Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


why hello again isoprene
Q1: Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first character I made a profile for is Jinx! She is definitely one of my favorites out of my OCs. I wanted to get her personality down and also have a place to put all of the art I would eventually make of her. The reason why I wanted to get her personality down is because she started out as the main character in my Doctor Who fanfic that I still haven't finished yet...I probably never will. Anyway, I realized she had many different versions of herself, so I just wrote down what basically, all of them combined were. I knew I would make lots of art for her because her design is so simple and easily for me to draw, and she has so many different places and scenarios I could draw her in!


Seems interesting.

Q1: Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

Let's see... I think the first profile I technically created was for Ulti, but the first and, so far, only one I've really completed has been Arith. Why? Those two are two of my three main OCs. By "Main OCs", I mean they represent me the most. I always feel that characters are supposed to be pieces of the owners. Ulti is my main fursona and the one I'm most connected with. At least, that was the case until some really, really nasty drama happened and I've been forced to disconnect from him, a bit. In fact, it was this disconnection that kinda forced me to make Arith. The third OC I'm most connected with, Julie, who isn't on here yet (since I need a proper reference picture for her since her recent design change), I don't get to use too often since one of the RP characters she's involved with is owned by a friend who isn't able to make posts often. Anyways, since I can't be connected to my first main OC in my main RP and the second main OC isn't used as often as I'd like, I've been putting a lot of love into this recent third main OC. So yeah, that's why Arith was the first OC of mine to get a properly finished profile.


Q1: Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

It was my darling Conner I picked out for my first profile. It came down to him mostly because I was sifting through all the art of my characters and thinking, "Which one of my characters is both developed enough and also has a decent headshot for an avatar?" For whatever reason I was concerned about joining a site that's dominated by people that participate in adopts and also a place where there are so many lovely designs and great artists out there. I think it was during the time I joined I was also feeling kind of bummed out about my art. I give out art freebie quite often on another site, but almost a fourth of all the art I've ever drawn for other people goes either unrecognized or without thanks. I pretty much concluded my art was too crappy for people, so I was nervous about displaying my characters here without "decent" looking art for a public avatar. I picked Conner first simply because he has a lovely headshot that I got in an art trade a while ago (although I worried since the artist had no public art site or profile I could link to I'd be violating some rule or whatever, so his profile was private for a long while).

So that's it. Conner's no where near to being my first OC and although he's pretty well developed, he's also not my most developed character either. I just picked him first because I thought he was the most rounded out character I had good art for at the time. XD Kind of silly now that I think about it, because now I'm like "Who cares if the only art you have is this crappy phone picture of a drawing you scrawled back in 2007? JUST MAKE THE PROFILES AND WORRY ABOUT IT LATER" My second character was my namesake, The Lady Anatola, and she probably would've been first if only I had actually drawn her recently.


Good thread

Q1: Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

I think I just randomly chose a profile and uploaded that one here because I can't even remember which one it was without peeking. Apparently it was Alena, but I cannot for the life of me remember why I uploaded her first. She's one of my least developed characters and I don't think I was that interested in her at the time. It may help giving some context, I moved all of my profiles from Weebly to TH and tried to do them in one big go. Maybe she was first because at the time her name was at the top of the list, alphabetically speaking? There's no real significance to the order, except for the newer ones that were made after the entire migration.


Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?
(my questions will almost always be in plural and directed toward users, but remember you can always answer for just one character or answer in-character!)

Bonnie and Dicro (and by extension 2cro, though he... hasn't really used it in a couple milennia) both use the internet regularly, which is how they met! I even have Tumblr and Neopets accounts for both of them, which are linked on their profiles. Bonnie is trying to teach Zhirael the ways of the internet, but it's not really something Zhirael uses casually. Thyx tries his hardest to use it to learn how to be cool and expose said coolness to the world, but none of his videos have any views and he's pretty easily baited by trolls. He canonically got into an internet fight with Purple Satan once and it's bound to end poorly.

Fray, Kameila, Porphyra, and Seraye are all aware of the internet's existence, but they don't really use it at all or have much interest in it. Umbra generally doesn't, but sometimes she'll pop in to lurk competitive Pokemon forums. It passes the time while you're not being forced to kill everyone you've ever known and loved. Barazia is completely unaware of the existence of the internet, but if he knew about it he'd probably run an aesthetic blog on Tumblr and do little else.

charity is only interested in christmas memes


Q2: How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Jinx surprisingly doesn't really care about the internet. She thinks humans are boring and therefore, the internet is boring. Rae is always looking up ways to fix and build computers. It doesn't exist in Arcadia, but Hystery would be going on history sites and downloading books to read, and Chev would read interactive fiction a lot.


Q2: How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Well, Ulti finds the Internet vety convenient for finding what a particular world's problems are when it has it. To him, its mostly a tool for information gathering. Arith doesn't deal much with the internet. She does use it to keep up with shows and car companies, but she's otherwise too busy with other things to continuously browse the web. There is occasionally some cyber-terrorism the tech guys on her team have to deal with, but she's not too involved in that. Apocalypse Man doesn't have internet, as that's only a pre-war concept. He has heard of it through some old computers he managed to find still working and an encyclopedia he found once, so he knows it was a thing that existed. If it was still around in his world, he'd probably not use it too often. Julie, whom is not on this site yet, is incredibly reliant on such things as the internet. Her timeline takes place in the 2140's and is basically cyberpunk, so most things in the world are conected. It's what she grew up around, so it's what she likes. She's a huge gamer, programmer, and general tech whiz, so the Internet is a really big thing for her. She mostly studies up on the latest tech and games online.


Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Uh... Hoo boy, I have too many to make just a general statement. There's a large section of my characters that live on a somewhat altered Earth, so internet use is about as normal for them as it is for most people now, if they live in a highly developed country, that is. Then there's another larger group of characters that live in this multi-planet, multi-galaxy world that relatively well linked together. I don't have a term for it yet, but they do have an internet like system that works across galaxies and whatnot through both technological and magical means. Then there are a handful of less technological worlds or regions within this realm that either don't know about or don't care to use this internet system. And that's mostly for the mortal realms. With the Demon's Realm they do use the same internet system and whatnot, but obviously the Realm of the Dead has no use for such things. I could speak for my darlings as individuals of course, but I wouldn't even know who to start with. XD


Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?

Definitely not inspired by the fact that I just slept in until 2:30 PM whoops! And man I keep wanting to reply to things but I want to keep the question posts nice and clean... I'll have to make a seperate post for that later!

Anyway, Dicro does the most sleeping, and it doesn't have anything to do with his subconscious adventuring; he can do that while he's awake by physically entering Fray's subconscious and going from there, which is generally how he prefers to do things anyway. Instead it has everything to do with depression, anxiety, wanting to avoid his problems, and not feeling ready to deal with the world every day. If anyone comments on his frequent sleeping he'll just lie and say that he's going on ~magical subconscious adventures~ and leave it at that.

Out of the characters I have here, Barazia is probably the hardest to wake up. When he wants his 8 hours, he's going to get his 8 hours. He can wake up fairly easier if there's danger around, but he's the hardest to intentionally wake up. Bonnie wakes up fairly easily, but he's the hardest to actually get out of bed and convince to stay awake.