
390 days per year
13 months
30 days per month
24 hours in a day

Onkmet "Winter"
Vern "Spring"
Erthnetora "Summer"
Grikad "Autumn"

Astral Days
The Melting Sun - Camlib 11th - Eastern Eclipse signals the start of Vern
The Swaying Moon - Tallou 4th - Southern Eclipse signals the start of Erthnetora
The Blue Star - Illxen 9th - Western Eclipse signals the start of Grikad
The Sage's Eye - Vorage 34th - Northern Eclipse signals the start of Onkmet


Gollo (Jan)
Itovavh (Feb)
Munuth (Mar)
Camlib (April)
Unaus (May)
Tallou (June)
Sull (Sol)
Mornenn (July)
Wiellgh (Aug)
Illxen (Sep)
Fedeloom (Oct)
Svihnen (Nov)
Vorage (Dec)


aytai (mon)
fedtai (tues)
tytai (weds)
ultai (thurs)
elntai (fri)
ptutai (sat)
pteltai (sun)

Notable Holidays

New Years

1st of Gollo
New Years is a calm and slow day for most Ptithians. Nobody is expected to work and the previous days beforehand have been nothing but stocking food so families or friends can enjoy a meal together. Crushed herbs to serve as /party pills/ are often used by friend groups at their small or large parties.

Chalice Day

Itovavh 25th (Sagekin)


Munuth 4-8th


Camlib 17-23rd
An event that occurs at twilight and into the night in celebration of the year's food harvest and increase of game to hunt. As time went on the aspect of Harvenluna being about food (completely) has died down thanks to advances in society making food easily available, but the tradition continues on. Harvenluna has a very spooky aesthetic to it, for the night is dark and people are out of their homes to join their communities for food around large fires. Children dress up in bramble, tattered clothes, and masks made to look like briars and other monsters just before heading out; their goal is to scare the adults who are minding their own business. As even more time passed and the scare tactics of the youth became more popular, the aspect of fright during Harvenluna expanded. Ptithians made decorations for their house with creepy tapestries, red paint smeared on doors, but things remained simple- until the lindosts got involved. Then, Harvenluna truly became a night for those seeking a thrill of horror.

Wanderers Gathering

Unaus 29- Tallou 3rd


Tallou 6th


Sull 3rd (Woariian)
The fated day that many from the Aurix Pack were lost to the claws and jaws of the underground monsters. A day of respect for the fallen that is preformed by Woariians. Many choose to stay inside on this day if they have suffered a lot of loss.

Oynx Granduer

Mornenn 18th (Tucruit)


Wiellgh 3- 5th

Swa's Gifts

Wiellgh 24th (Swavvel, Vedlun)

Bonfire Night

Illxen 13th
A universal night of dancing and cooked feasts. Those who can manage fire magic are in charge of keeping the large bonfire pit alight while others are tasked in cooking plenty of food. Ptithians dance about as entertainment throughout the night. Everyone gets the next day free to catch up on sleep.

Festival of Sall

Illxen 18th (Sequn)
Totems of grand blue fire, the temples of the kingdom plaza were bathed in magic lights, fairy lights draped the streets, and all there were having the time of their life. It was to celebrate life itself, the Western Cardinal Himself, Cymer, was there. The event is said to be one of the oldest legends of the West culture, as fully recorded events where the god himself was there in person are extremely rare to find in high detail. Even to the present, those who attend the modern festival wish that one day Cymer will return to join them one last time.

Sky Wars

Fedeloom 9- 10th (Sagekin)

Night of Ulhar

Svihnen 14th

Skull Night

Svihnen 22nd (Swavvel, Vedlun)


Vorage 19- 22nd
Yuulatune is the grandest winter holiday in Ptitheros! A fascinating array of admiration for the snowy weather, the distant glow of foe lights placed along streetways, and the ever-so-delightful ending where hopes and desires are etched into paper and added to beautiful fabric shawls draped over fantamen who are released into the sky to carry those dreams with them. Yuulatune is a week-long holiday in the middle of the winter season, so considering with its traditions are activities created in latter years, such as new sports like skiing and sled racing. Some Ptithians love to spend time outdoors, their noses frozen as they enjoy the cool weather. Others move inland, often Tucruitora's non-citizen count increases in the winter because Ptithians seek escape from the colder edges of the world. Most just gather warm clothing and a hot drink, inviting the shorter days and cold into their lives.

Click Below to see Calendar

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