Noxian Region


Republic of Nox

A steampunk-esce region among the large floating islands of the north. Highly populated and without any focus on religion, Nox specializes in mechanical marvels and expert scientists and teachers. The region is governed by a democratic council, headed by a mayor.

At first, the republic was secluded, without any godly intervention it was extremely protective over its construction and people. Persistent rubasyns running away from Chaveri and the Sage created it. They thrived in Nox, advancing science instead of magic. Nox grew quickly and moved ahead of the other territories, they were the first to tinker with steampunk technology. All this engineering made other governments envy them. Trade, word-of-mouth, engineers became renown and worthy, making Nox a desired ally to any kingdom.

Eventually, as trade and artisan travel became commonplace, the Noxians decided to be less solitary. Gates, markets, and rules opened to allow others to live and work in Nox. The process was slow, but several decades later the Isle is now abundant with those who desire the particular way of life only Nox can provide.


The Republic of Nox was founded by rubasyns leaving Chaveri in mass.

They retaliated against Edenlline in the way they felt was most appropriate; by leaving Chaveri and not returning unless the answers they wanted were received. At first, the low numbers did nothing- those who left gained no attention from the Cardinal, for she felt what they were doing and had no wish to get involved with something so insignificant- they would come crawling back, She knew.

Unfortunately, Her decision to ignore the group made matters worse. It painted a picture worse than before to the rubasyns who weren't against Her rubasyns now viewed Her as uncaring towards their kind since she had let those, weak and unknowledgeable, out into the wild without a smidge of regret or ruling to come back into the safety of her arms. The uprising began, not against the North Cardinal's will to trap the rubasyns, but her un-willingness to protect those who had lost faith. For was she not the protector of those in Chaveri, of the North, what use was following Her if She did not do as expected of Her as their overseer?

More and more rubasyns became part of the initial group, now known in the history books as The Coil Leaiv, and left Chaveri in spite.

The rubasyns who had left, especially the ones early on, inhabited the North Shrine Plateau and northern coast of Dark Briar Grove for many years. It was a dangerous place, the coastline ragged and the plateau so out-in-the-open. The "traitors" struggled to retain their dignity and safety far beyond Chaveri. But even Edenlline knew they wouldn't dare back down and come back. Not now, not when they've come so far.

Although dragons founded the towns in the Braeyc territories during the E.D. Era, it was the rubasyns who grew the settlements into places larger than villages. They inhabited the place, their population decent and happiness barely stable- but the eventually one of the head figures of the surviving Coil Leaiv was informed of a place beyond imagination. A glider (a rubasyn with the webbing trait) had come bearing news from his fantastic travels farther northward, investigating the infamous purple shores of Pselle, he had caught wind and was gifted the sight and adventure amongst an uninhabited world in the sky.

The headfigure thought this was ridiculous at first, for floating islands across Ptitheros were merely tiny bites of land that had a bit too much aura caught in their soil- they could never be sizable to live upon. The glider denied this negativity, he ensured he saw a place from what could have only been pulled right out of the Sallenin dreamscape. Some other rubasyns, along with trusted dragons and lefikás for flight safety reasons, were sent out with the glider to make sure all he had said was true. Indeed it was.

Word spread quickly upon their return. This must be their reward, the headfigure believed, for their struggle and bravery in the face of a god. Many rubasyns left for the floating islands. These floating isles became known as the Isles of Nox in 2300 C.E., eventually shortened to Nox. Rubasyns took over the lands, building villages, then towns, then cities, expanding and expanding while using the safety of the unknown and uncharted lands as a crutch to avoid other Ptithians.

Nox prospered as a self-contained and independent kingdom. Its markets were limited but the rubasyns did not see this as an issue worth opening up to the world. No, they dealt with it and continued on with their lives, watching the ants beneath them and building upon new grounds of science, technology, and engineering. Their little world did not run on magic abilities as much as the other species and kingdoms, so the smart creatures improvised and invented things to rival the genetic magic and flight capabilities the other Ptitheros species had been blessed with.

