in while dami went back. but that doesnt seem in character. Genki was offered "sanctuary" and he tok the risk of going back to safe haven. and that became his end )I havent decided when or what ended him. he might have perished in the trial rooms. but i like the idea of him being the first nightstalker in the trial room. and he is able to enter because damien carried him? so technically. it would be damien who would be the sole person to enter. but genki acess it because he was carried by damien.

OR Damien enters first. fuse with icarus. goes back to safe haven. and then take genki with him to the trial room? and genki decides to go to the organization? it's not smart.... maybe he was hunted down by harunas family? they would be searching for him and his family to eliminiate them and genki ----------------

When did genki fuse with icarus?

Did genki win the trial room? Or did damien go to the organization to tell them the truth about them worshipping wrong deity? and that caused the big fight that is in the main au world? Damien is 18. he was too inexperienced to win? He was taken down? and genki fused with icarus? taking over as icarus vessel.

If genki fused with icarus after safe haven broke down. then cyrus and alex most likely exist.rakel got pregnant dfsfds Maybe he raised alex and cyrus? Genki and rakel got together in that world? United for their love for damien? its also possible rakel stayed single. and genki helped raise them. taking father role. especially since icarus is the twins dad. so they would meet damien through icarus either going out of genki's body like the art i've done were icarus is holding baby cyrus. or genki allows icarus full control/posession. ---------------------------------- DID THE ORGANIZATION CREATE NIGHTSTALKER/ICARUS "Soldier" halfbreed or monsters? Maybe they tried to make nightstalker monsters more immune to energy? (which might make the old canon of damien struggling somewhat with nigthstalkers canon. I lean on damien didn't go full out since he saved energy for the bridge + couldnt risk getting more attention to him when he had rakel. he had to get her to sep first, and then he lit up. getting monsters attention ------------------------------


Maybe ikimi and raiden wasnt old enough to be sent in the deity trial rooms yet? Maybe the siblings were killed when the city was blown up? (so it's both safe haven and the nigthstalker organization that is responsible for the city getting nuked? It's also possible they died when safe haven collapsed?

then haruna can also connect with victor.IF she ever finds out who victor was in the past. Losing family to the mutant who nuked the city.

There is something tragic about genki's family surviving deity trial rooms, experiements etc. only to be taken by the organization. I want it to be harunas family who kill them. then they must share share responsibility with safe haven about the mutant who nuked the city. since i like that safe haven keep their word about there is no place for victors family to hide. OR her family was killed somewhere else in the timeline. Maybe Genki parents died when safe haven collapsed? Genki's siblings was taken in my victors parents/orphanage? it gives a connection that victors family helped harunas family? but then it still goes back to shared responsibility and then genkis parents might as well survive safe haven too, and they are taken by the mutant who nuked city.

i lean on i want it to be clear that harunas parents killed genki's family. Or ordered something into action that got them killed. ----------------------------------- Maybe this the order: Damien enter deity trial room Goes back to safe Haven. safe haven collapse damien is united with the group later damien shows the group + genki the truth?

maybe genki kept it secret he was going to tell the organization the truth? so damien deals with the guilt of getting genki killed? Or maybe genki was sniped down in front of damien?

i'm not a big fan of these. so i will keep thinking about when genki died. a part of me want damien to be the first to enter. and technicallly he would be first, if he carried genki. genki would not been able to walk by himself? or damien enters first and shows the trial rooms later. if he shows trial room later. then genki can also talk more about the organization and genki's death can also be a massive trigger to damien fearing the organization. genki (and his family?) getting killed. and damien has family and friends he does't want to risk loosing. and he doesn't know where they are etc (he doesnt have the powers yet to do something like tracking spell) -----------------


Maybe the warnings harunas family give is something like "don't be soft like your auntie was" They need to make up some story about her getting killed because of that softness. Maybe that she spared a icarus follower, and that follower killed her? Or maybe said she was sent to infiltrate but she got attached? Icarus followers found out who she was and killed her? i'm no about that as a specific "dont be soft story"

Maybe they made of some story about icarus followers taking her captive, did experiments on her etc. same story of what harunas family did to her aunti, only that it's icarus followers who were responsible?

Maybe her aunt was raised. and she was soft? or the polar opposite of haruna. Soft, kind, questioning her family and their belief? honest? So it's possible instead of manipulating the icarus followers (maybe she was sent to infiltrate but she never had the intention to infiltrate? she was honest about the start. Communication and find out the truth?

