Rostislav Markov



3 years, 28 days ago


Rostislav Markov

42? || 6'2" || ??? || O+ (noted to be very cold)


Reserved - Logical - Tired - Cold - Confident

Rostislav is not dealing with your bullshit, and that's final. He's direct and to the point, disliking long conversations about nothing. On the outside he just seems like he's doing this job for the money and the fame of solving cases, and could care less who was responsible for the crime. Get to know him...well, he's still a very cold and borderline emotionless person, but money is not something he gives a damn about. Sure, it gets him places he needs to be, but otherwise, it's just paper to him. His main reason for choosing the detective life seems to be moreso that he can be recognized for his talents, and he carries the burden of that goal on his shoulders, being very intelligent and having the confidence to speak what he thinks, regardless of how blunt or tasteless it is.


Born in Murmansk, Russia, Rostislav hardly knew of his parentage, as he ended up being an orphan at a young age (supposedly, one parent was a demon who had no time to care for a child, and the other was a human who abandoned the child). He found his way into many a foster home and orphanage, often being overshadowed or picked on due to his strange looks and other oddities, like his icy breath. Eventually, he immigrated to the USA, seeking a better life than he had back in his homeland. And a better life he did indeed find: after struggling in college (due to not being all that fluent in English), he was able to land a job of sorts as a receptionist for the PD, before climbing the ladder to a detective alongside Edward Matrix. From there, he's lived a life of decent comfort (which to him is basically luxury), solving case after case and proving to those who doubted him, to those who only saw him for his physical traits and not for his talent...

You can't judge a book by its cover.


  • Ice and Snow manipulation: He can control the element of Ice (and snow) although he cannot create it himself. He can also compact it to make it much denser than it normally is, at the cost of it being smaller in size. Likewise, he can make the ice or snow much larger, at the cost of density. The bigger the object, the harder it is to condense it to a smaller size, and vice versa with small to big.
  • Insanely high cold resistance: A Gift from his demon side, further cemented by his time living in Russia. He can withstand temperatures as cold as 20°F before needing a jacket, and with a coat he can handle temperatures as low as -55°F. However, this cold resistance leave him vulnerable to hot temperatures, where he'd start sweating around 70°F


-Has trouble eating hot foods, and usually cools down cooked meals in the fridge before eating them

-While usually more quiet, he can have a very booming voice if you piss him off (a rarity, but very possible nonetheless)

-Occasionally speaks Russian when angered, either under his breath or out loud.

-Has a liking for cold Vodka

-While winters in Toledo are nothing to him, summers are the WORST.

-Playlist: A little something from back home...

- Voice "reference": Life of Boris (basically, Slavic Accent)

Battle Theme: TBA