Nox's cities grew, and rubasyn's grasp on engineering using aura in more artificial ways flourished. Factories were made to produce things in large amounts, or craft things that their small clawed hands could not. Inventions, ideas, culture, it all rose to new heights, the rubasyns had created a small world of their own that rivaled the strongest fellow kingdoms.

The central government of Nox had always been unstable leading up to the eventual opening of the kingdom's gates. A mayor and a knowledge group ran the isles, the group grew to be known as The Lace, and they seemed quite non-intervening. A bit too lax, which allowed for unwanted associations to grow in the underground of the cities. This would prove troublesome later on.

1820 C.A, the year the kingdom opened. Markets were failing within the cities, demand was not being met, and outer travelers had been coming in due to an agreement with the renown Exploration Guild. Stories, news, and items from the other kingdoms and settlements were filtering into Nox and the mayor had no means of stopping it, so he did what was only rational: expand his people's horizons. Nox became open-trade to the rest of Ptitheros, in turn their technology and ideas were shared as well. A jumpstart for the rest of Ptitheros, new inventors and scientists got their hands on the new technology and aura-usage capabilities and advancements began to skyrocket. It would be another few decades until other species were allowed to live in Nox, but the first steps were necessary.

Present day Nox is a wondrous sight. All creatures live in mostly harmony but it is obvious rubasyns run the show on those islands. Nox is still run by a mayor and The Lace. All species are allowed to live and work in Nox, hybrid children are protected under law like all the rest, and the standard of living thanks to ever booming new technology continues to rise and stay one step ahead from the rest of the world.

As of present day it is also important to remember that rubasyns are not pinned to Nox. Many families from the North went elsewhere or stayed where they were, resulting in rubasyn populations all over the map. Like all species, rubasyns can be of any affiliation, any culture, it all depends on where they were born and who they were born to- some seek out a life all their own too. The stereotypical rubasyn is the snide, machine-specialist Nox rubasyn with no respect for the gods, but to place such a stereotype on every rubasyn one may come across is rude and closed minded.





  • ERA Mid C.E. to Present
  • LANGUAGE Common
  • CLIMATE Maritime
  • Demonym Noxian


Species [ Dragon: avg, Gryphon: avg, Lefika: avg, Rubasyn: high, Taroot: low ] Native Cultures [ Mankian: avg, Noxian: high, Zuaanian: low, Sollian: high, Torian: avg, Galian: avg, Woariian: low ] Religions [ Sagekin: low, Tucruit: low, Olamel: low, Swavvel: low, Vedlun: avg, Sequn: low, Architectism: avg, Unaffiliate: high ]

Power Structure
Mayor > Lace Council > Scientists > General > Civilians


Nox was founded in 2300 C.E. by an unknown head figure among the rubasyns who fled to live in Braeyc/Northwest Ptitheros after the Coil Leaiv. Since many, many rubasyns went to the main island after it was announced as a perfect homeland, it is hard to determine which individuals founded the original settlements that became present-day Nox. All of the oldest island lineages are credited as foundational families. They tend to still have elemental bells as heirlooms.


Nox was once a closed-market region due to the Noxians not wanting other kingdoms to get their hands on what inventions and lifestyle changes they had created. This worked for some time, but in 1820 C.A. It opened its borders completely to the rest of Ptitheros, sparking great prosperity to its citizens, merchants, and scientists since they had unmonitored freedom to sell goods, trade, and interact with all markets. Nox is an important exporter of aura technology, textiles, and expensive architecture materials, and is a great buyer of foodstuffs and raw supplies


It was built with no godly intervention; the persistent rubasyns who settled there wished to cut their species off from the Sage and Her religion because they believed She abandoned them for the dragons and gryphons of Chaveri.

