Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
|| Q51 || Q52 || Q53 || Q54 || Q55 || Q56 || Q57 || Q58 || Q59 || Q60 || Q61 || Q62 || Q63 || Q64 || Q65 || Q66 || Q67 || Q68 || Q69 || Q70 || Q71 || Q72 || Q73 || Q74 || Q75 || Q76 || Q77 || Q78 || Q79 || Q80 || Q81 || Q82 || Q83 || Q84 || Q85 || Q86 || Q87 || Q88 || Q89 || Q90 || Q91 || Q92 || Q93 || Q94 || Q95 || Q96 || Q97 || Q98 || Q99 || Q100 ||
|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Hi, I've never answered these, so I thought I'd drop in, if that's cool. ovo I'll only answer a few at a time, but I'll be back for more later!!

  • Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them? - I don't remember perfectly, because it's been a while but it was probably Asbel. He's kind of my go-to, main character OC, haha.
  • Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? - There's actually no tech in my world, sooo, they don't really have any contact with it. I think it'd be mixed feelings though, some people wouldthink it's neat, others would just call it a total time waster and move on. :P
  • Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person? - Ahhh, haven't though about this most, but out of my characters on here it'd most likely be Flixit. I have a lot of early birds, haha, but Flixit probably doesn't care about getting up early/doesn't need to. Hardest to wake up would probably be Nightcrawler though.
  • Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person? - Cleanest would have to be Amelia but Kelpie takes the longets baths! She could stay in there for hours.
  • Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth? Warin, no contest.

Sorry about the lack of question yesterday! Turns out I can't read calendars and yesterday was Memorial Day, anyway! Alright, quick Q before I get rushed out of the door based on National Speak in Complete Sentences Day... pfff, complete sentences are for

Q139. Which OC of yours speaks the most eloquently?


Happy National Penpal Day!

Q140. Do any of your OCs have someone who lives far away that they still keep in touch with?

Ansaiele, Bonnie, Chalcedony, Dicro, and some OC I don't have a bio for and haven't done enough with are all internet friends and spend a lot of time in chats together, talking about the hippest memes, getting emotional about the latest anime eps, and kinkshaming/praising Dicro. They all live in different dimensions! Though Ansaiele, Bonnie, and Dicro all eventually end up at Hell College together, which is pretty cool! Most of them are also acquainted with Memen, but that's more of being mutuals on Tumblr than actives friends who talk to each other a lot.

Orange is very far away from home, but every once in a while he'll make an attempt to contact his estranged older brother. They don't get along too well, though, since his brother hates the overlord that Orange works for. Hare is also far away from home, but has a much better relationship with her family and sends them letters about what a great time she's having on Celestella!


keep forgetting every time i post that i had stuff i wanted to respond to...

SuperStar2361 imagining haimon trying to use a keyboard is priceless... i know he can make his blood take the form of arms and stuff but still,

Domino Absolutely, go right on ahead! I love seeing new additions pop in!

I've got a bunch of chores to do today because we're having a huge family gathering this weekend, but I just want t sit here and write about OCs... life is hard.

Q141. Which OC of yours has the biggest family?

Note that their family doesn't have to actually be important to their story or have any named or developed members! They can just be total non-characters in the background! Heck, they could all be dead! We're looking at quantity over quality here.

I don't have exact numbers, but Chalcedony lived with both of her parents and several siblings; enough siblings where she could easily be lost somewhere in the middle and become kind of a non-person by hiding in her room and letting her more outgoing siblings drown her out. She's probably got like... 4-6 siblings, and then plenty of non-nuclear family members who come over for family gatherings which she avoids so aggressively that people tend to forget she exists. Which is just what she wants, honestly. She's not particularly fond of any of them and is glad to now be in a place where she can now just focus on her friends and enjoy the company she surrounds herself with.

