Breeding Guide

Relationship Story


Ptitheros prides itself on character development over anything else. Which is why the typical “ARPG breeding” feature is locked behind development, not a paywall or item. Characters are expected to have actual effort put into their relationship, not paired together to get a “preferred trait output”. If users are caught pairing and breaking apart relationships just to breed rarer characters, both users will be banned from doing this prompt.

These story prompts can be done with or without the intention of getting a Breeding Tablet. You are awarded for the prompts anyway with Caq and sometimes items.


  • Parents must have masterlist IDs.
  • Parents must complete 2 prompts of the users' choice (one per person if shared couple).
  • Parents must be adults or young adults. (25y+)
  • Breeding tablet and event children have a 1 month trade cooldown.


  • Art or Writing submitted must be recent and cannot be resubmitted from previous events.
Recommendations! Rewards!
  • Why do they like each other?
  • Knowing their weaknesses
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Building trust
  • Being vulnerable
  • Helping one another
  • Remembering little details
  • Is this a cliche?
  • Being affectionate
  • *Other
  • CAQ (varies from effort)

Item Rolls

  • R, L, MY Token
  • Shadowlight Rune
  • Minor Magic
  • Hydra Token
  • Foe Dust
  • Spike Token
  • Geo Growth
  • Botany Growth
  • Glass Skin
  • Aquatic Features

All pairings and orientations (of consenting, mature adults) are allowed in Ptitheros. Poly relationships and queerplatonic relations for characters on the asexual spectrum are also allowed for Relationship Story prompts.

Breeding Tablets

  • Breeding tablets allow you to create an official child between two characters. The created cub/joey/hatchling/pup will be added under the parents on the breeding database.
  • These tablets are listed in the shop and are added to the user's inventory. If two different people own the parents, the tablet will be added to the inventory of whichever user will be submitting the child design.
  • See PAIRING section for rules on what characters can be put in relationships, adopt children, or have biological children.
  • Breeding tablets can be used to create biological or new adopted children.
    • You must state whether the couple is getting biological or adopted children.
    • If the adopted child is a pre-existing character that you want to officially attach to the family, it must be stated.
    • There is a 25% chance of recieving 2 breeding tablets from #ship-story. With two, you can create 2 bios, 2 adopted, or 1 bio and 1 adopt.
  • Breeding tablets cannot be purchased. To get a breeding tablet, you have to create 2 pieces of art or writing about the couple and submit the pieces in #ship-story. Once approved, a [check mark] will be added and a breeding tablet awarded with a set of rolled traits. These traits are attached to the breeding tablet via a number code that the designer provides when submitting the new design.


Breeding takes into account the traits that the parent Ptithians have. The higher-rarity traits the parents have, the more rare traits their children will have. Normal traits have no bearing on mutation chance, however a parent with a mutation will increase the chance of their children having that specific mutation. For partners that cannot produce (or do not want) biological children, their trait rarity will still apply to the rarity that their adopted children can have.

Partners having biological children will have their traits rolled between each other. Higher rarity traits have a lower chance of passing. The same applies to those adopting.

When designing biological childen, make them look like a child of the two parents. Adopted children do not follow this guideline.

1 Parent Trait

  • COMMON - unlimited, no rarity
  • UNCOMMON - 80% to pass
  • RARE - 60% to pass
  • LEGEND - 40% to pass
  • HYBRID - 40% to pass
  • MYSTIC - 30% to pass
  • MUTATION - 25% to pass

Shared Parent Trait

  • COMMON - unlimited, no rarity
  • UNCOMMON - 100% to pass
  • RARE - 100% to pass
  • LEGEND - 80% to pass
  • HYBRID - 80% to pass
  • MYSTIC - 60% to pass
  • MUTATION - 50% to pass

Random Chance

  • HYBRID - 20% (if hybrid or morshin)
  • MUTATION - 10%

Traits are generated based on probability per child.
Litter amount varies per couple.
A set of trait rarities are made per child.
Not all traits have to be used but unused traits cannot be applied to other children in the litter.