Nox has no official religions or gods. Because the foundations were built on a despise for a god, bringing gods any credit within the territory is forbidden. Unaffiliated or low Architectism is recognized the most. Religious activities are permitted, but worship must be done in private and religions cannot be advertised. There are no churches or religious monuments in Nox.


  • TYPE Republic
  • FOCUS Technology and Economy


Royals and Leaders List

While mostly a republic, Nox does have some oligarchical features. High status scientists make up the government council called The Lace. It is the central, opinionated group. There are many other government positions and lower councils for certain specialties such as economy or education. The top position is the seat of Mayor, who is elected through a popular democratic vote. The Mayor is also a figurehead for Nox. The only council criteria is to be part rubasyn.


[Notre Sky Division]
Nox lacks the space to train and manage a large military, but they have on-demand soldiers, guards, and patrollers (and blimp fighter pilots). They will outsource their battles to Braeyc, paying a lot of Caq for fighters and mercenaries. Luckily, their location also makes them hard to attack. They always have high ground and high defense. Nox also has a collection of battle-automatons prepared in case a full liege is necessary.


Sequ’Manko - Neutral
Tucruitora - Ally
Braeyc - Ally/Subordinate
Pab’Zuaan - Neutral
Psollo - Ally/Cooperative
Wyndgale - Neutral
Woarii - Neutral

Territory of Braeyc

The Braeyc territory is how Ptithians refer to the settlements across the Thorn Alcove. It is not owned by any central government and is one of the oldest areas settled by wanderers who left their kin territories during the mid-E.D. Era. The Braeyc region extends slightly into the North Shrine Plateau. Its main city has a noble family that handles most of Braeyc's economy and market management.


Within the 200 - 1000s' of the E.D. Era, the main cultures and Affiliations of the growing world had developed, meaning the hard work of creating identities and traditions that the Cardinals needed their kin close by for were complete. The outside world had no boundaries, and these dragons (and gryphons) felt inclined to explore the unknown. The drive to see something new was strong to many, the rest of the world was at their fingertips. Cultures and species intermingled and smaller settlements were founded outside of the center three kingdoms, making places where cultures and identities mixed, dragons and gryphons mixed, the various different types of dragons seen on Ptitheros today mostly came about first during these centuries of exploration and new foundation.

Although early dragons and gryphons founded the towns in the Braeyc territories during the E.D. Era, it was the rubasyns who grew the settlements into places larger than villages. Much of the population moved to the Floating Isles when it was discovered, but old families of Chaverian rubasyns can still be found in Braeyc.

Braeyc developed into one of the most culturally mixed regions. It has remained out of conflicts and politics, but keeps itself together with a strong economy and focus on independence from other governments.





  • ERA Mid E.D. to Present
  • LANGUAGE Common
  • CLIMATE Maritime
  • Demonym Bracian


Species [ Dragon: avg, Gryphon: avg, Lefika: avg, Rubasyn: avg, Taroot: low ] Native Cultures [ Mankian: avg, Noxian: high, Zuaanian: avg, Sollian: avg, Torian: avg, Galian: avg, Woariian: avg ] Religions [ Sagekin: high, Tucruit: avg, Olamel: avg, Swavvel: avg, Vedlun: low, Sequn: high, Architectism: high, Unaffiliate: avg ]

Power Structure
Nobles > General > High Priests > Lieutenants > Royal Guards > Merchants > Priests > Soldiers > Civilians


Braeyc was founded by the migrators of the mid-E.D. Era. In the temperate climate these dragons, gryphons, and lefikas flourished and created their own small communities where cultures and species mixed thoroughly. Braeyc remained a melting pot and grew in population as a key migratory center, bringing in all manner of backgrounds and skills. It always stayed community-driven, no monarch or god in charge, but as time progressed and markets evolved, merchant families became the pseudo-rulers for the economy and not much else. Braeyc also served as a launching point for the Nox Kingdom, had rubasyns not populated Braeyc in their escape for many years.


