Warpatober 2022

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
30 10155

Chapter 12
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

A collection of SQQ events on Warpatober because my hands would kill me if I draw everything

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Day 12: Cursed

Both Shen Qingqiu and Gallastus are not the type who would believe in curse, but today both had bit the dust.
The two of them are on a walk in a nearby park with Gumdrop Jeffrey as Gumdrop wanted to have some fresh air as Shen Qingqiu was carrying Starria in his hands. Thankfully the park was peaceful without many Warpas hanging around so that Gumdrop and Starria could play in the field while Shen Qingqiu had to listen over Gallastus telling dry jokes. Just as Shen Qingqiu is about to cover Gallastus' mouth because he talks too much, the two heard gumdrop squeals real loud behind a bush.
In panic, Gallastus rushed immediately as Shen Qingqiu froze in place in fear.
The next scream came from Gallastus who picked Gumdrop up and revealed his wounded skins on various places. In panic, Shen Qingqiu rushed and handled gumdrops between his arms. "What happened?" Shen Qingqiu asked quietly, as if he just wanted to ask without anyone answering. As they reached out to those who knew how to handle Impling, the two hurriedly carried Gumdrop home and took care of the wounds.
Night arrived and the wounds had slowly healed. Gallastus heard that the reason why there are less Warpas than usual in the park is because someone spread news that the park was cursed. Shen Qingqiu refused to believe but at this point, Gumdrop took the bait.
Another news story arrived. Turns out the curse on the park was a loose Eyespore which Gumdrop unknowingly plucked off the ground and got attacked. The two did believe that curses aren't real but Gumdrop really cursed with terrible bad luck.
A rescue team came and took care of the Eyespore. The park reopened and activity went back to normal and the park began to be crowded as usual. This time, both Gallastus and Shen Qingqiu wouldn't mind the loud noises as long as there are no terrible cases anymore.