Azior has a pretty large nuclear family, and members of his extended family are so close that they might as well be in his nuclear family as well. He had a pretty good family life, but all of the healthy relationships in the world couldn't keep him from living out his dreams as an adventuring thief. He sends money back to them sometimes but is careful not to stay too close for too long... he doesn't want them to get in trouble just because he can't stay out of trouble! Fortunately, they still love him either way.

is totally the kind of guy who calls all of his younger siblings, cousins, etc. "squirt" and ruffles their hair and calls his dad "pops" and who has a big weak spot for his mom

  • Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person? - For both, it'd probably to be Nightcrawler. He goes to sleep around 2 AM and wakes up at the crack of dawn, so he gets VERY LITTLE sleep, and it's very bad. There might be someone who stays up later, but he's definitely the first to come to mind.
  • Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful? - That's a toughie, I don't think I have anyone who's super forgetful. o: Maybe Gremlin though? She's bad with faces and names, unless they're someone important to her.
  • Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams? Amelia occasionally has prophetic dreams, so she'd fit the description best!
  • Q9. Which of your OCs is the worst cook? Flixit is a disaster in the kitchen. 
  • Q10. Which of your OCs is the best cook? - Devi is a really good cook! Sadly she lives by herself, so she doesn't get to cook for others all that often.
  • Q11. Which of your OCs is the laziest? - Out of the characters I've got on her, probably Kelpie. She's not super lazy, but she's stubborn so if you ask her to do something but she doesn't feel like it she'll put it off forever.
  • Q12. Which of your OCs is the shortest? - I think it's either Mushroom kid or this girly, but I don't know their exact heights. P: Neither of them are very developed at the moment sadly.
  • Q13. Which of your OCs is the most exuberant spender? - Either Gidget or Pembe. Gidget loves clothes and enjoys buying them whenever she can, and Pembe loves buying new weapons and armor!
  • Q14. How do your OCs feel about Christmas? - Christmas isn't specifically celebrated in my world - though I have thought of having a similar festival - but I think most of them would enjoy it!
  • Q15. Which of your OCs is the stingiest with money? - Probably Kelpie. Ms. I'm-not-paying-for-dinner.
  • Q16. Do you use the links feature between your own characters? If not, why not? - I do sometimes! Most of the time I'm too lazy to put them in, but I've used it for a few of them.
  • Q17. At what rate do you tend to create OCs? How has this changed over time? - Hhhh, I'm kinda really slow with them. Sometimes they come really fast and I manage to name, design and come up with their general premise fast, but it usually takes me a while. I'm often either stuck with a name with no character and design or a design with no name or character. OTL
  • Q18. Which of your OCs is your favorite, or who are a few of your favorites? Why? - One of my favorites is Asbel because he was my first OC of this world that I'm currently using. I drew him one day (the first time I'd drawn a human in a very long time) and ws immediately very attached, and the characters I made shortly after him were all built around him honestly. I'm super attached to him at this point. <3
  • Q19. Do any of your OCs have pets? If not, do they want any? - Sadly I don't really have OCs with pets, which is dumb cause I love characters with pets. :( I think that a few of them would definitely appreciate a doggy to pal around with, or a cat to sit with or something.
  • Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? - There are no cars in my world but I think Miesale would be a good driver, while Heat would be cussing at other drivers, running red lights and going too fast.

All these questions are a lot of fun, so thanks for posting them and keeping up with the schedule Iso! c: Really cool of you~


Q126. If you could make one of your OCs really popular, which one would you pick?
Oliv. They're like my best character hahah

Q130. Which OC of yours is the biggest personal space invader?
John literally makes his way into Mal and Leo's room sometimes

Q139. Which OC of yours speaks the most eloquently?
Mal Oliv and John all are pretty eloquent?

Q140. Do any of your OCs have someone who lives far away that they still keep in touch with?
Mal and Amy still keep in touch with Rosemary (who I really need to make a profile for), and Rosemary also is currently in a long distance relationship with her (completely undeveloped) partner.

  • Q21. Do you have any fan characters? - I do, but I choose not to post them on toyhouse, so that it's easier to keep my regular OCs together! But I've got a handful of Splatoon and Steven Universe OCs. c: Used to have a lot of ponies too.
  • Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest? - That'd be Mushroom Kid. He lives in the forest almost all by himself, so he's not well adjusted to people. :c
  • Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest? - Hmmm, this lady is a big centaur, so she definitely stands above the rest. For not centaur people though, it's probably Warin.
  • Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars? - I tend to just pick one of my favorite pieces of art of them! Headshots and busts are definitely better, though.
  • Q25. Which of your OCs likes the rain the most? Who likes it the least? - Oooh, I haven't really thought about this at all, hmm. Barley probably likes it a lot, just because any weather conditions are interesting to her, Heat and Alba are probably not fond of it, though.
  • Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest? - Poor Primrose. She's part hedgehog (of sorts) so her quills, concealed in her hair, rise when she's startled. She's had more than a few accidents with poking people when they come up behind her. OTL
  • Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most? - Jules and Primrose! Jules enjoys painting, either people or scenery. And Primrose sketches plants she sees in her journals!
  • Q28. Which OC of yours plays video games the most? - Ohoh, one of my favorite questions. If video games existed in my setting, it would be Flixit and Gidget. I'd imagine Heat and Sylphia would join in often though!
  • Q29. Which OC of yours is the least punctual? - Almost undoubtedly Asbel. On purpose.
  • Q30. Which OC of yours is the most responsible? - Honestly this is tough for me, there are a lot of characters who are semi-responsible but have plenty of outside influences getting in the way of what they NEED to do, but I'm going to have two for this one actually. Miro and West. There were a couple other contenders, but I could still see them bailing on responsibility for certain other things.