YES Relationships, Adoption, and Bio Children

  • Dragons
  • Gryphons
  • Lefikas
  • Rubasyns
  • Taroots
  • Scalaces (limited)
  • Jessel Taroots (limited)
  • Regen Windiage (specific)
  • Lindosts (specific, unavailable)

Main Species (Dragons, Gryphons, Lefikas, Rubasyns, Taroots, Morshins, Hybrids, Recalls): All the main species and mixes of said species can be in relationships, adopt children, and can produce biological children. There are no health issues with children between species.

*Valid Non-canon dragons and gryphons can be in relationships and adopt. Bio children are a case-by-case basis depending on the status and guidelines of the other species. (For the most populous vnc's, here are the terms: Hoodwings, Peakings, and other Wings of Fire fantribes cannot have bio children. Nectar wyverns can have bio children, however the children cannot be eyeless and cannot possess nw traits: bloodline, bloodtype, toxin type, nw's are to be treated as generalized bat dragons.)

Scalaces: Scalaces can be in a relationship with any species but can only breed with lefikas.

Taroot Sub-species: Taroot sub-species can be in relationships with any species but can only breed with other taroots (and associated sub-species). It is unknown why typical taroots can breed with drayceaus species.

Regen Windiage: Regen windiage can be a relationship. Because regens can only sustain their real body for temporary amounts of time, a regen cannot carry a child. Only partners where the regen is the biological male and a non-regen is the biological female can they have children. Children of regens are not cursed like their parent and are as if the regen was normally alive.

Lindosts: Lindosts can (with difficulty) be in a relationship. They can breed with any species so long as their partner is a biological female. Lindost mutts are currently unavailable and will return at a later date.

YES Relationships, Adoption. NO Bio Children

  • Automatons
  • Skywatchers
  • Kosmos

Automatons, Spirits: These characters can be a relationship and can adopt children, but cannot be bred.

NO Relationships, Adoption, or Bio Children

  • Regular Windiage
  • Vindiagos
  • Enchanted Animals

Windiage, Vindiagos, Enchanted Animals: These characters cannot be in a relationship, cannot adopt, and cannot be bred.


Child Development


Egg ( 6-8 months) ➜ Gestation and egg incubation times vary per dragon. Most are developed, laid, and hatched between 6 to 8 months, some a few weeks longer. Female dragons usually lay a clutch of 1-3 eggs.
Mammalian ( 8-10 month ) ➜ Gestation for mammal dragons usually lasts 8 to 10 months. Female dragons usually give birth to 1-3 cubs/hatchlings.

Newborn (birth to 3 months) ➜ newborn/freshly hatched dragons are soft skinned, have dulled talons, closed eyes, and undeveloped wrinkled wings. Eastern dragons in particular have short bodies like a western dragon at this age. Newborns are on a diet of mushed food or mother's milk and must be kept in a warm environment.

Hatchling/Cub ( at 2 years ) ➜ Dragon children at this stage don't have anything sharp, but their wings are small and flapping, their teeth have come in, their wide eyes are open, and they are curious about everything. Parents need to keep an eye on them in case they jump off things attempting to fly.

Pouncer ( at 11 years ) ➜ dragons at this stage have developed their wings enough to glide or go short distances. They now have a decent set of horns or spikes to show and their body is abnormally long and naturally lithe (not all) to account for growth spurts and wing stretching. Their scales/fur/hide has gotten strong enough for them to defend themselves or fight.

Adolescent ( 14 to 25 years ) ➜ Adolescent dragons learn to fly, use their genetic magic capabilities, how to care for themselves, and any other necessities.


Gestation ( 9-11 months) ➜ female lefikas usually gestate for 9 to 11 months before giving birth to 1-3 cubs.

Newborn (birth to 3 months) ➜ cubs are completely hairless, their wing stubs remain curled up, they have no claws, and their ears are rounded. Newborns have super delicate skin and have to be kept in a warm, soft environment. They can only drink mother's milk or finely ground sand. Good lefiká parents keep newborns in a swaddle blanket and away from sunlight, as it can burn their soft skin easily.

Cub ( at 1.5 years ) ➜ cubs at this age have soft fuzz growing in along the back of their neck and tail end. Dew feathers are showing on their wings and wherever else feathers will be when an adult. Their skin has hardened but not enough to be outside for long periods of time. Young cubs usually wear a sun shawl when outside (Tucruitora and desert environment places especially). Cubs this young without sun shawls are frowned upon and the parents are scolded.

