Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Lu Sabotage Escape Plan)



3 months, 1 day ago


lu escaping safe haven toyhouse text, impact on damien victor, tyrek and others in safe haven Tab Concept: https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26189636.lu-sabotage-escape-plan

Art Concept Page: Tab 1: When they try to escape and something happens were Lu accidently sabotage the escape plan https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26189633.lu-sabotage-escape-plan-1

Tab 2: The consequences of trying to escape. Like people getting hurt (and most likely punished in someway. Like Vic and Charlotte is wounded, provoking Osiris to take over and fight back https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26189634.lu-sabotage-escape-plan-2

tab 3: Lu coming home and if family believe him or not (and also probably more about how it impacts safe haven characters too from their POV https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26189869.lu-sabotage-escape-plan3-home ------------------------------- Lu escaping is the biggest plothole in safe haven story. i like that he was there, so ty makes the comparison here: https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26128479.nothing-like-lu

of course Ty could have seen lu on the news but i ike that ty compares them. especially since he push damien away in the beginning because they are siblings. there is explanation about that in the link above.

Safe haven tab super wip: https://toyhou.se/11770655.safe-haven-concepts

Mirabel also has some notes about her possible role https://toyhou.se/14262650.mirabel

Its extremely wip. i have notes scattered everywhere. --------------- Possible timeline switch note about damien inferiority complex: damien will also talk about how they would be better off if they had lu instead of him And with tyrek talking about lu is the reason they are here. Maybe this is what motivats damien to burn william? 1. he wants to make up for what lu did 2. he takes tyreks words to heart 3. Damien gains a bit more faith in himself because of tyrek's words. Making him more bolder and braver. To mark william and accepting any consequences his actions might cause. (and maybe this plays a role in why tyrek stops victor from trying to stop william and damien from fighting? (I always had headcanon that tyrek stop victor because he has a gut feeling damien might be planning something? Then again, i do also like the image of shock from ty when he sees scientist running and they suspect damien did something. the shock can also be from how quick damien caused trouble for william. and also, if ty suspect something, then its possible the scientist might suspect something too? although i bet they are busy supervising all the test subjects + and fell for damien trick like william did.

i'm also okay with tyrek realizing damien is nothing like lu when damien succeeds in sending message to rakel (to family and friends) by marking william.

-------- ty stopping victor from tryin to stop the fight I lean on victor is about to rush in or cast magic to stop them from fighting ty grabs victors shoulders and maybe says something like "Let them let out some steam" and based on tyreks subtle face or slight squeeze on his shoulder. (he can't do too much, so maybe his face is neutral but he tightens his grip slightly on vic. and the slight squeeze is a way to secretly communicate. vic pauses, looking at ty and stands by, ready to heal damien when the fight is over. and charlotte is ready to heal william. (not sure of charlotte sees the scar or not. i lean on maybe she doesn't? although its funny to imagine her smiling (when time has passed, and they assume william is away from safe haven) and the others are confused what she is happy about. they might also be confused about damien too. he might seem scared? then again. i lean on he plays it as cool as possible. or they assume he is scard of william. dami internally: scared for williams safety, fearing rakel might impulsively kill him (which she almost does fdsdffd)

-------------------------------- CONCEPT: MAYBE, this is the result of lu sabotaging their escape plan??

I don't know HOW lu could escape if he is their age? Although Lu being young could explain why people might not believe lu? I bet he often made up all kinds of stories for heck of it. i think damien believes him because damien has the energy sensing. (and maybe also lu's family?? especially with damien sensing things. but its also possible damien is much less correct in sensing since he is young. however i imagined that energy sensing is damiens talent since he is such a sensitive kid. and maybe mirabel, leon, and caleb know lu well enough to know he is telling the truth? but they don't dare to go against a behemoth as whatever kidnapped their son. lu might be too young to remember where he fled from too, maybe it was dark? and he is focused on running. and he doesn't have good memory or sense of direction. schmidt: doesnt have evidence (other than lu was gone but that can be explained as something else, like a kid running off and making up a story) and they dont know WHO even tok lu. i do wonder why safe haven didn't come back for lu