----------------------------------------- ANOTHER REASON HARUNAS FAMILY CONTROLLED HARUNA Maybe, Harunas dad, is the nishimoto bloodline? Maybe haruna only has uncles? Her aunt was the only woman in that generation? And if Haruna was the only woman born yet, then that could give more depht to how controlling they were on haruna. its also possible that haruna has sister/s and cousin who are women. so haruna is breaking them free from the grooming they all went through to become deity haurnas vessel

Maybe harunas aunt also broke under pressure from her family expecting perfection? The punishment for every small mistake she made? ....................... HARUNAS AUNT PROBLEMSOLVING BEING RAISED TO BECOME DEITY HARUNAS VESSEL AND PROBABLY DIDNT TRY TO INFILTRATE

i got feeling with harunas aunt was raised to become deity harunas vessel. They would most likely not send her on missions like infiltration. it might seem more likely that they would isolate her (which fits with how haruna abused ty. she isolated him, maybe that is also because she is used to her family doing that) protect her from any threats. I dont think they would want to risk loosing her. It's important to keep her allive for the purpose to become deity harunas vessel.

maybe harunas aunt realized the treatment she got from her family was abuse? so she fled? Difference between aunt and haruna is that haruna continues the abuse on others because that is what she was used to (but haruna will become better. and try to repair stuff she did, so she reflects later on. but nothing like her aunt since haruna is still a villain. her aunt wasnt a villain) ---------------------- HARUNAS FAMILY APPEARING "PERFECT" maybe harunas family are so extreme on perfection. since they use that "perfection" to show the organization how a nightstalker family is supposed to be? so the organization will feel deceived that nishimoto swept harunas aunt under the rug. to continue to keep their name perfect and continue to have control/power/trust in the organization.

I bet that a lot of nightstalkers (or at least the ones who rebell) will dislike how genki and his family was treated. + that they were lied about harunas aunt getting killed by icarus follower. i bet that even the nightstalkers who doesnt trust icarus followers. some might see it as "it benefits their cause" while others be angry that lies were used to fuel their distrust towards icarus followers + revelation the icarus followers were never enemis to begin with.their anger was based on a lie

Its possible that to keep people in cities. they lied to people about how dangerous icarus followers are? that they will be hunted by icarus followers? when in reality. its their own organization that hunted and killed them. (prevent people from leaving, so they loose their power) + fearing a rebellion (which seems very likely to be canon, that the final fight there is people rebelling because they found out the truth.

And i bet that there are those who were/are loyal to deity haruna but they dont want humans to be used as food source. --------------------------------------------------------------- GENKI FOLLOWING DAMIEN BACK TO MAIN WORLD. FOR AND AGAINST

I lean on genki stays in his own world? i have brough back a lot of characters but i cant deny i am tempted to have genki go in main au world. If his family is allive or/and raising the twin with/without rakel (without rakel would be if she died, she wouldnt willingly abandon them. I lean on she is allive if i need reason for genki to stay) If he leaves, he must have lost all family and friends (maybe thats why icarus fused. This is the world where Icarus take things into own hands for safe haven/the organization killing his family. Maybe damien transferred icarus to genki before he died? or damien died and genki request icarus fuse with him. AND there is the topic about Icarus being fused to genki. I think it would cause imbalance to have two icarus. Icarus would either need to use with genki or damien (the choice would be damien)

Or maybe icarus split and create icarus followers? Maybe the nightstalkers that were good and rebelled against other nighstalkers? Idk if icaurs needs to split to give others his powers. for example. like icarus hold a candle, and then you use the candle to lit another one. then both have a candle. OR icarus goes back to their main world were deities live? and he is ready to be summoned by whoever pass a deity trial room or someone who needs help? I often imagined a ancestor of icarus could summon him too if they needed his help.

