circlejourney's Bulletins rebuild in Laravel!
Mood: Brain zooming ♦ Currently: Excited

I've been working on a Laravel 10 rebuild of my website for the past (checks watch) 4 days. The whole thing's built from the ground up including the blog + project publication system. It's finally at a stage where I think it can be shared, mainly because I'm too excited to keep it under wraps, and want to know what people think. A lot of pages aren't done yet; those will redirect to my original site (

I'm super happy for you to go in and give the accounts/blog a spin, or even try to break it (I have been trying myself) - it'll help me catch bugs. I'll probably delete posts that are offensive/harmful/hurtful, if any, and no guarantees that they'll stay in the final version. Post like it's a guestbook idm! This thing is my pride and joy and I'm thrilled at the possibilities and also happy for the stress test.


TH Editor: Version 1.10.0

Posted 8 months, 11 days ago by px-3 circlejourney

check it out / report bugs here

1.10.0 29 august 2023 includes the following changes:

  • preview window now waits for the user to be idle before updating. the preview window used to update once a second, so it could update in the middle of typing. this wasn't great for memory usage! now, i will wait for you to stop typing for half a second before updating the preview window. this feature passed beta test but if you don't like it, let us know! my creator might add a toggle for it.
  • custom naming for exported txt files. now when you save exports, you will be prompted for a project name. files saved will have this project name in the filename, to make it easier to sort through exports.
  • backup feature. how this works: i save a backup copy of your code inside the local storage every 5 minutes + when you close the window, if the code is not blank, so you can't accidentally overwrite it with a blank. when the text area is empty, the "clear" button turns into a "restore backup" button. below you'll find a "guide" for how to use it. this feature is a stopgap but you should still save copies of your code frequently!

bug fixes and small changes

  • spoilers should now be toggleable. thanks for reporting this issue!
  • file upload, hard reset, blurb toggle code restructured.
  • all remaining ace colorpicker bugs should now be fixed. hex codes in the html area should now be properly highlighted/tokenised.
  • moved sass object into global namespace to reduce memory load (creating too many sass objects was probably the reason it kept crashing...not sure why it was originally written that way...)

how to retrieve backups

if something happens and your code vanishes or gets corrupted, here are the steps to retrieve your most recent backup:
  1. don't close the window! if you do, the old backup may get overwritten.
  2. select everything in the window where you want to restore the backup and cut it to your clipboard, i recommend pasting it into the scratch pad so you have a backup.
  3. the trash button will turn into a trash undo button. click the trash undo button and the most recent backup should appear.

[2 SLOTS] TH profile code customs

Posted 8 months, 12 days ago by circlejourney
TH profile code customs
Mood: sleeby ♦ Currently: Drawing phone wallpapers?

My experimental flat-price code customs are open! $30 - $35, you can claim a slot by commenting below or DMing me.

🐳 Click here for info + how to order 🐳

(I decided to save my time and put my comm info in a character profile lol)

#commissions open #codeposting

Flat price Toyhouse theme commissions?

Posted 9 months, 11 hours ago by circlejourney

How are the prices?

10 Votes I would get them for that price
1 Votes Too high
0 Votes Too low
Flat price Toyhouse theme commissions?
Mood: Thonky ♦ Currently: Thonking

The main reason I stopped doing code commissions was because figuring out custom prices was so hard, it was never clear to me how much a 3-column 4-tab layout with a moodboard space should cost, when that prompt can be realised a hundred different ways. But what if I just...set a flat price? I really enjoy working with HTML/CSS and would like to do it more, so...flat price $30 for profiles with a visual mockup, and $40 for without a visual mockup? I just want a reason to make more profile themes 😭

#codeposting #thinks #commissions...maybe?
Happy 1 year Jinai and Anqien! 🐬⛵
Currently: Listening to music ♦ Mood: 😌