What, I'm not addicted to answering these, haha, what.


Yikes, sorry about another missed question!! Long story short I should not take naps ever because apparently alarms just... don't work on me. Whoops!

Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?

In other words, have you ever taken an old OC of yours and reworked them into a new one?

I do that all the time! I kind of make it a point to dig up old OCs I haven't thought about in years (especially ones from when I was a kid since those were always just designs and basic personalities anyway) and reinvent them.

Fray is sort of the final form of me always having a blatant self-insert character for my OC stuff, a sort of character who got recycled into increasingly solid forms until eventually becoming Fray! Who's sort of the exact opposite of her previous iteration, who was an angst-riddled magical girl. Dicro, likewise, is the end result of me always making an Obligatory Love Interest character for Fray, and just as likewise is also kind of the exact opposite of his previous versions. He used to be cold, manipulative, edgy, and kind of a terrible person honestly because I was under the impression that you just couldn't have a good relationship without it being blatantly unhealthy...??? Middle school was wild. Anyway, now he's a big dork who just wants to make people happy and cares about others' feelings too much, and now instead of being love interests he and Fray are essentially brother and sister.

Originally Loligo was a cutesy and friendly mermaid who was recycled from an old mermaid character of mine. She's been totally changed since then, of course, but the point still stands that she was originally a new version of an old character! Seraye was recycled from an old character named Larue, who was... really just a single image I drew one time that I dug up later and decided to do something with.

I have way more examples, but none of them are characters who are up here yet! I think the most prominent example would have to be when I made an OC out of a character from a story concept I wrote way back in elementary school where she was a cat from the future who went back in time to keep cats from coming illegal. My magnum opus...


 Isoprene omg yes XD he'd probably think it's some sort of pillow at first, and try falling asleep on it. then once somebody tells him that it's for typing stuff on, he'll probably try doing that... but of course he'll get blood all over the keys (and possibly break the keyboard as a result? i don't know, i haven't tried getting a ton on blood on a computer keyboard before) and then have no idea which key is which because all the blood is covering up the letters on them. eventually he'd probably give up and just... fall asleep on the keyboard again lol


Q119. Do any of your OCs have children?

a lot of my characters are too young to have kids, so pretty much all of them don't.

 Q120. Which OC of yours is the most prone to losing things?

arrie's pretty forgetful, so she's lost quite a few things because of her forgetting where she put them. i'd also say that izzy's prone to losing things, but that's only because liam keeps stealing them.

Q121. Which OCs would play video games for fun and which ones would play to win?

lora would totally play video games just for fun - she doesn't care who wins, as long as everyone enjoys themselves while they're playing. allie and melody are actually pretty casual gamers who play just to enjoy themselves. eleasha doesn't play video games that often, but since she only plays animal crossing, i guess that makes her count as a 'for fun' kind of gamer as... well, you can't really 'win' in animal crossing.

as for my 'for glory' characters, liam would totally play just to win (well, either that or he'll play just to troll everyone). marina's a pretty competitive gal, so for her the main way to enjoy video games is to win. i'd say that lightning prefers to play video games just to win, too.

also, i have this android from the future who loves to play video games in general, so i guess he'd be both, because he plays them to enjoy himself and to win at the same time.