Braeyc has a strong capitalist and service-based economy. It has a lot of artisans and small businesses keeping everything afloat and can easily outsource their capabilities to other kingdoms because they are so politically neutral. The region has plenty of farmland, mining, water sources, and animals, allowing them to export raw materials in exchange for technology and specialities from the larger cities.


The merchant families of Braeyc only manage the economy and diplomacy. Outside of that, Braeyc is not centralized. It has no designated culture nor religion and welcomes all sorts of people into its territory. This has, however, made it the prime place for the less-favorable affiliations and cult groups.


  • TYPE Decentralized
  • FOCUS Independence and Sustainability


Royals and Leaders List

The top noble house of Braeyc is headed by a large dragon named Aremani, who has a harem of partners (male and female) and many children. Her family line goes back to the founding of Braeyc. She ensures the region is doing good with exports and imports and keeps things as capitalistic and financially unregulated by law as possible. Her family and other noble families in Braeyc are not royalty or connected to any politics.


The Braeyc region has a citizen army. Soldiers and guards are trained in combat to defend the territory in a generalized way rather than as a proper militia. They keep the city, towns, and loose borders safe from lieges and major monster threats. Braeyc also gets assistance from the Exploration Guild, who provides monster hunters, trackers, and watchtower rangers for the south grove region.

Noble houses have their own set of “royal guards” that are from the citizen army.


Sequ’Manko - Ally
Tucruitora - Neutral
Nox - Ally/Patron
Pab’Zuaan - Neutral
Psollo - Ally
Wyndgale - Ally
Woarii - Neutral

The Occult

Because the region is extremely lax on religion and laws, it attracts concerning activity. Shadow worshippers and the 5th Cardinal are more common in the territory than any other. The 5th Cardinal organization lies deep within the Verge and the small management of Braeyc does not care.

The "god" that Occult worships did not set up the camp. There is no reasonable proof the god they worship is real either. Their group existence is well known, but their location isn't, since the Verge and surrounding alcove is massive.




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Victorian, Roman, Rich, Lacy
The regional and cultural architecture found in Nox and surrounding areas is lacy and reliant on stone laying. Bricks, keystones, arches, and it gives off a noisy yet rich aesthetic to it no matter how small the building. Beautifully sculpted domes and Roman-esce architectural techniques can be found in any major building. Strong oil-stained wooden paneling can also be seen, along with a borderline Victorian era aesthetic influencing wallpapers and furniture choices. Almost all Noxian buildings have some form of plumbing and aura-capsule based electricity, with the only outliers being the oldest parts of the inner Steam City.

The architecture of Braeyc, Bolden, and Falhalt are reminiscent of old Noxian buildings. This is because Nox took heavy inspiration from the creations of Braeycians, eventually adapting the style into what it is now. What should be new-age Braeycian architecture, Braeyc buildings are instead known as old-age Noxian.


Farther north, in the cities, clothing tends to Victorian-esce. With laces, ribbons, buttons, and collars. Clothing is well-made and tailoring is common.

Farther south, in the Thorn Alcove, clothing is similar in materials but far less pompous. Cloth jackets and winding fabrics around feet, hands, and joints are common.


In the north, Nox Kingdom encourages monogamous relationships. With so many rich families and a sense of kingdom superiority, keeping bloodlines easy to track for the sake of inheritance is ingrained in the people.

Settlements in Thorn Alcove have no encouraged relationship structures, but the city of Braeyc is known for having the most polyamourous couples in Ptitheros. This is likely due to the city's main noble, Aremani, being polyamorous with multiple husbands and wives.


In the Nox Kingdom, the official religion is the avoidance of religion itself. A kingdom founded on abandonment of the gods, Unaffiliate '' is the recognized "Affiliation" of the kingdom.

Due to proximity, residents of Thorn Alcove also make up a decent chunk of Unaffiliates. However, the region was built up by the ancient Affiliations (Sagekin, Ola'mel, and Sequn), so all three can commonly be found in the region too.