Featherrack ( at 10 years ) ➜ all dew feathers and short fur has grown in and the cub's body is adjusting to a lot of things. Its torso is abnormally long compared to its legs and it is a bit wobbly. Its cowl is now shaped, its ears are pointed, and it can now be outside and play without worrying about sunburns or subtle wounds.

Adolescent (13 to 20-25 years ) ➜ Adolescent lefikás show gender differences at this stage. Female lefikás have much slower growing fur, their front half becomes stockier and overall they become naturally stronger. Males grow their manes much faster and their bodies remain/become thin. Both adolescents gain their proper flight feathers through this stage and learn to fly, geoshift, and adapt to all necessities in life they will need to handle once on their own.


Egg ( 6-8 months) ➜ Gestation and egg incubation times vary per gryphon. Most are developed, laid, and hatched between 6 to 8 months, some a few weeks longer. Female gryphon usually lay a clutch of 2-4 eggs.
Mammalian ( 8-10 month ) ➜ gestation for mammal gryphon usually lasts 8 to 10 months. Female gryphons usually give birth to 1-3 chicks/hatchlings.

Newborn ( birth to 3 months ) ➜ newborn/freshly hatched gryphons are hairless, soft skinned, have dull talons, closed eyes, and featherless folded wing appendages. Those hatched from eggs have a horn on their nose that disappears within a week. Newborns are on a diet of mushed food or mother's milk and must be kept in a warm environment.

Chicks ( at 1.5 years ) ➜ gryphon chicks at this stage are now covered in a layer of soft feathers and fur making them very fluffy. They can handle a bit more colder temperatures now and are very curious about the work around them.

Raptors ( at 10 years ) ➜ gryphons at this stage get their name from how sharp their claws and teeth/beaks get. Parents have to clip their children's nails a lot so they don't get stuck to clothing or cut themselves. Their feathers have grown enough to withstand even colder temperatures and they can now glide.

Adolescent ( 13 to 20-23 years ) ➜ Adolescent gryphons learn to fly, use their genetic magic capabilities, how to care for themselves, and other necessities.


Gestation ( 7-9 months) ➜ female rubasyns usually gestate for 7 to 9 months before giving birth to 1-2 joeys.

Newborn ( birth to 3 months ) ➜ rubasyn cubs are covered in a soft layer of fur, have extremely stubby claws, and can't walk. Their ears are wrinkled over their head and their muzzle pits are sealed up, same as their eyes. They can only drink mother's milk and should be in a warm room, as they cannot regulate body temperature yet.

Joey ( at 1 year ) ➜ joey rubasyns are able to walk on their hind legs a lot better than adults can because their middle talon has not grown in and their legs are more plantigrade. Their quick feet make them rambunctious and hard to catch, but they can't jump yet. The flat stubs of their ribbons have appeared and their eyes are wide and bright, their muzzle pits are still sealed. Joeys are usually kept in a backpack pouch so they don't wander off out of curiousity.

Hopper ( at 9 years ) ➜ Still able to walk on their hind legs easily, but they have also gained enough strength in their lower body to jump. Ribbons are now a few inches long and the shape of them is visible. Altitude glands have opened up, ears have no wrinkles, and all markings are apparent now.

Adolescent ( 12 to 20-25 years ) ➜ the teenager equivalent. Adolescent rubasyns grow into their strong, sprinting and jumping built legs. No longer able to walk plantigrade-style, they can run fast and leap high into the air. Their hunting claw is sharp, their ribbons grow to roughly a foot long, and their teeth become serrated. Late into this stage they discover if they will be gifted a bell or not. Their manes are also a mess most of the time.


Tion gestation (5-6 months) ➜ tion mothers usually gestate for 5 to 6 months befire giving birth to 5-7 pups.

Newborn (birth to 1 month ) ➜ newborn taroots resemble newborn tions, they cannot be told apart. They must have a diet of mother's milk only and have to be kept warm alongside their tion siblings. Their fur is a layer of short fuzz and their skull is a blank slate with no eyes or nostrils.

Pup ( at 3 months ) ➜ taroot pups still heavily resemble their tion siblings. Their fur is nice and fluffy, their tail is short, their claws are very dull, but their skulls show minor changes. Unlike the tions whose head's nostril hole is opening up, the taroot has such but also small holes forming where their eyes will be. Taroot pups are playful and fit right in with the tion siblings at this stage.

