
58885032_xvUsCZAtzXyenM6.pngWeak to - Earth
Strong against - Water
Tuner Color - Yellow
26779484_6c8HFlyBTbTazjb.pngSee also: Lightning Characters

Basic Spells

Corrente Elettrica 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic lighting attack. Creates electricity that flows from the user to the target.  Increasing ranks increases damage.

Tuono Assordante 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic sound attack. A loud soundwave is projected at the target. Increasing ranks increases spread damage. Chance to deafen (variant of numb)

(Accelerando or Rallentando)
Basic sound support. A sound-based spell that can be cast into other spells to change the intensity of the targeted spell. When cast with the modifier Accelerando the targeted spell is intensified; when cast as Rallentando the targeted spell is dampened. Can help mitigate the costs of sustained spells.

Aria Carica
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Utility Spell. The users hands emit a low level current, allowing them to charge electronics. Increasing ranks increases duration of the spell.

Advanced Spells

Fulmini a Catena
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Advanced Lightning spell. Creates electricity that flows between targets. Increasing ranks increases damage and possible spread.

Nube-Terra Fulmini
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Advanced Lightning spell. Charges the sky with electrical energy and delivers a lightning strike from above the target. High chance to inflict numb and singeing. Fails if skies are clear

Rianima il Bullone 
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Advanced lightning spell. Sustained healing spell. Increases natural Health regeneration. Opposite effect on water element. Doesn’t affect earth elements.

Bacino Statica
Advanced lightning spell. Electrifies the sky, creating dark skies if there aren’t any. Random chance for small lightning chance occasionally.

Carica Traboccante
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Advanced Lightning spell. User gathers electricity in their body. Physical contact causes small lightning damage to non-earth targets. Next lightning spell cast is boosted in strength at the cost of removing the charged state.

Ultimate Spells

Fulmine di Zeus
Ultimate Level lightning attack. Grants the user one unstoppable lightning bolt for them to throw. This attack cannot miss. The only way it can be blocked is by the Shield ultimate

Scintilla di saggezza 
Ultimate level lightning Support. Manipulates perception for those around the user and the user themselves. Additionally enhances the users speed to an unlimited degree. 

Ossia Spells

Saldatura ad Arco 
Lightning-Fire spell that casts a concentrated bolt of lightning that causes severe singeing if hits the target. Also affects Earth element Resonators.

Forti Temporali
spell that causes a severe thunderstorm, dealing occasional lightning damage as well as increasing water damage for a set period. Also has a chance to momentarily stun with minor noise from thunderclaps.55365841_HVGtT3mYFUi6AbD.png?1667089644

Rapsodia di miele
Lightning-Nature Spell, creates a sweet melody that disrupts focus as a mental debuff. Produces a sweet scent in the air as a bonus effect

Come funzionano i magneti
Lightning-Earth spell, pulls nearby iron to form a barrier around the user maintained by magnetism.

Vento Elettrico
Lightning-Solar spell, causes an EMP like effect which disables electronics nearby but also has the effect of temporarily stopping rhythm transfer for a small period.

Gli Spiriti dei Sorda
Lightning-Lunar attack, creates specters or spirits that deafen target resonators, either preventing commands from reaching them, or reaching them at lowered casting levels for a short period of time