Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Osiris Temporary Fusion)



4 months, 15 days ago


I've seen art where osiris asks to fuse with victor. i got a idea. Osiris is either saying it as a way to express his disegreements with tyrek and/Or osiris can genuinely fuse with others like Damien, Rakel, Cyrus etc.

you know things are bad between osiris and tyrek when osiris tries (maybe he succeeds?) to fuse with damien. Or use damien as a temporary vessel (Which means he succeeds)

I know safe haven tried to split tyrek and osiris apart. Even though Tyrek probably wanted him gone (he might have wanted tyrek to be fused in him for two reasons: survival. the fear of being used as sacrifice again. and that is maybe the most traumatic incident in tyreks life. 2: with osiris power, he can help his friends. He felt useless when he didnt have power. 3. osiris refused to let go of tyrek, even taking the risk of accepting dying with ty, so Osiris is holding on to tyrek. Probably accepted death since he would reicarnate and he refused to allow safe haven have acess to his powers.

One person i feel top 5 list most bad for. and that i dont say much about. is osiris. It's torture for him to see tyrek and haruna hanging out together. It get's worse when tyrek and haruna date and become a couple, married and have kids. Osiris adores the kids but he hates haruna is the mother, when they are reincarnations of gyllene and osiris children fdsdfssdf

With Victor gone. And tyrek dating haruna. Maybe its when tyrek and haruna are intimate that osiris snaps. i can see him leaving befoer they are about to be intimate since he want to block that out (Although I got feeling he can sense what is going on but it probably helps to get some space OR temporarily fuse with Damien.

So he leaves to fuse with damien fdssfdsdf

I can imagine him barging in the schmidt house. Damien/icarus is most like the only one who can see him. (Osiris can choose if he wants people to see him or not)

And Damien is intimidated seeing that massive giant come charging at him. I think he fuses with Damien like he did with tyrek here: https://toyhou.se/4561951.osiris/4561960.safe-haven#39961998

idk if damien is knocked on the ground or tumbling backwards. I think he might tumble, and icaruas jumps inside damiens body from the other side. it might look goofy for rakel and the kids. Maybe the kids think dami and icaruas are doing something goofy to entertain the kids? I can see dami make it seem like playing? and if lu is there. asking if lu can create illusion of icarus while damien/icarus leaves to talk somewhere more private. I lean on damien might have a goofy smile to not alarm the kids but the adults can tell he is freaking out about something. They probably heard him say "osiris?" before starting doing weird motions.

It's amusing to think osiris is basicly hating himself since ty is a part of him. osiris fusing or trying to fuse with damien isa way to show that it's possible for fusion to happen? or how it might look like to have two deities inside a body fdsdsfdsf its also to show how bad it was for osiris and ty. That Osiris abandons Tyrek.

i can imagine osiris suggesting that he can split his soul for rakel and the twins. be a guardian of some sort fdsfdsdf Or saying anything related to damiens weakness. Dami will do anything to protect his family. However. He doesn't know osiris well enough? plus if he fuses with the twins, it should be the twins choices. I don't think damien would mind having osiris nearby as a guardian. As long as Osiris didn't fuse with anyone.

And maybe rakel doesnt know about osiris? or not enough to trust a fusing with osiris? It's also possible she wants privacy and rejects the offer if she was given the offer. + I bet she has the same views as Dami and Icarus. That osiris should be with ty.

I can see damien instantly go "no, you can stay here. I'll be your vessel at the moment." to avoid the topic of osiris fusing with anyone in his family. let him get a break from tyrek for a brief moment. I can also imagine icarus saying stuff like "this is even more reason to not leave tyrek's side" Tyrek needs osiris more than ever and icarus believes osiris isnt thinking rationally. Maybe also thinks that, even if this seems like the best option for osiris at this moment. It might not be best for Tyrek and/or osiris.

And i bet icarus would also be like "at least ask for damiens permission before barging in his "house" sdfsdfds

i can see osiris talk about stuff like "you wont even notice i'm here" as a way to convince that it wont be chaotic to have two deities.

I am split about damiens reaction to ty. I think i lean on damien being soft/gentle approach since ty is a mess after losing vic??