Adolescent ( at 1 year ) ➜ adolescent taroots are now showing signs of being different. Their skulls have eyes, more nostril slits, and they are much taller and lankier than their siblings. They have developed enough to begin realizing their differences on their own, but this takes time and their brain develops slower than their body.

Discovery ( at 2 years ) ➜ Their thoughts have caught up to them. They can now learn communication skills and problem solving. Their skulls are sharp, any eye traits now show, and they can choose their own path in life.

Taroot gestation (8-10 months) ➜ taroot mothers usually gestate for 8 to 10 months before giving birth to 1-2 pups.

Newborn (birth to 1 month) ➜ the newborn looks the same to those born to tion mothers: short fuzz and no signs of being anything besides an average tion.

Pup ( at 5 months ) ➜ pups born to taroot mothers take longer to develop, the reason is currently unknown. They still resemble pups born to tions, with only small holes where their eyes will open to prove they will become a taroot. It is evident the taroot pup requires siblings at this stage to be happy, but due to taroots not producing large litters like tions, this does not happen. A good taroot parent will find a way to fix this, such as bringing their pup to a family friend who has a tion with puppies the child could be around and play with. Taroot pups will not get along with other species children at a similar age stage.

Adolescent ( at 1.5 years ) ➜ adolescent taroots raised by taroots have a different world perception at a young age compared to ones surrounded by tions. They are schooled like other species, they learn the same things and are treated like fellow Ptithians. Their minds are at weight with their body at an earlier time and they are able to adapt to life outside of packs much easier. Although a developed adult at 2 years, taroots adjusted to town or city life remain in education plans at a normal rate with other species children (if they choose to do so).

Hybrids & morshin

Hybrids and morshin have varying gestation and development paths as children, but they are never any major changes because most of the main species have similar developmental processes. The only outlier are hybrids with mostly taroot genes, because they are finicky based on the mother they come from.

misc. notes

  • Dragon children have a desire to steal shiny objects and hoard them. They tend to hide them outside under leaves, in the covers of their bed, under their bed, or under rugs. It is a natural instinct that goes away when they reach adolescence.
  • Cub sashes are a popular item to carry young children in. They are especially popular with middle and high class parents in Tucruitora and Nox.
  • Lefika children like to chew on rocks the same way a dog chews on a bone.
  • Wealthy families feed their children echoer meat as a primary protein because it is the richest in aura, vitamins, fat, and minerals.
  • For dragons and gryphons who lay eggs, they make their nests out of anything soft they can find. Mothers spend the weeks before having a clutch stealing and dragging things around the house to make the best nest they can.
  • Formulas to substitute milk are on the market for mothers who can't produce/produce enough of it for their children. These formulas are a mixture of handcrafted substances that have the same necessary things the newborns need a diet of.
    • Low-aura mothers with average/high-aura children or average-aura mothers with high-aura children do not produce enough aura in their milk to keep their cub healthy. Condensed aura powders and formulas are made to help with this. They are inexpensive.
  • All children need toys. Dolls, drawing books, children books, balls, model ships and blimps, and many more classic toys can be found in markets. Talented parents can also make simplistic toys, or make use of basic house items. For example, all species children love boxes the same as cats do- hopping into them, hiding in them, swatting at the flaps, etcetera.
  • Breeding locks - timespan between when a species is able to reproduce. Each Ptitheros species has a particular time to wait before they are able to produce another litter or clutch. ( •Dragons can reproduce every 5 years. •Gryphons can reproduce every 5 years. •Lefikás can reproduce every 5 years. •Rubasyns can reproduce every 5 years. •Taroots can reproduce every 10 years. )
  • When not on these infertility lock cycles and a female does not wish to bear any children, she can consume a few pieces of mondrake root afterwards. This herb has powerful cleansing properties that prevents any chance of pregnancy 100% of the time. Most active females who don't want children just have the herb as part of their usual diet since it is inexpensive, near tasteless, and can be found in any herbal market. If pregnant, eating a bit of (accidently most likely) mondrake root will not cause a female to lose her baby unless a large amount is consumed.