OR maybe there is also someone in safe haven who helped? icarus follower? i wondered if there was a icarus follower (or maybe a follower of lu's deity? i bet that icarus and his family are worshipped together. even though icarus and i bet pandora, cyrus isnt fond of being worshipped. i bet lu deity loves the attention fdsfdsfd

MAYBE, they were sneaking through a tunnel, or vents?? and lu (he has adhd i bet that makes him clumsy, especially when he was young) accidently does something like a sneeze or bump into something. And since lu was maybe among the first in line. (and also wearing a suit boosting his powers, maybe reality warping??? if he wears a suit, that is the only evidence his parents has that he was taken. and if the police are being weird. the shcmidt knows this is something to stay away from to protect their family. and i bet they also might be scared to go to police. they might suspect by how "fancy" the place is. that it has the facade of something that is accepted out in the open. that there is corruption and they need to be careful who to trust. so maybe lu was among the first in line. and maybe he was the only one who escaped because he wore a suit? either he tok it on (maybe that plays a role in the sabotage?? lu got distracted by a suit, and put it on fdsfdsfd and he make some noise by accident. MAYBE the suit was supposed to be thrown away? maybe it was malfunctioning? either because the tech wasn't working properly or it had been used and was unstable from being used in combat. and lu puts it on. that way, there is mystery to the suit? (maybe this also plays a tiny role in sparking even more science in damien? although i lean on his parents play a role in that, + leon is a teacher. so he might have a impact. i think leon is history teacher??

i think caleb might be scientist? (IF he is. maybe he makes his family stay quiet since he has heard rumors about there existing shady science organizations?? or maybe he is lawyer?? so he has seen all kinds of corruption? or maybe mirabel is lawyer? i need to find a job that requires travel as she might have met leon due to job. OR it was vacation to germany. Caleb can't know too much, since otherwise they would not let damien and rakel study in safe haven. They are not aware safe haven tok lu. If lu came back with a suit. I can imagine damien want to figure out what mysteries it contains. It's also possible that Victor's dad cast a memory spell on lu? afraid that whatever lu said to others might put the others in more danger?? so it's possible lu doesn't remember anything?

I do also like the idea of lu talking about it and damien connects the dots about safe haven most likeley kidnapped lu based on the stories lu shared.

i think schmidt are afraid to go to the cops. they probably went to the cops since lu was taken and nothing happened. so they were lost in what to do. --------------------------

SCIENTIST NPC - Could be a follower of deity Lu or Icarus and his family (Deity Lu is Icarus Half brother in Deity past

-Maybe the scientist knows about safe havens plans for victor and the other deities? - Safe haven most likely knows lu can reality warp (as a reason they grabbed him)


He managed to escape since they didn't know that his powers could develope into reality warp, and made mistake to give him a suit that boosted his powers (maybe to test his powers, and find out what he could do. But then it defeats the purpose of lu sabotaging escape plan? Since then they would need to act a escape when lu reality warps with the suit on.

it sounds more like they had a plan for awhile , and lu ruined it

I lean on maybe a scientist found out the plans someone had for the deities (i bet there are conflict in what divisions wants, which is in safe haven tab i need to work more on)

And they focused on getting lu out. maybe they got lu out before safe haven found out he has reality warping power? He didn't want safe haven and victors planned deity team to have the assistance of a reality warper Maybe they are someone like william with technology powers? So they hacked to enable people to escape?

Maybe they were killed by safe haven? so safe haven gets to experience loss as consequence (maybe vic and charlotte are wounded because they tried to protect the person or attacked as reaction to loosing the person who tried to help them?? If the scientist lost their life, it gives even more reason for ty to be hesitant towards damien and have some spite towards lu for awhile. and needing time to forgive

it's also possible that the scientist hid their actions so well, that everyone think lu escaped, when in reality it was someone who helped lu get out? and lu has illusion powers to to give extra help.