---------------- HOW DID DAMIEN DIE IN GENKI'S WORLD? POSSIBLE CONCEPT IN DEITY TRIAL ROOM: possible ending to damien. IF the topic was self sacrifice. maybe genki decided to try to sacrifice himself (maybe damien hadnt figured out the topic yet? OR dami was doing some sort of goodbye speech. and genki tok the chance to stab himself. Damien wasn't fast enough to stop him. Damien was caught off guard by that swift action. Genki doing the self sacrifice. that got damien killed? (IF self sacrifice is canon in main world? if its canon in the main world. then its' damien who tried to sacrifice himself for genki. and genki gets killed or injured by the room. Maybe injured? although if it's the rooom that kills genki. its still harunas family who is responsible to his death. they hunted genki and his family and sent them to safe haven and trial rooms. or maybe genki grabbed the weapon from damien? or they battled over the weapon, and genki using his nightstalker powers was able to get the weapon and try to sacrifice himself for damien. Maybe genki and damien saw the other as the reincarnation? so it wasnt just damien who believed the other was supposed to live and survive. it was genki as well? they shared the inferiority complex fdsfd although even if damien knew he was a reincarnation. he would still not believe he was worthy to pass. he would still sacrifice himself for genki. if they were fighting to sacrifice themself for the other. then the person who "lost" will feel like they won when its revealed the person who failed to sacrifice themselves are killed or injured.

or maybe the topic isnt self sacrifice but faith/trust in their deity? and the boys assumed it was self sacrifice. had both used the weapon. both would not been injured by the weapon and accepted to be in the next trial room. --------------------------------------


Genki must be a very good person. He is probably a lot like dami/icarus. since icarus would have killed damien if dami was corrup in any way. or rejected damien or anyone who passed the trial, if he didnt think they were fit to be his vessel. Genki has to be someone who will do everything they can to make things right.



It will impact damiens inferiority complex and belief that genki is supposed to win, if genki looks and behaves like icarus. I think even if he doesnt look like icarus. Genki being the personification of what damien wished he could be. he would still hope and believe genki is the one who will and deserve to survive the trial room I realized that harunas family will most likely become furious/enraged if genki looks like icarus. And i can imagine it would cause them to internally panic. and also the disgust of a icarus reincarnation being born in their family. Maybe they saw/felt it as if icarus was mocking them? (Icarus had nothing to do with it fsdsf) haruna would be mad that her family was treated that way because of her own family's fear and hatred towards icarus. especially since genki wasn't the reincarnation. i think genki's fate was sealed because he has icarus follower powers (he probably has nightstalker powers too) (I keep seeing "genki the last nightstalker" meme -----------------------------------

Haruna loosing her own family in main world (mobbed by nightstalkers?) and getting genki and his family back

I dont think genki will come back to the main world by joining damien and the others to main au? then again. I can't deny its kind of sweet to think about haruna possibly loosing her family. she will loose them in some way. she rejects them. so that in itself is a loss. idk if they are mobbed and killed. and she gets her aunt, cousin/s back. and uncle (uncle through marriage. which is hilarious. the whole family who are icarus followers fdsfsdf if harunas family is allive. that would be so insulting to them. IF genki killed haruna (if its canon that she fused with deity haruna and became a "monster" that nishimoto family made. maybe genki is like "this haruna is better version than the haruna i was forced to kill" since if haruna was redeemed in genkis world or nicer than main world haruna. he might not be fond of her. i dont think he will like haruna as villain but maybe he tolerates it or hope she will change her ways. or happy she is at least better version than the one he has known. ---------------- Has haruna told anyone about her aunt? i feel like maybe to tyrek? but it might be fitting hypocritical moment for haruna if she hasnt talked about her aunt to ty or safe haven people. she gets mad at them keeping secrets /they have valid reason for that. her being deity haruna + she isn't trust worthy. she has used things against other people.

And she keeps her aunt secret too.

or maybe she tells damien that icarus followers killed her aunt? and damien looks into it? i bet if she said the name damien would remember the name if genki told him his parents names. HOWEVER: her aunt changed her name....so its possible haruna says the birth name, and not the new name she tok to flee from her family


Genki's death and evidence/truth of how he died If genki died in the trial room. Then Dami is guaranteed to have evidence to show how Genki died. If genki is killed by the organization and it's outside of safe haven somewhere. its harder to have proof? Unless genki's parents died in safe haven? or if william is hacking and able to find surveillance footage of the murder? so it might be fitting genki dies in the trial room? it adds to the brutality of harunas family being treated and being sent to their deaths to hide the family's "shame and au genki would technically be the first nighstalker to enter if this main world genki isnt helped inside the trial room (if genki dies, then there is no reason for damien to carry him to the portal. damien would carry genki's body out of the trial room to give a proper burial. ------------------------ haruna damien genki crack

i keep getting the crack image of haruna asking daien if he can tell her more about genki. and damien going " i can do you one better. I can let you meet him" (it would be alternate genki. but still i think she would have liked to meet him and her aunts side of the family if the others are allive