  • Q31. Which of your OCs is the youngest? - Onsite, it's probably Fudge, but his younger sister would probably be my youngest overall! I'm awful with ages so 90% of my OCs don't have official ages yet.
  • Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not? - I don't actually, I guess just cause I like simple and I'm lazy. Just never felt the need to I guess. o:
  • Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most? - Kelpie and Alba. Alba's troublemaking is more harmless pranks whereas Kelpie's has actually lead to some injuries in the past.
  • Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick? - NO DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE. Ugh, probably Asbel, because as I've mentioned before he's extremely important to me. OTL
  • Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? This time they know you created them and defined their life! - I'm gonna say Jules on this one, partially just in the spirit of not picking Asbel over again! But Jules is a sweetie too, and would be a ton of fun to hang out with. He'd probably thank me for his existence.
  • Q36. If you had to be stuck in one of your stories/universes, which one would you pick? Which one would you least want to be stuck in? - As I actuallyonly have one universe ATM, I'm gonna instead pick what PART of my world I would like to be in etc. So, I would choose to go to Asbel's Kingdom that is currently otherwise unnamed. It's a really nice place that I could just chill in. I would least want to be stuck either at the Underwater Prison with Barley or at the Maiden's Halo. I guess no one knows those places so theis question is probably BORING TO READ SORRY.
  • Q37. Which OC of yours is the worst with technology? - There isn't really any tech in my world so...I honestly don't know. o:
  • Q38. Which of your OCs is the most gullible? - Probably Flixit. That's why Gidget is there to bail her out when needed!
  • Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights? - Honestly, probably Stealer? Not because he starts fights, but as a thief in a bad neighborhood that sorta thing happens.
  • Q40. Which OC of yours is the most argumentative? - This is actually really tough, but maybe Pembe? I'm not near sure of that though. P:
  • Q41. Do you have any adopted OCs? - Yep! Most of mine on here are totally my own, but to name a few there's Pembe, Miro and Kelpie. o:
  • Q42. How do you choose which OC(s) of yours to feature? If you don't use the featured character feature, why not? - I kinda just pick my current favorites. Or the ones with lots of art. 
  • Q43. Do any of your OCs sing? - Yes! Siren is a professional singer, and I kind of love music and singing so...I kinda just default to saying all my OCs have nice singing voices. .A.
  • Q44. Do any of your OCs play an instrument or otherwise make music? - I definitely want to have OCs who play instruments but none that I've officially decided yet, no. OTL
  • Q45. Are any of your OCs dead, planned to die, or have been dead at any point (even if only briefly)? - Uhh, not really. All my OCs are living, and those that are dead are mostly secondary or background characters. There is ONE who I currently have who was ressurected, but he's not on toyhouse at the moment. umu
  • Q46. Which of your OCs' looks are the most deceiving? - Siren. He looks like he'd be all friendly and sweet - and he is - but he can also be pretty awful if you get on his bad side. Which is easy to do.
  • Q47. Which of your OCs have the most regrets? - I...really don't know for this one. /defeated
  • Q48. Do you have any OCs who have radically changed from their original concept? - Hmm, I guess the closest person to this would be Nightcrawler? Just personality wise, I was gonna have him a more serious quiet person but now he's just a socially awkward dork, to be honest...
  • Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them?  - Owen. He used to be not cool at all and super lame. He kept the same clothes colors, though.
  • Q50. Which of your OCs like to answer questions about themselves the most? - I would guess Pembe, haha.
  • Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief? - Not...really? I mean I've got some goofy characters, but they're all serious characters in their own way.
  • Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful? - Umm, I don't really think about this sorta stuff a lot but I guess Gidget? She dates a lot idk??
  • Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others? - dis boy has issues with envy
  • Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy? - I often think of Alba as being sorta obsessed with trinkets and stuff, so maybe her?? She's probably not a very good sharer
  • Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger? - Heat is especially volatile. ovo
  • Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?  - Umm, simplest might be Clancy, most complicated is probably this lady?
  • Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)? - I...don't really have any picked out right now, but I would probably pick based on zodiac or simple association of certain months.
  • Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?  - I don't really know. I could see Gidget enjoying it. Maybe Devi. Swissle might in private.
  • Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings? - Some do, yeah! For example, Melete's name means "practice, exercise" which is fitting for her character.
  • Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest? - WarinIt's because his mouth is always cover by that darn bandana! >:O jkjk

Slowly makes my way through these.
I might skip a couple along the way if I can't decide on a decent answer. xP


Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?
This may or may not count but Jason's development history is awful. He started out as a headcanon version of a background character from KND, but after I separated my characters from KND universe I pretty much scrapped even the entire headcanon personality I had for him? I designed him as a fresh character after that to fill the role the headcanon had. In the end I decided to make him the way he is because his Mii in tomodachi life really, really pissed me off.

Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?
I actually have a couple old OCs I want to recycle for Exploit, but they won't be particularly big roles. Mostly, I have redesigned them!