Region | Chaarm Bay

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by ◬ Swā Veduro aaimasqtch

Chaarm Bay


Chaarm Bay

Filtering into the mainland's southwest corner is a large bay with crisp teal waters. This bay used to be a massive lake before the sands were washed away and the freshwater mixed with the southern ocean. The bay is full of sea life, underwater caves, underwater geysers, and of course protects the underwater portion of the kingdom; the main city itself. Waves are never too rough here, and the ancient colossal who once served Swa still resides, swimming peacefully among the unmoving waters.


Ulhar Caesin

Bright, tall, bubble-topped blue trees extend across the landscape below the slopes that the Unity River separates. The Ulhar Caesin translates from ancient Draconic to blue forest, which is certainly true. The Ulhar is known for being mostly safe to live and explore, with the only common predator lurking being the lazy boslodons. Lots of bioluminescent mosses and ferns grow on the ground and the plants that seep nutrients from the trees resemble coral that has evolved to live on land. The forest often has a fog littered throughout the spring, creating the effect of appearing underwater when one roams through.


Swali Shores

The calm beaches of the southwest. Swali Shores is a large inlet of sand that circles Chaarm Bay, along with many small islands encompassing the turquoise sea. These shores are home to many beachside towns and boat docks, farms, gorgeous Chaarm architecture buildings, and in the distance the edge of Psolla peaks can be seen through the clear skies. Storms of waves and wind hit the coast during the spring, but during the summer and autumn the towns are a wonderful place to live.

Pab'Zuaan Capital Bivnix Hailing Cove Ulharshore The Refuge Henry the Island Oracle Palace Pirate Dock Cave Drvascun Ridge


CAPITAL CITY | Pab'Zuaan Capital City
The Pab'Zuann capital city is located within Chaarm Bay, deep below the waters and away from view of the sky. Deeper than most think, as the majority of outsiders believe the central city is just sitting at the bottom of the lake somewhere, when in reality, most of the city is beneath the floor of the sea. A massive cavern is beneath the sea bottom, and is mostly fur of air save for some water pockets in certain areas. The kingdom is built to take up the walls and every crease possible within the cave and all entrances are lit up and easy to find once underwater, but be careful; all easily found ones are protected by the Pab'Zuann defenders, whereas the secretive ones are less guarded. The architecture of Pab'Zuann is similar to the story designs of Atlantis, with rounded castle tops and smooth ridged walls to help combat erosion. Ocean currents were a major factor in why the kingdom was created in the caverns rather than above, because it is much more calm down there. The population that comprises the kingdom is openly diverse, with dragons being the most common but any type is welcome. An even more diverse species assortment resides in the Bivnix settlements that wrap around the lake above on the beaches and peninsula.

CITY | Bivnix
Bivnix comprises the moderately populated settlement along the shoreline and across the peninsula; any villages farther into the blue forest count more as nomadic or gypsy groups, travelers instead. The town is built around the edges of the bay, with docks to pull supplies in. Architecture is oddly bulbous, based off of the forest, and the primary material used is the dark woods cut from the abundant trees and clay from the seabed. Colorful villas, the people here are very diverse. Bivnix is controlled by the Zuaan of the territory, but with the slight distance, the community has more so established their own way of life aside from trade control and central laws remaining by force. Bivnix is known for being one of the most open and fun places to live in Ptitheros, as so many cultures and holidays are hosted in one place with an easy-going monarch watching over.

VILLAGE | Hailing Cove
Towards the southwest cliffside zone of the bay are many water-carved caverns, some massive enough to house multiple karkadann herds. One of these caverns has been settled as a nice seaside town for more fishing, only to be overcome by the ancient storms of the past. The black market took over the town, protecting it from the rest of Pab'Zuaan so their people may conduct their business and live in peace. It is a dangerous place, however those who show moxxy and a desire to live in the quiet, nice town are granted permission and safety from those in charge.

VILLAGE | Ulharshore
A large town settled among the depths of the Ulhar Caesin. This settlement is quiet, independent, and is full of families who have been there through generations. Bubble trees surround the area and a calming teal fog covers the town both day and night, however during midday it is thin enough to see a decent distance. The buildings are the typical Chaarm architecture and most citizens are Swavvel and Sequn.

OTHER | The Refuge