Region | Southern Edge

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by ◬ Swā Veduro aaimasqtch

South Edge


Wurunwa Forest

Sometimes called the Wurunwa Evergreens, this massive forest is remarkable for just how many incidents and missing-person reports arise from those who travel to it. It is a place full of unstable aura, likely the cause of the towering trees, and anomolous properties run wild. But the most concerning piece is what roams these woods. Wurunwa is a deticated soyo-grave, a place that misformed lindosts, called "soyowas" are sent to wander. These monsters are extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Despite this, there are rumors of a community living within Wurunwa, and it isn't the outer werebeast camp.


Kandle Bog

Mucky, wet, and full of mangrove swamps. Kandle Bog is covered in a misty shroud but is bustling with life and the soft glow of thousands of foes. It is a peaceful place, a place that will never attract the rich or dainty, leaving its residents with a simple life that has remained the same for centuries. Many ancient Ola'mel family groups call this bog home.

  • Rumored Wurunwa Village
  • The Distortion
  • Wildbeast Glow Caverns