


4 years, 8 months ago



Ageless | 80' | Lightweight | Gooey blood


"Most think I'm insane...That I have lost my head to some unknown madness, or given up...What they do not know is I know something they do not, and if they were me, they'd act the same way"

Matrix by and large is hard focused on one goal and only one goal: To get into the plain of Reality, no matter what he must do to get there. He gets easily frustrated if his goal is somehow impeded, however he is too stubborn to give up easily. If met with an obstacle, he would try to remove it as quickly as possible, with as little damage to himself as possible, as he'd much rather not risk damage given his broken state. He used to be very condescending towards others, but his desperation seems to have made him more humble and willing to get aid from whoever can give aid.


Born with godlike power, Matrix initially lived in the world of imagination with no issues whatsoever...until one day, he learned of the truth of his world, in that it did not really exist, it was the production of someone within the plane of Reality. Rather than indulging in wacky antics for no reason, he thought of something: he heard the term "breaking the fourth wall" be used quite frequently in a figurative way, but what if he took that literally? What if, by some crazy chance...He crossed between imagination and Reality, and became by all sense of the word Real?

He focused his efforts and powers into attempting this crazy feat, and in a way, it seemed to work: He opened some doorway to Reality, and giddy to try it out, he went through the door...and found out the hard way it was not a door to reality like he thought. At some point, the ritual ran out of battery to punch through Reality, and as such made a portal to a world between both places: A realm Matrix would later dub "The Between". To make matters worse, his doorway closed and disappeared, trapping Matrix there.

From there he's been trying to find a way to punch through to Reality, though as he'd come to find, he was on a time limit: Things don't exist in the Between, as something can't exactly be real and imaginary at the same time. As such, the world was eating away at him, leaving him in his current state, and at any rate, he's getting increasingly desperate...
