


2 years, 1 month ago



This is not my character but rather one of my player's characters. They ran the main "Emperor's Penguins" one shot so if you like you may choose to draw them relating to anything within that one shot. (info for one shot at the bottom of this page here) They ran a game with: Qaroqchi

Link to their character sheet here if interested


Crepitans, A little healer from the warm coasts. Is easily excitable and likes to joke. Has a dark sense of humor but can get serious when it comes to their job. They want to learn how to be a better doctor/nurse/healer to all different kinds of animals, not just other beetles like them. As a young Larvae, Banter, like many young Crepitans and Bombardier Beetles, was a bit of a hooligan, causing trouble and generally being a menace. They ended up hurting a close friend of theirs and felt awful for it. They resolved from that point onwards to try to avoid doing that again. Instead, they would help heal others. They’ve done their best to learn how to heal the others in their community, but now they want to keep going beyond that. They want to be as helpful as possible. And they don’t really care how long it takes to get there.


Outfit: They have a white collard shirt with a purple vest and blue bowtie. Their pants are dark grey and a set of black dress shoes sit on their feet. They also can optionally be drawn with blue mittens that have snowflakes on the backside of them.

Basic species reference sheet can be found here. Please look at this for common errors people make when drawing this species.

banter3.png?width=1440&height=326Ideas for what you could draw him doing:

- Banter carries a notebook with them everywhere they go. 
-writing in a book
-tripping over themselves
- tending to someone sick or hurt
- running with the vigor of “Help is on the way!!!

Subspecies references