Using a ribbon to shake hands and attempts at bartering without requesting permission.


Central Floating Islands

The central islands are the largest. These temperate lands boast a wide diversity of plants with very little amounts of animals aside from fliers and windcatchers who managed to reach the skies. The middle island holds a large hole that drops its dirt into the ocean. A massive wind vortex, salty with seawater, spirals up into this hole, which allowed the early gliding rubasyn explorers to reach the island to investigate.

Outer Floating Islands

Hovering closer to the ocean, the outer islands display more waterfalls and scenic landscapes. These smaller islands are used as farmland for Nox, but much of it has been left untouched.

Pselle Ashland

A barren wasteland of purple scenery and rivers of frozen distilled aura. The ashland is ripe with volcanic activity from deep within the hearth, pushing the flow of aura upwards into the crust of the landscape. Craggy cliffs and smooth plains crawl across the expanse, welcoming nobody to its territory. However, just east of the ashland is a small island called Pselle Island. This little isle is a territory of Nox and is perfectly habitable, has a wonderful climate, and is home to Ptithians who want a rural life away from the mainland.

The Dark Grove

The Dark Briar Grove is rumored to be a dangerous, dark forest of the north. Monster sightings of all types are common within the thick trees and outcroppings. However, past the threat, the forest is abundant with peaceful wildlife, plants of many uses, and is a quiet, unpopulated place that many daring creatures call home to stay away from the cities and their territories.

Thorn Alcove

The northern area of the grove, the Thorn Alcove, is a grassland-covered area burdened by the holes of a once-massive briar hive that has since died out and moved elsewhere. Wanderers must be careful when walking through the dry grass to not trip into a tunnel that goes nowhere but straight down.

The Verge

A massive trench on dry land, the Verge is an ancient topological fault that has been a part of Ptitheros since the start of early records. Said to be the entrance to the Beginning Kingdom; a rumored original kingdom of the gods, yet no one has concluded such. The Verge has a sheer drop from all sides, bringing waterfalls into a misty abyss that seems to continue forever. Although no longer feared as the entrance to a dangerous new world, it is now veered away from due to inexplicable activities hosted deep within. At the bottom of the Verge are caverns inhabited by groups and cults that nobody dares go near. The misty clouds halfway from the drop shield their faces and activities from the rest of the world. It is mostly accepted that the main cult that lives in the Verge are those with The Fifth Cardinal or lindost related things.

Steam City

Central Floating Islands

Nox is a large floating island off the northern coast, just above Braeyc territory. Much of the inner island is filled to the brim with Victorian-esce architecture and aura-powered industrialization, such as commodity factories and capsule plants. On the east edge of the city is farmland and open fields that cover the smaller floating islands- quiet cottage life is prioritized here. On the west edge of the city are larger and more spaced-out buildings, all leading towards the capital government building that sits next to the Whirlwind that rises from the ocean to the island's top. Life is non-stop in Nox, but the beauty it holds outside of its busy central city zone is worthwhile.

Fox Isle

Central Islands

Fox Isle is a smaller sector of the Nox Capital located slightly south of it. A moderately sized island in the North Ocean, birthed from a submarine volcano that has long since been dormant. It is the middle ground between reaching the mainland from Nox and back, handling much of the marketing and goods traveling via ships and blimps. Because of this, the isle is home to many merchant families and dock workers, along with those looking for a life that is very straightforward with an even lifestyle of natural and industrial.

Braeyc City

Thorn Alcove

Braeyc City is the largest settlement within the Braeyc territories. It is located on the south tip of the Thorn Alcove, bordering dangerously to the start of what is truly the Dark Briar Grove. Architecture here resembles medieval Europe, with most buildings built out of heavy wooden planks and uneven stone. Rain is common here, the atmosphere is quiet throughout most of the city, but many sporadic markets pop up and artisans are found all over. What was once a trading port between Tucruitora and Sequ’Manko, Braeyc has evolved into a place full of diversity and mixed families, along with cultural exports and creations that can’t be found anywhere else. The only thing stopping Braeyc from claiming proper kingdom ownership is its lack of natural resources and the looming threat of Nox owning its only beaches.


