Sweeper Leaders

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Name: Amanaki of Itori Tribe
Age: 48
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 260lbs
Relationship Status: Married
Liliko - Wife
Children: Aimata - Son, Kaikoa - Son, Raihau - Son
GrandChildren: Yoora - GrandDaughter,  Apikaira - GrandDaughter, Aukai -  GrandSon,  Enoka - Grandson, Hakopa - Grandson,  Halani -  Granddaughter,  Hoku - Grandson

About Amanaki:   Hailing from the southern tropics, Amanaki of Itori grew up in a small  remote village with a lot of expectations placed upon his shoulders as  many of his tribe felt he was blessed with divine gifts.  However, it  soon became apparent that Amanaki was not to be the great warrior his  parents had hoped he would be. Instead, he found himself fascinated with  books and writings left behind by various merchants and priests who  sometimes stopped into his small village. Teaching himself to read, he  was enamoured with the prospect of knowledge and soon left home to seek  out the larger cities of his people.  Along his way he discovered how  many villages were much like his own...remote with often little  understanding outside of their small tribes ways.

Once in the city, Amanaki set to work in a small library which later  expanded and under his guidance he began an outreach program to bring  knowledge and books and teachers to the far reaches of his people's  tribes.  The movement caught on quickly and decades later many tribes  now have at least one small school and library in their village.  To the  surprise of few, when the last chieftan began to decline in health, he  requested Amanaki to take up the mantle and to lead their people into a  hopeful age of enlightenment and culture.

A humble but charismatic speaker, Amanaki seeks to show the world the  majesty and beauty of his people's culture as well as bring new ideas in  as well. While not a pacifist, Amanaki tends to prefer using violence  as a last resort rather than as a first course of action.  This has led  to some struggle between himself and the leader of the northern tribes  in regards to how to handle the shooter nation.

Name: Sylvi of Elgriar Tribe
Age: 63
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 257lbs
Relationship Status: Married
Havardr - Husband
Children: Aria - Daughter, Gosta - Son (Deceased -Now Robber), Bjarke - Son (Deceased), Brenna - Daughter (Deceased)
GrandChildren:  Hella - GrandDaughter, Egil -Grandson (Missing), Hillevi  -GrandDaughter (Missing), Kelby -GrandSon (Missing), Gosta - Grandson  (Deceased),

About Sylvi:  Unlike  her tropical counterpart, Sylvi's rise to leadership came in a more  customary method for the starsweeper race as she gained accolades and  honors for defending her tribes from both beast and starshooter raids.   Eventually she was chosen by the previous chieftan to lead the northern  tribes, a job she both enjoys and finds frustrating as she is no longer  able to join her fellow warriors as often due to the obligations of the  role.  The harsher environment and the closer proximity to the shooter  population has left Sylvi and her people in a difficult position, as the  northern sweeper villagers are a popular target for raids in both gems  and potential slaves to bring back to the shooter capitals.  It is no  secret that Sylvi despises the shooter race with open hostiliy, likely  in part due to the loss of most of her children and grandchildren to  them. Mentioning that some of her grandchildren may in fact be growing  up as shooter slaves at this very moment is a surefire way to invoke her  ire.

While close friends with Amanaki, the two have recently begun to have  stress as Sylvi grows frustrated with Amanaki's insistance on peace.   And rumors have begun to circulate that Sylvi may in fact be making some  sort of hidden dealings with the leader of the robbers.  It is true  that there has been a notable robber population increase in Sylvi's  domain...and many of them have even been getting warrior's training.   But most dismiss it as hyperbole and claim her decision has more to do  with one of her murdered children returning to her as a robber...thus  giving the chieftan personal motivation to be more sympathetic to the  race.

StarSweeper government style:  A proud and competitive race, the StarSweepers tend to handle their  leadership and government as a meritocracy, where those who desire rank  and leadership must first prove themselves to their village and society.   While most commonly this tends to translate to capture a dangerous  creature, or stop a shooter raiding party, or kill a large beast to  provide food...there have been many leaders who have earned their title  via more peaceful means such as helping develop irrigation for their  village, or discovering a cure for a malady that afflicted their people,  or being an essential aid in a time of crisis.  As such, the titles and  ranks are not automatically passed on from parent to child but instead  the chieftan will select a protoge who has shown themselves worthy.

Another unique facet of StarSweepers is there are two chieftans, one who  rules over the tropical sweepers and the other who maintains order over  the sweeper clans of the more temperate to arctic regions.  This is  done primarily because the needs of the tropical sweepers are likely to  drastically vary from the needs of their temperate counterparts.  And,  as true to the StarSweeper traditon, they feel having two chieftans  keeps the competative spirit burning thus inspiring their leaders to  never grow complacent and idle.

As it stands, Amanaki of the Southern Tribes is the current face of the  StarSweeper race.  Every two years there is a competition between the  leaders as to decide who shall represent the race in regards to world  council affairs.  Long ago this used to be handled via a gladitorial  wrestling match but over the course of history the competition has  evolved into a drinking contest along with a feast and festival that the  sweepers use as a means to get together with their distant cousins and  party.

Southern Tribes:   While technically there are tribes of sweepers far below the equator,  this term tends to refer to the Sweepers who predominately live in the  tropical regions of the world. Brightly colored with less insulation,  these sweepers tend to look sleeker than their "Nothern" counterparts.   As the tropical islands and lands tend to be more plentiful with  resources, the southern tribes also tend to be the more 'artistic' of  the two tribes as they have more time to dedicate themselves to crafts  and hobbies.

Northern Tribes:   The more temperate tribes of sweepers, they tend to be more likely to  have extra layers of feathers to help insulate them in winter. With the  lack of year round fruit trees, these tribes tend to rely more on  hunting...with a few who have settled down into villages to pick up  agriculture when the seasons allow for it.  The harsher environment and  need to struggle for resources tends to make these tribes a bit more  hardened and ready for battle. Northern Tribe sweepers are often the  favorite choice for bodyguards and mercenaries.

Religion:  The  Sweepers consider themselves devotees to their patron god Raziel as both  tribes have special celebrations dedicated to the god of earth and  fire, but they also pay their respects to the full pantheon. The  Southern Tribes in particular hold festivals specifically to Hylcinth in  gratitude for the lush bounty of plants and life, where as the Northern  Tribes will hold festivals specifically to Helgin to honor and respect  their warriors and to provide justice as well as watch over them in the  times  of winter when the nights are their longest.

Art by missmab and sharkbutts
Profiles by Missmab

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)