The date actually passed 2 weeks ago, but I was too busy to notice. Happy Toyhouse birthday to my OTP...Anqien and Jinai my beloveds...I can't believe it's only been a year and they're already by far my most drawn OCs. Thank you so much to everyone who has made art of them, both during Art Fight and in the earlier art trades, and the people I've been able to commission 68715519_zKpT1E24IDjFkwm.png and also thank you to everyone who's read Offshore, and everyone who's told me they love these two or other members of the cast. 🥹

There are many reasons they are so beloved to me. Their story signifies my efforts to work through some difficult life events, to figure out how to trust myself and befriend people again after that. I didn't feel like I had truly recovered until I had poured it all into a story of my own. And I mean, who doesn't imagine sailing off into the distance and starting life over in a different place on some days? (Well, I do.)

Offshore materialised almost instantly, during a month of my life that I remember very fondly: it was my first time back home in 3 years, my first time experiencing falling snow, and my first time presenting my published academic work. I wrote it across 45 hours of train and airplane rides, and between frantically preparing to present to an international audience. The story of these two OCs has kinda crystallised that singularly special experience for the rest of time. I hope that everyone who reads it gets to feel it too!

I've got more unpublished art coming along, including probably my favourite art piece of them that I've made (it's my desktop wallpaper). Say hi to an orca or bottlenose dolphin in honour of them 😌 Or visit the seaside. Or have a hazelnut syrup latte with cinnamon powder (it's Anqien's favourite).

By the way, check out all these AMAZING Art Fight attacks I got featuring them. Hover/click for image credits!

68673124_tFIgqKaZmqoFfGU.jpg 68314542_XSWWjSymDef9uBK.png 68718055_saR01PohtDWv2gC.png 68167972_2M3JTgs0H4InsJV.png 68075348_ucBU4f1a5soSmLu.png 68071107_oRTo12kEDhDdVSS.png 67680377_OjDIhpcClIMbRrh.jpg 67628851_P1r9SHPTuS9VTYz.png 67566179_Os1EWNM4wrgZ6lr.png 67430214_9qK0a30bcmqBiIS.png 67430118_XeTYv732l3qPKVm.png 67348494_0sQyZFvPugKxlfH.gif 67262258_M20jOSylyMpRZ2s.png 67259803_WRTQqIYZZr3qJ6m.png 67241403_92bO8Kt282F2oJ7.png 67238213_58k1Cu3Lg2x7asP.jpg 67239529_lhGku1RzoVnlRwt.png 67197148_snottKIT6DpS7DW.png
#offshore #art fight #thinks
TH bulletin blog themer beta is live!
Currently: Drawing ♦ Mood: Sleepy

The browser extension/userscript I made to customise a blog theme + apply it to bulletins with a click is available! You need Greasemonkey or another userscript manager extension to install it.

The how-to guide is also at the link above. Happy to receive bug reports and feedback here + help with using it, if anyone decides to give it a spin. It's not fully tested (I am super busy lately) so consider this a beta.

#userscript #codeposting
So I did the blogpost templating thing.
Currently: Hyperfocusing ♦ Mood: Excited?

SO...I spent the evening making a userscript that automatically applies a locally-stored custom blog theme to my bulletins. I'm startled at how quickly it materialised and how well it runs. Maybe I'll put it up somewhere in the future when it's been properly beta tested lol.

#these tags don't do anything #they're fun for styling though #tumblr? in MY toyhouse?
Screw Twitter, I'm gonna use bulletins as a blog
Currently: At a cafe eating ♦ Mood: Sleepy/Stressed

I mean how many sites have a blog feature that's distinct from art posts and such? I like it here. My only concern is spamming people with notifications so I will try and keep them as, yknow, condensed and summary as possible. Maybe I'll start doing a fortnightly one. 26 posts a year doesn't seem so bad. Anyway, let's make this the first one. It's been a bit of a whirlwind these past few months...