Thorn Alcove

Falhalt is a beautiful town situated near the shores of the North Ocean. Surrounded by water and the simplistic elegance of the Thorn Alcove, Falhalt is blessed with quiet seas and open fields far beyond the view from the town’s windows. It’s buildings are a mix of stone and Nox architecture, meaning old (really old) meets the newest technology often. Many rubasyns live in Falhalt but the population is a good mix of everything. Lavender fields sprawl across the landscape and mills dot the horizon as a fuzzy blur.


Thorn Alcove

Bolden is a lonesome village. Old fortresses stand melancholy against the rushing waves blowing down from the tundra above. Fog covers the place, the mild warmth coming from the grove meets the cold from Pselle, giving Bolden an eerie blanket that covers the entire area. Homes made of old stone stand the test of time against the elements. If not for the thinning Manko Mountains that stretch into the north, Bolden would have been washed away a long time ago. The people who still live there have been there for generations, and their cultural identities are a mystery to historians. They don’t allow outsiders, making the study of the village and it’s past difficult to research.


Dark Grove

Thistle is a small village deep within the Dark Briar Grove. It rests inside a shallow valley, the forest encases them from all angles and filters sunlight through the dark canopy. It is a beautiful place, but not a safe one. The people here are highly aware of the danger the grove poses but their search for solitude and a city-less life is not stopped by this threat. Rumors make Thistle out to be some sort of hovel for the insane and the cursed, making the public light beyond Thistle not a good one. Although some citizens could be such, they are far from the majority. Most citizens of Thistle are just there for a quiet life.


Outer Islands

A small island off the coast of the barren lands of Pselle, Sellesaut is the Iceland of Ptitheros; a strange little world contained within itself where warmth radiates from underground volcanic activity and strong aura-flow. Similar in climate and mannerisms as the Lowlanders of Wyndgale, Sellesaut is a place of natural solitude where monsters are not feared and life is calm and unburdening to those who prefer to stay away from cities.

5th Cardinal Camp

The Verge

Any weary traveler who comes to view the natural beauty of the verge may stumble upon the bleak monuments rising out of the fog and water spray. A maze of tents and crude settlements sits near the base of this massive waterfall, home to the 5th Cardinal Cult. A large Altar sits at the center of the encampment, where a number of fanatics can be seen performing rituals and prayers. The entrance to the camp is marked by dark obelisks, presumably attempting to imitate the shadowy dimension of Lindoss. A bustle of activity reveals the dark adornments worn by members attempting to connect to their so-called “5th Cardinal”. The encampment is completely self-sufficient; within can be found sleeping and living quarters, food stores, a kitchen and dining hall of sorts, small gardens, and places of “worship”.

Briar Hive

Dark Grove

A dozen miles south of Braeyc, slightly within the thinner north section of the grove, is a menacing location. Holes the size of 2 full grown dragons dot the landscape and travel deep into the dark underground. They burrow into a massive underground hive of connecting tunnels and nests, where bones litter the floor and thorns are shed everywhere. It is empty now, but it was once a bustling briar hive. Many fear the brood that once lived here might come back.

Skull Grotto

Dark Grotto

A strange natural landmark hidden within the grove. A group of trees, one large one centered in the midst of all the others, its branches extending outwards in an umbrella-manner to connect with the other trees that surround it. Its scattered leaves filter gentle sunlight through and grow the ground beneath it into a rich, flower-covered area. It is common for passersby to leave any animal skulls they’ve hunted/gathered at the base of the central tree, as the encircled area is believed to be a safe space amongst the dark grove. Sometimes the skulls of family members are brought to the grotto if the individual believes in its sacredness enough.

