Spell Modifiers

Maestros can use modifiers when reading their spells to change how the spell is cast. Outside of some support spells, all spells require Power Modifiers, which tell the Tuner how much rhythm to take from the Maestro to send to the Resonator.

Attack Modifiers
{Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo}
Attack Spell modifiers. Pianissimo is the weakest level damage, and Fortissimo is the highest level damage.

Ossia Modifier, pulls more rhythm than a Fortissimo level spell, but less Rhythm than an Ultimate level spell.

Modifier for ultimate level spells, the strongest spells possible and cost the most rhythm, can't be used with other modifiers

Support Modifiers
{Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento}
Support spell modifiers. Presto is a quick burst of the effect, very weak. Lento is a longer, sustained version of the same spell, which has a very strong effect

Ossia Modifier, pulls more rhythm than a Lento level spell, but less Rhythm than an Ultimate level spell.

Modifier for ultimate level spells, the strongest spells possible and cost the most rhythm, can't be used with other modifiers

Support Effect Modifiers
<Mosso or Tenuto>
Support effect modifiers. Mosso only applies the effect briefly, while Tenuto says to continue the effect. Command “Sotto” to stop this effect.

Changes “self” spells to targetable spells. Slight increase to casting cost

<Accelerando or Rallentando>
Special modifiers which work with some spells, effects vary based on the spell

Re-Cast Modifiers
These modifiers enable the resonator to keep casting the spell repeatedly, with different modifiers having different effects on how the Resonator is allowed to access the Maestro's rhythm.

<Staccato and Staccatissimo>
Repeat modifiers. Allows the user to re-cast the same spell without the need for a re-cast. These modifiers keep the Resonator locked into the level the spell is called at. Command “Sotto” to stop this effect.
Staccato is for lower level spells (Pianissimo, Piano, Presto, Allegro, Moderato)
Staccatissimo is for higher level spells (Forte, Fortissimo, Adagio, Lento, Legato) .

A modifier which ignores normal level modifiers and allows the Resonator to draw as much rhythm as they need. Can be dangerous to the Maestro. Command “Sotto” to stop this effect.