Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not?

I do use tags! I use my folders for basically which fandom or story-verse each character belongs to, so the tags usually are for more general things. Gender, type (humanoid/anthro/feral, for instance), RP (those that have the RP tag are open for it), and original species are some of the most common tags I use. If the characters are part of a fandom, I will also list that fandom as a tag, as well as their specific race/species if applicable, so that interested people searching for those tags might come across my characters. :)

I find them most useful for grouping up characters in ways outside of the folders I've put them in. For instance, if I want to show someone all my anthro characters, or all my female characters, I can do that easily.

Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most?

As far as deliberately causing mischief and mayhem, Rich is the one who enjoys that most. He is amoral and really doesn't care how he affects other people for the most part, so he finds it amusing to unleash his latest projects on the world and watch authorities scramble to clean up the mess. Making chaos and watching others' reactions is incredibly entertaining to him. He doesn't deliberately try to hurt other people unless they are an imminent threat to him, but he wouldn't feel bad if someone did get hurt.

I'd have to say that Koyasha is the one who likes deliberately causing pain and torment for others. She is very sadistic and has no qualms about killing others, but if she can torture them (either mentally or physically--or both), that is even more amusing. She will go out of her way to target specific people she holds a grudge against, and then will use and harm everyone close to them to torment her target all the more. Anyone and everyone she takes notice of will probably be affected by her cruelty eventually.


Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most?


I have a lot of yōkai characters, and they're just kind of naturally inclined toward mischief... some more, uh, murdery than others. Kasume probably kills the most people regularly... though Kabaki is no slouch either, he doesn't go after living people most of the time? He drags corpses down to a hell-like place to suffer, yep. Both of them are just like HNNNGH HUMANS so there ya go.

On a less murder-inclined area... Tane and Hachisui are troublemakers who just like teasing others. Tane not so much anymore, because he had a bad time when he accidentally hurt someone, but Hachisui loves dumping water on that above-mentioned Kabaki as well as others. Humans, yōkai, doesn't matter. If he can tease them, he will!! Now Jieimuzu is like straddling the line between violent and benign trouble. He hasn't killed anyone but uh he sure does like seeing humans get frightened and he takes it too far because he really doesn't know what the limit is. Oops.

Gaskin and Sasha love causing trouble for their caretakers, so to speak. Gaskin knows Cat isn't good with people in his space so he loves just getting in it, tormenting him, other stuff like that. Out of affection?? Sasha just likes doing violent shit and also chases off most people who get close to Noce out of selfish jealousy HAHA. God... So many characters not unlike grown children, send halp pls.


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

(don't worry, they won't know anything about all of the suffering you've undoubtedly put them through! that's another question. so is which universe in general you'd want to be stuck in the most... and the least... listen i got a lot of questions lined up)

I'd probably go with Hadris! Aside from the fact that he's just a cool dude and everyone's dream Villain Dad, his realm is huge and awesome and the gateway to all of my other OCs. No that's not cheating YOU'RE cheating leave me alone ):<

Memen would also be a lot of fun to hang out with, but it would totally kill my chances at being friends with Hadris and co., and co. is a pretty large group of people. I also want to pet Kanon because he's super fluffy and adorable, but I don't think I'd last a day in the universe he's from. Or, like, three hours.


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

Oh crap this is a hard question

Griffin or Willa probably, they're both really chill and friendly and probably give good hugs. And with Griffin he's also rich and could afford nice things and be a fun conversation. Willa might be fun to go to the beach with or something, maybe a hike, she's also a little sweetheart. They are in the same universe and country so I'd be a similar experience but they would both just be chill and fun.


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

Hands down, definitely Neoka. I love him so much, even if my sort-of persona will never love him back. XD It's the least I can do for putting him through so much crap, and he's just so dang loveable no matter how much trouble he ends up getting into. Besides, when doing less serious writing pieces for friends and stuff, he and I tend to break the 4th wall enough anyway. ("I feel like this joke was copy-pasted from somewhere else..." "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" "Nothing..." or "Why do you always wear the same outfit all the time? Do you just have multiple copies in your closet or something?" "Excuse me, it's not my fault the artist is lazy." "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" "Why do you have to be so omnipresent at the worst times? I'm trying to have a conversation here." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TRYING, DO YOU NOT LIKE MY DIALOG" "Gah.")

Apparently I'm a very loud creator of the universe. XD The only thing I'd have to worry about when visiting is all the trouble he seems to get into and Isaac wanting to murder me with an axe because I'm apparently a man-stealing home-wrecking floozy. But that's what I get for appropriately naming a character Insanity.