--------------------------- harunas parents moving to america 1. search for harunas aunt 2. to make sure harunas aunt stays in safe haven or get ridd of her if she breaks free ------------------------------- GENKI AU

1 idea is if: what if both dami and genki won the trial room. but then i'm very certain that would result in them one more icarus. they each get a icarus. i thought about "they could have said they are fine with icarus splitting" but i realized. i think they would have wanted that extra power. it would have forced damien to choose to leave. but that also makes it less impactful?? than if damien died?? OR they decide to "split" icarus. so they both can go home, than to force the other to leave? and when damien dies later. Genki gets the other icarus. and maybe that also created a connection. when damien died. genki sensed it? I can imagine it would create a very big emotional impact on him to sense it.

------------------ Possible death endings Damien alive Maybe genki answered, did something wrong? and that caused people to panic. leaving only damien left standing? since he didn't attack the creatures and answered the task correctly. like using symbols to extract energy? i bet that genki would be smart enough to figure out the corrupt energy, maybe he didnt do the symbols? so he ended up absorbing energy from the creature that wasnt corrupt? I bet its possible that someone could absorb energy without the use of symbols. like omni energy damien. but the symbols were meant as "foolproof" way of doing it? and i bet a lot of those sent in the trials were either young or not gained omni energy yet. or did genki die since one of his siblings was there? Maybe in reflex he might have attacked the creature or he tried to block attack meant at his sibling with his body and both genki and his sibling was hit. damien dead au maybe damien sacrificed himself for genki? his inferiority complex got the best of him? and that also add fuel to genki using damiens name?? maybe something happened in the au were damien died that made damien...make mistake? for example. if arin was in the trial room and she panicked. damien could have died protecting her? or maybe genki messed up. and damien tok a hit that was meant for genki???

----------------- super crack genki i also imagine the crack of genki revealing he is allive (and his family) and he didnt need to do much. the organization wrecked itself. but i dont want to do that. since damien and the others are showing the truth too. and i think there are a lot of self destruction going on in the battle but not THAT HUGE amount that i joke about in the crack

although. icarus fusing with genki. can be seen as 2 things for the organization 1. trick from icarus, to make it seem like he has fused with a nightstalker 2. they realize the fusion is genuine. and it's part of some of the proof that icarus isnt the enemy here. he gives anyone a chance. even nightstalkers that are supposed to be enemies. icarus doesnt see them as enemies. its them who see icarus as the enemy (because of lies they have been fed) and then they are causing chaos. which will make icarus respond. especially if they are attacking his family. or nuking a city.

------------------------------- Another way of saying honoring genki. is that safe haven group kept their memories allive. while harunas family tried to kill it/bury it down

--------------------- IF icarus split into icarus followers, then technically it would still be 2 icarus in that world. but maybe its less "bad" since genki isn't a icarus reincarnation? Or maybe genki and icarus kind of split. genki becomes a icarus follower with powers? That is still powerful or damien gives him another power. although i got feeling genki would like having a familiar. Because of his connection history to his family and icarus. And maybe also genki can always summon icarus? or if something happens to damien. genki will have that icarus. and i bet icarus in main world will protect genki too. maybe genki feels like "retiring" or taking everything easy.IF he joins the main world ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deity trial room used as meeting room. i like the idea of genki meeting the others every week or month? i bet they can meet in other worlds too. maybe they meet in trial room as starting point and then go to other areas if they feel like exploring worlds or having fun somewhere??

---------------------- HARUNA'S AUNT MAKING NIGHTSTALKERS AND PROOF SHE MADE THEM TO SHOW HARUNA Damien tok a lot of samples of the nightstalkers and the larvae. If harunas aunt made them. Then I'm certain the tests damien tok of those nigthstalkers and the poison haruna used in trying to kill them. Would reveal the poison from safe haven is family to haruna. Back then haruna was extremely furious at everyone. so it wasn't the best timing for damien to talk to her about it. and maybe he also wanted to find out answers on his own before talking to her? During the nightstalker arc. Damien shows the organization genki and his family. and all the nightstalker stuff he found in the past? maybe william was able to hack and find more information? maybe haruna opens up about her anger towards icarus and his followers is that they killed her aunt? and damien thinks about the poison from the nightstalkers that he tok samples from when safe haven collapsed? Then again. Haruna has family in america. maybe there is something that makes damien want to find out more information? -------------------------- Harunas family punishing people who are family to the "traitors