and/or if ty is being mean. it's a bit funny to imagine the tough love damien. (i can't unsee him as avatar last airbender with energy manipulation and earth fsdsdf )

it might be a bit comedic with damien being fearless stubborn tough love mode. since right now. ty has no powers. and damien has energy and earth manipulation + invulernability dfsdf I can see ty appreciate having peace and quiet, since I can see osiris be non stop fighting him about haruna. giving him no rest at all. So i can see him be happy with osiris being gone. He wants damien to be the next vessel. I can imagine him either trying to gently pushing damien out (if he doesnt stop nagging about taking osiris back or communicate with osiris) or ty might try to leave the house. i can see damien maybe in comedic way be like "no, you sit down" and use his earth powers to lock tyrek to a chair/couch. have the chair wrapped around him. and force ty into a "therapy session" of trying to get osiris and ty to talk and/or fuse back together

i keep wondering if osiris can just leave althogether?? Maybe he doesnt leave since he hopes ty will change his mind? or maybe because he still has others around that he cares about?? Maybe even icarus convinces him to stay? talking about ty needing him + osiris helping with keeping the world balanced by being there?? (maybe icarus sees harunas existance as balance too, she is kind of on the destruction side of balance since she is doing villain stuff) I lean on osiris stays because he cares about the people and deities that are around him. Maybe he has a preference of fusing with a vessel? thats why he fused with damien? Or that he fused with damien to get a break and distraction from haruna. Block out whatever Haruna and ty are doing.

the reason osiris appears humanoid is to avoid the possible plot hole in the story of "why doesnt damien find out the oni masked villain is tyrek?" if I decide that damien doesnt know. (i guess its possible that icarus could block that memory?? ) AND i bet he appears more humanoid as a attempt to build trust? and also show his intent isnt anything bad. That's also why icarus has humanoid features and missing the wings. They are both not genuinely fighting each other. It's more like a friend trying to stop another friend from making a bad decision and find out what is upsetting osiris in the first place. although i bet icarus already knows its most likely about haruna since i bet osiris talked about the frustration and anger at ty for getting close to haruna.

i got feeling osiris is basicly a passenger in damien. but it might be interesting to one day do a fusion design between the two?? since i bet they fused in the past too. and its possible they temporarily fused until osiris went back to tyrek. especially if damien is using osiris powers to prevent tyrek from avoiding osiris and probably dami and icarus too. it's funny to imagine damien could kick tyreks ass if he wanted to fssffsd but he won't fsd he is just fearless facing tyrek. although i dont think ty would hurt him anyway.

i could see damien also be like "you can use me as punching bag if you need to let out steam" but i think he would be more like "don't punch me, it wont hurt me, but you risk breaking your arm" since it would be very painful for ty to punch dami with vulnerability

although i could see goofy scene of ty punching damien, and dami is just "why??? i thought you knew better than this to not punch me" since ty has had those powers for years, so he should know its not smart to punch damien

it's cute to imagine osiris allowed to stay with the schmidt, and that he and icarus plays with the twins. a good break from ty for osiris. letting osiris cool down. (since i bet tyrek is on a date with haruna or something) so it's bad timing to barge in tyreks apartment anyway dfsddf betterv to wait the next day.

i could see a crack? of damien wondering about letting osiris stay because of the kids fdsf he is on icarus side. it's best osiris is with ty.

To clarify Ty not hurting damien. At most in safe haven he soft kicked him in the pool or squishy cube room (cube room for skating/flying practice) when he complimented Dami for not being anything like lu. Damien replying "i hear that a lot" and ty replying annoyed "I meant that as a compliment"

--------- The tab is extremely rough I felt like it's better to toss out the information so people know Icarus and Osiris aren't fighting. It's about Osiris having enough of Ty getting close to Haruna sdf It feels like a betrayal that Ty ignores Osiris words. Although Ty is on self destructive path when he lost victor.

I also crack up that Safe Haven were unable to seperate osiris and ty in safe haven. Safe haven should have just snatched Haruna and got her to date Tyrek in Safe Haven. Haruna: the osiris repellent fsddfdsf (Although I got a feeling Osiris would yeet haruna if they put her in safe haven

I keep seeing this meme: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/f0huI_wZ6UE

haruna: what do you want to eat? Osiris: Haruna's soul Ty: a bagel osiris: no! Ty: two bagels

--------- The tab is extremely rough I felt like it's better to toss out the information so people know Icarus and Osiris aren't fighting. It's about Osiris having enough of Ty getting close to Haruna sdf It feels like a betrayal that Ty ignores Osiris words. Although Ty is on self destructive path when he lost victor.

I also crack up that Safe Haven were unable to seperate osiris and ty in safe haven. Safe haven should have just snatched Haruna and got her to date Tyrek in Safe Haven. Haruna: the osiris repellent fsddfdsf (Although I got a feeling Osiris would yeet haruna if they put her in safe haven

I keep seeing this meme: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/f0huI_wZ6UE

haruna: what do you want to eat? Osiris: Haruna's soul Ty: a bagel osiris: no! Ty: two bagels

------ Although now I can't unsee the crack of Osiris barging in to grab Haruna's soul. However, if Icarus has the soul. it's in Icarus body sdffdsfd

Although I guess Icarus might have just split his soul a bit if he plays with the kids. or completely outside of damiens body since he is playing with the kids and charge in damiens body to defend damien and stop osiris. It's also possible Osiris wanted to use damien as a vessel and then asks for harunas soul. I think the reason he hasn't killed haruna is because ty is friends with her. It is out of respect for ty he hasn't one shot her dffs