  • I feel like I've been yelling about it for ages, but Offshore, my novel that has been my pride and joy for the past half a year, is fully published! I am now mirroring it very slowly to Tapas as well, but I keep forgetting lol. All reading links area at the link above.
  • Art Fight has been a blast. I am still in awe of all the incredible art that people have made for me. I had to pause because of 5 billion responsibilities rising from the depths to entrap me like a pod of bubble net feeding humpback whales. Won't share my link here because I am drowning in unrevenged attacks, But I will try to revenge everyone who has attacked me and also polish off the rest of my friend hitlist (5 people)!
  • I'm on Bluesky now. Literally anything other than Twitter or X or whatever fresh hell it is now would be nice. But I'll probably keep checking twt as long as there are friends there...
  • I'm a manager on Land of Fans and Music, the mega Homestuck fan album series, as usual! We're in the thick of making LOFAM 5 Act 2. I think people take pride in it being the biggest Homestuck fanmusic compilation in the fandom, but I didn't know that when I joined. Follow us on Tumblr and Bandcamp!
  • Window to Worlds 2023 has gone to print preorders! You can check it at this link.
  • Speaking of WTW 2023...have you seen my art piece for it? I love having a reason to draw scenes of the Offshore OCs. Also, while you're here, check out everyone else's stunning work—links to download and read it are all on our Carrd!
  • University tutoring starts up again this week—I'm tutoring on designing tabletop games...looking forward to sharing my own explorations in way of prepping for it!
  • And finally, I'm running a research survey - we're looking at people who keep in touch with family members or partners living in a different country - especially (im)migrants and diaspora, but all are welcome. If you're one of those people, or know someone who is, there's more info + a link to access the survey on this post!

See you soon! I'm looking forward to making this blog template thing better and idk maybe building it into its own userscript or something...

No tags found

Thinking of uploading old projects here

Posted 9 months, 22 days ago by circlejourney

Which old project do you most wanna see here?

16 Votes OTDOTS
3 Votes Across the period
7 Votes Constellation gijinka

I've been wanting to start uploading some old but dear projects, and trying to feel out the vibes as to what would be most interesting to see here.

Of the Dragon, of the Stars (OTDOTS)

My first big OC project and the most fleshed out. Started writing it in 2008 and finished in 2013. It began as a MapleStory fanfic that got bigger and bigger, and basically became its own epic fantasy novel about saving the universe while all the characters battle their own personal and interpersonal struggles. Same vibes as Revolving Door, is its direct predecessor (big ensemble cast, travelling the world collecting cosmically important MacGuffins, complicated character relationships).

  • + Lots of art and lore, fleshed out characters who were my mains for 6 years
  • - It's not a gijinka project with an immediate "hook" so you'd have to read about them to get a sense of the characters.


Across the period

It's my periodic table gijinka project that I began in 2009. Started it with some friends, then after we parted ways I went and designed more. The precursor of Eagles and Swans - a lot of characters there were exported from this project. A lot of the lore and character stories centre around social class and wealth differences (each period/row signifies one stratum of society) which kinda shows in E&S as well. I might want to redesign some of them.

  • + Fair amount of art/lore and also signifies my hyperfixation for my entire schooling life. also Rubidium is already here
  • - I don't feel like revamping 40+ characters so you'll just see them in their 2009 form, and they are less thought out than OTDOTS


Untitled constellation gijinka

This one was started in 2011. I would be creating lots of new characters and continuing this project, since I only designed 3 - Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila. I haven't fully decided what the lore behind them is but it would probably be related to Nocturna in some way.

  • + Always felt like it had wasted potential and could grow into a big and fun (maybe collaborative) project
  • - It's not very fleshed out. 3 designs exist and I want to revamp them, so it would effectively be starting the project over from scratch


HELLO Window to Worlds is back for round 3! It's an honour co-organising it every time! It was made possible by the tireless work of the volunteer mods and artists, and I'm happy to see it go out into the world at last 🥹 our 62 artists absolutely gave it their all in this seasonal-themed edition. Check out their incredible works (and maybe give them a follow and/or commission?? 👀)

Zine download

List of contributors

