
56127758_zEqcLNdGPCvvQW7.pngSee also: Healing Characters, Healing Magic Limits

Basic Spell

La Bella Vita
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Basic Healing spell, when cast normally heals self, when cast with the modifier “tutti” it can be applied to a target

Advanced Spells

Purifica L'anima
Status ailment remover, works on mental debuffs as well as physical ones. Modifier “tutti” can apply this spell to a target

Cancella il Ritmo
Remove a target sustained effect from a spell. Won’t work on instant spells (attacks, heals, etc)

L'Ordine di Michele
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
The user's offensive spell power is increased temporarily. Increasing ranks increases the length of this effect. Tutti to apply to a target.

Ricerca Vitale
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Healing Utility spell, provides the user with information on resonators in their sights. Increasing ranks increases the information provided. Information is also sent to the user's tuner.

Legame Ritmo

(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Advanced healing spell. The next offensive spell cast by the user will have an additional effect that gives the user back some of the rhythm taken from the target. Casting this spell with an attack modifier applies the rhythm sapping effect to the user's physical attacks (punches, kicks, etc). Adding the Tutti modifier can apply this effects to targets.

Ultimate Spell

Dominio degli angeli
Ultimate level healing spell. Those who the user deems allies become completely invulnerable to any attack effects. While it appears the targets are invincible, it’s actually healing at beyond instant speed, taking the damage and healing the effects of the attack BEFORE it lands on the target

Crescendo Spells

(Tenuto or Mosso)
Basic shield spell. Makes a small barrier around the user. Modifier “Tutti” allows this to target. Tenuto sustains the barrier. Mosso creates an instant shield. Mosso typically isn’t used by normal Maestros.

Bastioni del Ritmo
Advanced Shield spell. Creates a wall of the user’s element as a sustained effect.

Riflettore Musicale 
(Pianissimo or Piano)
Advanced Shield spell. Creates a shield which can reflect attacks. The rank needs to match the attack being reflected otherwise, it will break through

L'orizzonte Scudo 

(Accelerando or Rallentando)
Advanced Shield spell. Draws spells towards the user for a small period of time. Accelerando ramps up this effect until it expires, Rallentando starts strong but fades quickly.