


3 years, 3 months ago


David (Last name Unknown)

25 | 6'5" | ??? | AB+


Cunning - Sinister - Resourceful - Charismatic - Curious

Working as a consigliere, David has the intelligence and creativity to gather information, be it through records or through speaking with people. Although, the harder it is to obtain certain information, the more curious David becomes, and likewise the more he wants that information, seeing it as possibly vital to the Mafia, be it for blackmail purposes or otherwise. He would even resort to shadier tactics to get his hands on the information if the person refuses to talk, mostly in torture tactics. He can play the bad cop role very, VERY well...


Surprisingly, not much is actually known about David. Supposedly, he was born elsewhere and moved to Toledo to find a better paying job. He claims it's to help him get back up on his feet, but it's hard to tell how down on his luck he was before coming to Toledo. Some have speculated he's actually an eldritch in disguise, seemingly supported by his strange ability, which makes him more or less blur the line between man and monster. Others rumored that he was a ritual sacrifice or a cult member who was marked by a being beyond human understanding, hence the scars...

Some ages ago, a cult worshipping a false god was approached by an eldritch entity codenamed "Ribbon Head". It offered them a chance to further their influence, attain godlike power, and many other silver tongued falsehoods...in exchange, all it desired was one specific human soul: David's. It's unclear if David was involved with the cult prior to this incident, or if he was just a random guy that found himself caught up in the mess. What is known is the cult attempted to sacrifice him to it...and things went very, very wrong.

While Ribbon Head picked out David's soul for how crystal clear and powerful it seemed, it severely underestimated just how strong it was, how strong he was in terms of willpower. What was supposed to be a simple ritual where it ate his soul and possessed the leftover body, ended up going to complete chaos as David practically resisted against it...and won. In winning, he basically trapped it in a corner of his mind, all while inheriting some of its power. In the process, most of the cult was massacred.

Unfortunately, David remembers next to none of this: winning was not without its damages. Most of his memories from before this time were just...gone. The furthest he can recall is waking up to an absolute carnage of bodies and blood, his clothes tattered and shredded by his ritual scars, which he swore weren't there before. Other than that, he only recalls that the cult did something awful to him and cults were to never be trusted...and his first name: David. His last name was lost.

From here to his appearance in Toledo, no one really knows where the hell he went or what he did for a living...

(Some speculate that he was a weatherman who came too close to exposing the cult's reach, and him being sacrificed was an attempt to silence him...It only partially worked since his memory was in fact wiped)


His body is covered in strange scars, appearing ritualistic in origin. These scars can merge with cloth-like material, which he can then control like it was some extension of his body. They're currently covered in heavy duty bandages, which can split off from the scars and act like extra arms for David, as well as serving as an intimidation tactic.


-Theme song: A Good Song Never Dies

-Seems to always dance around any questions about himself.

-Sometimes hums to himself...or at least most assume it's humming.

-Let one thing be clear: David HATES cults with a passion. So much of a passion that if he found a cult leader, he'd have to be held back physically to prevent him from torturing them to death and putting their head on a pike.