Clan Thistlecave

Dark Grove

Thistleweed Hideout is already known for its off-the-grid and dangerous nature, but what most don't know is that it's built upon a small underground city that inhabits a long cave system that eventually connects up at the Verge. This underground village is home to the ThistleCave werebeast clan members. These mellow and solitary people don't interact with the Hideout very often, instead, they have cave paths that exit out near the Abscond and (as a closer alternative) a couple miles up the Cardn River.

The Watchtower

Dark Grove

There are multiple ranger watchtowers scattered across the Dark Grove that were created by the Exploration and Aide Guilds. Groups or singular rangers are stationed here that cycle out, they are trained in monster tracking and are the first line of defense in alerting the nearby cities and towns if a concerning beast is traveling towards a populous area. They also alert for wildfires and the syren the watchtowers emit can be eerie in the dead of night. The towers have bright red radio tower lights, serving as waypoints in the dense grove.

The Abscond

Dark Grove

Where the Meldra Desert, Dark Briar Grove, and Ulhar Caesin converge... is the Abscond. This massive waterfall is the point recognized as the near-center of the Ptitheros continent. A large lake meets at its foot and mist covers the landscape throughout the morning and afternoon. Sometimes the sun hits the mist at a perfect angle, resulting in a rainbow forming over the towering waterfall.

Basalt Fen

Thorn Alcove

Where the woods and mountains shroud, even in the afternoon daylight, the ghost of a large fen appears just as the sun strikes the ocean horizon. Nearby, a statue of a fen carved purely from basalt stone sits. Many decaying flowers sit at its feet, once old offerings to it from an unknown person. It holds a silver disk, cresent moons and dots carved out of it. It looks as if it will one day align with the moons in the sky.

Forgotten Alehouse

Thorn Alcove

An old, decrepit alehouse rests upon the side of a mountain. Lonely staircases, covered in moss, dot the woods near it, that are so out of place that they cause a sense of dread. The alehouse is said to once belong to a dragon with the most ghostly of scales, long, long ago.

Pselle Expedition Camp

Pselle Ashland

An arctic outpost that houses supplies, protection, and a labratory for its scientists. The sturdy allumnix walls can handle the lava flashes and freezing-hot wind that blows in from distant calderas. Scientists do not live here permanently.

The Lightning Farm

Outer Floating Islands

The Floating Isles endure a lot of thunderstorms and the high-points attract more lightning than anywhere else in the world. One of the large, high-up islands is home to a vast lightning farm. Metal rods stretch to the sky to absorb lightning and collect the extreme aura-energy.

The Vortex

Central Floating Islands

Gliding rubasyns originally reached the floating isles by using the vortex. Towards the west of the central island (the one that holds Steam City) is a whirlpool of air that lifts things up into the sky of the islands. It gets stronger during storms and is not recommened to get near anymore since much safer ways of getting to and from the isles are available for everyone.

Grand History Museum

Steam City

There are many beautiful musuems across Ptitheros, but Steam City is home to the largest one. It has the most extensive collection of ancient relics, archive tomes, anatomy displays, prehistoric fossils, cultural stories, and more. A lot of recovered books from the Archives are stored in the underground library of records in the museum.

Underground Tunnels/Heart

Central Floating Islands

The Underground Tunnels can be found all over Steam City. They carry energy(aura) and steam from production wheels to power the city and have dark walkways so technicians can access everything. So many sections of these tunnels have been lost due to explosions, cave-ins, and monsters taking up residence within them. One of these older sections was taken over by the Lace-Ups and turned into an impressive headquarters that is excellently hidden away from all eyes.

An orbital section of tunnels around a centerpiece; a massive pit into nothingness where the Machine hangs above. Shaped like a biological heart with massive tubes and a silent hiss, it has long sat dormant. In the orbiting tunnels are various rooms outfitted for research, captivity, sleep, meeting, leisure, discussion, sparring, and so on.

Council's Cliffside Citadel

Central Floating Islands

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