
Kenopsia or Keno for short is a post-golden age saga that follows the adventures of a series of promising, bright, and scientifically minded college students from quiet suburbia who discover that what they thought would be attendance at a normal university, is anything but. They are furthering their education by going to the City aka The Cleanrooms to do more "new-age and hands on" learning. In their academic pursuit, they learn fantastic science, find old technology, fight against existentialism, battle with enigmatic villains and learn to live on their own. It's not all doom and gloom though for they do find their own ways to have fun and adventures. This larger story encompasses each student's adaptation or subsequent failure to do so. Mentors to these students are there to assist these students as well and as much as they can. This is not always successful.

In addition to the university, a variety of amusing and atypical City inhabitants or "denizens" are dotted around the urban hellscape. With each encounter of these denizens, something certainly seems ... off with each one of them. Each have their own story to tell. A store clerk, a barista, a play director, etc.

The story contains psychological, existential, unsettling, liminal, depressing, and wholesome elements all in one. This story manifests not only in the art here but also as budding novel that is currently being written.

A separate yet chronologically simultaneous story, the Western Desert one, concerns another young man, out to find his meaning in the arid wasteland. A quest to understand his condition and his past.

So welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay and maybe even pick a favorite character of yours~

rebel narcissist anti-hero brawler Spunky Smart Chonk joker depressive genius protestor chonk manipulator bdsm Chronology punk tomboy Kind cook sports loner unemotional past-peak cheery safety scientist bunny chronological Protagonist Driven Energetic Sweet Happy silly grump jock conductor prideful inventor sona insane Grumpy Idealist Loud Soft Silly puns asexual professor himbo trains ego submissive outline arsonist