
Naturals are fully anthropomorphic animals and the ancestors of modern resonators.

Outside of their physical appearance, Naturals have several traits which differentiate them from their descendants.

  • Rhythm is used for both offense and defense  
    • On average they have more rhythm than a resonator by themselves, but not more than a maestro and resonator 
  • Naturals do not need a maestro to use their spells and are in fact harmed by direct rhythm
    • As a result of this, they do not need to read spells out in order to use the spells of their element and attribute.
    • Resonator spells have a small bonus damage modifier (roughly about x1.05) against Naturals thanks to their spells being converted maestro rhythm.
    • Naturals do not possess the primary attributes (Slashing, Crushing, Piercing) and can only be the secondary attributes (Null, Shielding, Healing)
  • The gene that determines if one is Natural is recessive, so if they mate with a resonator or maestro the resulting child will be a resonator.   
    • In Natural x Natural pregnancies, the species is determined strictly by the mother
      • Due to this Naturals very rarely mate outside of their meta species. Their numbers have been falling in the last few centuries.
  • Naturals get full bonuses from their species traits


  • Their primary language is Italian, but most speak English as a secondary language
    • The name of their language is "Naturalian"
  • Small communities all over the world - the largest settlements are in Unis-Resonne 
    • Warm blooded, furred and feathered naturals inhabit northern sections of the continents they inhabit, as they are typically too cold for the furless maestros and resonators.
      • Likewise, you can find a lot of cold blooded, scaled Naturals in desert regions, which would be inhospitable 
  • Typically the agenda that Maestros and resonators are dangerous is pushed by the upper class who feel threatened by their families and power being taken by maestros and resonators
    • That being said, Naturals will still allow for maestros and resonators in their settlements, but are treated as second class citizens in most cases (especially by the upper class)
    • Some of the more proud Natural families will have many children to try and bolster their populations.
  •  It's not uncommon for stray resonators to be taken in by prestigious Natural families and treated as pets (usually poorly)  
  • The religion Naturals follow is based on a type of zodiac of this world commonly referred to as as "The Divines"
    • Most reject the Sages as gods, but instead view them as the human gods.
    • There are two denominations of this religion - Lunerum and Lugatio
      • Subscribers to the Lunerum version of the Divines believe that the visitor was a prophet coming to warn of danger to the Natural race of Terra, 
      • While Lugatio believers state that the long eared visitor was not a prophet like the other twelve divines, but was in fact a mere mortal. The two factions often fight about who is correct.
  • The less well-off Naturals only know fewer spells than their richer counterparts
    • Since they don't have a maestro to give them a command, they have to figure out how to cast their spells themselves, which usually requires the help of a tutor.
      • This is another thing that causes tension between the Natural and Resonator populations, since Resonators can just rely on a maestros command to use their spells which Naturals perceive as lazy. 
      • Naturals commonly refer to resonators as "whipped" because they have to take orders from a maestro and can be traded as commodities