


11 months, 26 days ago


Maxwell "Max" O'Conner

19 | 5'6" | ??? | B-


Chill - Caring - Paranoid - Empathetic - Cautious

Of the brothers, Maxwell is the less brutish one. He comes off as a much more humble and kind-hearted person, one you could turn to in your time of need. He doesn't like violence, and refuses to use it if he can help it. His empathetic side is more obvious than Matthew's, making him come off as more friendly. He was also the one to hold Matthew back if he was about to get into a fight with people. Likewise, Matthew wouldn't tolerate any bullying of his brother, gladly kicking the crap out of anyone who dared, much to Max's dismay. Although, with the recent rough times, Max has become paranoid, constantly watching his back and on the move: Being essentially a fugitive of time with Timekeepers constantly chasing you down kind of does that to a person.


The entirety of Max's family history is a long and convoluted mess of timelines meshing in places they shouldn't. Born the younger brother of 2, he often had to deal with not getting too attached to anyone as the family often moved due to his father's "line of work." His mother suffered a chronic illness that while she tried to hide it and pretend she was fine, at some point Max started seeing through the façade, made even worse when her health deteriorated so bad that eventually, it took her when he was only 6. But that was only the beginning.

In the meantime, Max started getting into music, using the guitar his father gifted him at the age of 12. He even joined a local band to expand his budding music career. It all came to a crashing halt about 3 years ago, when after his first major concert he was informed that his brother was terribly injured and currently in the hospital. In distress, Max made a mad dash to the hospital his brother was staying at to check on him. When he saw Matt, he was the first to notice that for some reason, he seemed perfectly fine, although...Where did he get that clock in his eye? despite the lack of injuries, Matt was comatose for some unknown reason, possibly thanks to the sedatives he was given to alleviate his pain. Luckily, Matt woke up, albeit groggy from all the events he suffered.

But then came the next hurdle: The sudden vanish of their father. All that was left behind was inheritance money and a request to not look for him. Neither Matt or Max heeded that request, and spent close to a year and a half searching. Around this time as well, Matt became addicted to pain killers, which just rubbed salt in Max's emotional wound. All he could do is watch his brother begin a downward spiral of self-destruction, not helped by the fact that Matt frequently left Max all by himself to "take care of some business" (Max was never told what this business was). As the money began to dry up, Max was left with his grandparents alongside the last of the money. It pained both brothers, but they knew deep down that this was the best course of action. Max's contact with Matt was limited after this.

Once Max moved out on his own, he was soon faced with problems of his own. Matt was attacked for existing when he shouldn't, but he wasn't the only one who by all sense of timelines shouldn't exist. Max found himself stalked and terrorized by these "Timekeepers", who also saw Max as an anomaly that needed to be killed to correct the timeline. Unlike Matt, who was more than willing to fight, Max chose flight. He's been on the run from these individuals since, trying not to stay in one place for too long as to not risk being tracked down.

And god forbid his own brother would be sent to kill him...


-Doesn't curse all that much, usually only happens when he's angry or terrified.

-usually teased his brother. He kind of misses that kind of banter.

-Plays music on the street for money.

-Still kind of looking for his father, despite everything. Perhaps, he knows how to deal with this...