I gotta catch up with all of these questions! I'll do it later xD

Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

Jinx, definitely. One reason is that she doesn't really have a universe. She can travel from one to another, hang out there for a while, and then go to another one. It takes up a lot of her power, though. (Not because I needed to dumb down her powers a bit what are you talking about.) I imagine there's a universe for each of my fandoms heheh. Whenever I can't think of a character to put in one of my fanfics or fandom roleplays, bam, there she is. So she's met the Doctor, the Avengers, Sherlock, and probably more. I don't really need to make AUs for her, because she can travel to them! Another reason is because without all of her abilities and tragic, cliche backstories, she's me. Some of her personality traits are more exaggerated than mine, but still. She's very similar to me, which is why I love her so much!

Di CeloTheImpossible

Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

I would probably choose my precious bby Di, mostly because of how sweet his backstory is. In short: I want to meet him pretty much just so that I could hug him. And since he is in one of my main OC universes (the card holder universe) I could easily see the other characters, as well.



Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

Mero! I want to go join his club and hang out in his club room and watch him practice his magic. 8)


Continuing on from the last question...

Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

(You can answer the second part if your answer for this question is different too if you'd like! Just want to give people who'd have the same answer something to do lol)

This time I'd probably go with... maybe Thyx? He's pretty likeable, and while he kind of ends up being the punchline to every joke and hasn't had very good luck he's also very forgiving and takes everything in stride with the power of his Unbreakable Shonen Spirit. Barazia might work too, because his story isn't super developed yet so at the moment I've pretty much just given him the good life and let him keep it. also he is a very pretty snake demon leave me alone


Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

Iskalon, for sure. He'd be so chill with the fact I am basically his god and probably try to butter up to me to learn more about the world and get him more power, ect. He isn't really angsty and hasn't been through anything he'd hate me for, if anything he'd respect me for making him a narcissistic  asshole. The biggest problem he would have would be the idea that I had control over him the entire time and probably get annoyed as if his decisions were no longer his own. He'd probably be the most chill and least awkward about the idea.


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

Of course i would choose Ceil

he has always been by far, my favorite of all my current charas. Ive had him for quite a while and, frankly hes the only design (out othe designs that i have created) that I actually enjoy.

I see him as a soft, sweet, and yet somewhat cool at the same time. Although quiet and nervous most of the time, he would still prove to be great company. c:


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

I guess it's kind of biased (I love this boy way too much), but I probably would choose Alexander. Partially because his universe is the Pokemon world (which I don't think I'd mind visiting~), but also because he's one of my most developed characters. From how I've developed him and what I know, I think he'd be a very sweet person to get along with. I think I'd feel very comfortable around him, and enjoy conversing with him. I can only hope that we wouldn't meet under unfortunate circumstances--he IS a thief, and I am not sure how I'd feel if we had to meet while he was taking my things. xD;

But as a runner-up, I think I'd love to meet Siegfried. Technically his story is in the modern day with more supernatural elements, so I wouldn't be travelling too far. :) Even though he is a vampire, I don't think he would be that dangerous to approach; he is reluctant to harm others unless given no other choice. I just think he'd be great to talk to--he has the wisdom and experience of centuries, is gentlemanly and compassionate... and has a delightful German accent. Listening to that would probably be enough for me. <3

Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

Hmmmmm. I would still want to meet the previous OCs in the last answer (Alexander and Siegfried), but that would be such an awkward conversation with them knowing I purposefully chose all the bad stuff that has happened to them, and waited so long to present them with some happiness. I want to think they would be understanding about it, that they are who they are because of the events of their life, but I am sure they would still feel uncomfortable with the knowledge. And probably wouldn't call me again for a second date. :\

The only character I think I would feel comfortable sharing this knowledge with--that I am their creator and have chosen their story--is Serisyna. I didn't choose her for the previous question because, without knowing I was her creator, she might be cold or even hostile towards me. (And meeting an undead woman on her turf might not end well for me...)

But with this knowledge, Serisyna would actually be fascinated and be able to recognize our kinship. Because of the way she views the world, this kind of "omniscence" wouldn't be daunting to her, and she would be much better equipped to handle the weight of this knowledge. I think she would want to befriend me, understand why I chose to do what I did, and even be protective towards the individual she now recognizes as her creator. She wouldn't really have a lot of resentment over her fate, no matter how unpleasant it is, because she understands that things happen for a reason... and she is now very happy with the people she has met as a result of being undead.

(Though I'm not sure how she'd feel if she learned I already came up with an alternate version of her where she didn't die... Maybe she'd be resentful and jealous of that version of her? I'd best keep that info to myself. ^^; )


Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

Same character! I'm lucky I picked Mero LMAO I've put him through the least amount of strife... even if I had, he'd be really nice about it. He's just a really nice weirdo. He'd also be really shocked plus amazed that I was the one controlling his life. HONESTLY, IT WOULDN'T MATTER MUCH TO HIM. He'd find it impressive but he'd move on from that pretty quick...

I mean, he's a pretty content guy as it is. Got some good friends, is happy and doing well in the school, so on and so forth.