Magic Ability

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Magic icons will be put up at a later date with a little more in depth  on them, but you can get the jist on some of them. Fire is fire magic  -wiggles fingers-
But the icons can be used as symbols for magic users to use to either  portray what sort of magic they study in, or for a school to display the  type of magics it teaches.

Note: Time, necromancy, and life are TABOO, but that doesn't mean you're  not allowed to have your StarDragon practice it! Elliott there who  seems a little too pro-taboo is a necromancer himself. Just lore wise,  someone who dabbles in necromancy wouldn't loudly-proudly state it in  the streets because they absolutely would be immediately apprehended.
Well Meaning Citizen With A Heavy Interest In Robbers on the streets, Necromancer in the sheets.

Top Panel Symbols from Left to Right: Arcane, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness
Second Panel Symbols from Left to Right: Time, Necromancy, Life

Art by Raptorslut
Words by Cloneclone and missmab

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)