If harunas family punished those who are family or friends to traitors. or if they wonder if they are traitors too. If they did. that would also anger the organization. that nishimoto family has "fled" from punishment/investigation they should have gone through for harunas aunt being a "traitor" -------------------- harunas family captures icarus follower? Maybe harunas aunt witnessed how they treated him? it made her question the organization. reflect about how the organization isn't behaving like "the good guys" Maybe her family was trying to teach her how to handle icarus followers? i dont think they killed them. since they need them for trial rooms. maybe they were torturing to find out if he knew other icarus followers and if he knew where they were. even if he knew anything. he wouldnt tell anything. However, if he is captured. they need something for the familiar. The familiar would be protecting him. and they are powerful creatures... so maybe its easier story that harunas aunt fled from the organization and then bumped into genki's dad? Maybe met him in america?

-------------- Genki and damien conflict in the deity room: Maybe genki believes damien is the reincarnation. and talks about damien should be the one to pass the next room. while damien believes genki is the reincarnation + also believes that even if damien was the reincarnation. damien doesnt think he is good enough to survive and walk the next room. its genki who has earned it

I don't know yet what was genki's fate in any of the aus. If it's the same as damiens world just reversed roles. or if things went differently. for example. if damien tried to tell the organization the truth when he is young, and that got him killed? as a way to show that the characters did the right thing by not confronting the organization too early? Or did genki die in the trial room? and in genki's world it was damien? roles reversed.

ONE possible way. Is the topic about showing to be willing to sacrifice themselves for greater good (or it was showing faith in deity, and they mistok it as sacrifice. Its also possible they both entered the last room in genkis world. I like the idea that damien in main au is the first to acess it. it's important for his plot to show he is stronger than what he thinks.

------------------------------------ I also like the idea of damien getting in fight with the nightstalker organization by trying to tell the truth. its possible damien won against the organization. it cost him his life. since genki got so far in the trial room as he did. he was offered the option to fuse with icarus. and genki agrees. picking up the mantle after damien (and then main au damien sees he did the right call to avoid the nightstalker organization like he did in their world) i also cant get ridd of the meme of genki revealing he is nishimoto and fused with icarus. revealing the truth. and seeing it self destruct. genki being fused to icarus. he was created because nishimoto hid the truth. i see the meme of "My job here is done " "you didn't do anything" *walks off with cape flying" as genki, revealing the truth and walking away. --------------------------------- Maybe haruna's mother is nishimoto family? and maybe she has more aunts? Maybe if there are more women in the family. they "normalize" the abuse even more? Making haruna think this is normal family stuff??? I also lean on maybe there wasnt many women in the family, so when there was born a woman. The nishimoto family would become very controlling. even the family,. So maybe in the ambush scene. it's one of the older nightstalkers in the nishimoto family? uncle, aunt, grandparent? maybe uncle/aunt or parent to haruna. ---------------------

Paintberri text: Older Concepts: https://toyhou.se/26722657.genki/26739224.older-concepts

One part of me lean on this as his "older"design. So that former zagan has a design My brain: what if it's not harunas aunt. but uncle? Although i feel like it's best fitting that it's harunas aunt that is from nishimoto line, unless both men and women were groomed to become deity harunas vessel.I need to find out if men and women were groomed for the same thing or different task. I still lean on it's harunas aunt. since i got feeling it will make harunas family's control worse on haruna. especially if they look similar. Back to genki design.IF genki looks like icarus. It's not just damiens inferiority complex that will hit in (i wonder if genki will have insecurities too. i will get back to that) and nishimoto family https://toyhou.se/26722657.genki/26739318.genki-icarus-au

will most likely become furious/enraged if genki looks like icarus.Probably cause them to internally panic. and also the disgust of a icarus reincarnation being born in their family. Maybe they saw/felt it as if icarus was mocking them? (Icarus had nothing to do with itharuna would be mad that her family was treated that way because their hatred towards icarus.especially since genki wasn't the reincarnation. i think genki's fate was sealed because he has icarus follower powers (he probably has nightstalker powers too) I keep seeing "genki the last nightstalker" meme (Genki might be the last nightstalker left until all nightstalker powers are erased in all worlds.i wonder if he kept nightstalker powers as a way to get back on the on the organization. although he could have publicly erased the nightstalker powers and then fought the organization, i think i lean on he will be last nightstalker left, and he probably erases the power himself when he is the last one.
