Fulgidus (Dracula parrot) (Ayuna Forshaw)



10 months, 9 days ago



Ayuna is a sly Fulgidus who loves to push other Animalian to see what they are willing to do in the name of greed. She enjoys watching others struggle with moral dilemmas and is quite good at getting others to agree that her side is the most moral. She has used this skill to gain the rank of leader among the Fulgidus despite all Fulgidus around her being frightened of her. 


Ayna has no memory of her birth parents as they perished when she was very young. She was raised by a merchant Fulgidus who was a bit loose with his morals. He did have a moral compass, but he wasn't afraid to bend it a little if it meant a few more sides coming his way. 

As he raised Ayna he would teach her to act in a similar way and would use her in his schemes to get more money. If she would ever ask why they were taking advantage of others he would state that it was their fault for being dumb enough to fall for the ruse and dumb people did not deserve money or power.

She took in everything he said and eventually became just as good as he was at tricking people. However, while her 'father' tricked people to get sides, she did so because she enjoyed it. She found that making others appear dumb made her feel strong and smart. She would help her 'father' make clever plans not because she wanted the money from it, but because she loved the buzz that came from feeling better than others.

However, one day when her 'father' decided to drink a bit too much from celebrating a successful heist, she asked him a question that had always been burning deep inside her mind. The question was what had happened to her parents. In too much of a drunken state to really know what he was saying he told her everything that had happened.

He had run across her parents while on the road. Seeing that they were quite wealthy he offered them a 'potion' that would heal all their ailments and give them good luck. They happily gave him a number of sides for the 'potion'. Her mother drank it right away, but seemed to have some reaction to whatever concoction the potion was made of causing her to choke and die instantly. Angry at his wife dying Ayna's birth father then attacked the merchant. 

The merchant defended himself and ended up killing Ayna's birth father. Although he was a bit shaken up at what happened, he quickly shrugged it off after seeing that the wealthy couple's carriage was now ownerless and full of precious things. As he rooted around the carriages contents he came face to face with baby Ayna. Unsure of what else to do the merchant took her as well as the rest of the contents of the carriage with him. He attempted to drop her off at the nearest city but wasn't able to find anyone that would take her in and so he eventually came to the conclusion that unless he wanted to leave her to die he would have to take care of her.

It was after learning this that her attitude towards the animalian that raised her changed. He had taken her from possibly living a life with a wealthy family without wanting anything, but instead, she had to travel on the road constantly and live rough. She quickly started to treat her father like any other Animalian, that is to say taking advantage of him when she could as if he was stupid enough to fall for her tricks that was his fault, right?

She was easily able to manipulate her father as well and soon found herself wondering how far she could push things to get what she wanted from the world. As soon as she was old enough to she left her father without looking back and with her skills in manipulation mixed her loose, almost non-existent morals had her quickly climb in social circles. Getting a taste for the high life and power she decided that she was going to become the leader of the Fulgidus and there was nothing that was going to stop her.

However low levels of deceit and trickery would not be strong enough to get her to her goals and so she decided to lean into her people's legend in order to become their leader. She found a rare fig tree and planted it deep underground where it was surrounded by a red lake (similar to the one you can find IRL here). As soon as the tree became big enough to give fruit she started to seed the idea into the minds of those around her that she had access to the tree of life in the Fulgidus legend(link here at top of page button). She would never tell them directly but rather allude to it in conversation.

Eventually, after a few years of doing this she would start to invite a few animalian who were in positions of power to see it, of course, they would have to do favors for her in order to even stand in its presence. She would then allow them to have a single bite of its fruit and with all her sweet talking would convince them that they feel younger and stronger.

However in order to make the fruit thrive they would need to help her feed the tree by sacrificing someone to it, only after that could they have more of the forbidden fruit. If they declined she would laugh and say it's only a joke, but then never allow them to come back while taunting them with the idea of immortality whenever they were around her. If they agreed she would have them do the deed in front of her and then allow them to have more of the fruit (often killing someone that is close to them like a family member claiming that the legend says it works best).

She would demand sacrifices from those who ate of her tree's fruit every now and then, having them take out those she didn't like or threatened her (with many of them being those that refused to partake of the fruit when offered) and if they ever tried to back out of the deal she would blackmail them with the fact that they had murdered someone in front of her.

Using these tactics she quickly secured the role of the leader of the Fulgidus with all those around her in power under her control. She soon started to have those around her call her Dracul rather than Ayna telling them that she was Dracul reincarnated and would constantly 'joke' that she was hundreds of years old. 

Her sly attitude and manipulative ways can cause many to feel off put by her, however, no matter what Animalian try to do to get her out of power she always seems to hang onto it. She will never let anyone remove her from her position as Fulgidus leader and even aims to be the Aves leader one day, however, she will need to find a different tactic to sneak into the position of star captain and then Constellation counselor.

She currently wears a white mask with 'blood drips' on it as a form to gain sympathy from those who don't know her. Any Aves who is unfamiliar with the Fulgidus may assume she is plucked on her face and she will use this to try to get them to think she is weak before sneaking in to get control. However all Fulgidus are featherless on their faces.

The Aves that raised her has attempted to see her every now and then, but he is always turned away. Ayna still sees him as weak and just by being around him she is bringing her down. She doesn't hate him, but is disgusted by him.



She wears a flowy dark red skit with a red trim about one inch from the bottom and an even darker red top that drapes over her dress. Her tail sticks out behind her between the top and the skit. Her top does not have sleeves but does have a 'shall' like strip of fabric that drapes around her shoulders. Pinning the shall together is a broach that resembles the Dracul house crest. She also wears a white mask that has 'blood drips' on either side of it as well as one down the middle.


ideas for prompts:
-her resting her head on her hands in a 'oh your so cute' (malicious) pose.
-Taunting someone by almost removing her mask
-commanding someone to kill one of her opponents as she watches smiling
- drinking wine
-eating a fig with the red juice flowing down her face

-looking at her fig tree underground surrounded by blood
-cleaning off her mask
-sitting on a throne as she commands those under her
-watching another Fulgidu eat one of her fig's as she grins widely.
-offering a fig tantalizingly to someone.


a song about how she feels she can control everyone with blood