Village of Osis

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


An example of a town/village location setting. These are open-settings  for people to use for RP locations/backstory/residence purposes if they  desire.

As an aside, people are free to design and submit their own location  settings as well. But much like flora/fauna, they should be designed  with an intent to allow them to be free to use for multiple people  versus a personal setting that could only really host one or two  individuals.


Name: Osis
Location: Nestled between the  Shrine of the Seven cliffsides and the Great Expanse, Osis is about 4  days travel away from the rivers and main trade routes.  As there is no  direct road and it is across unforgiving desert and cliff side, it is  somewhat out of the way.
Population: Small Village Size.   Primarily consists of Dashers, with eaters and crafters being tied for  second most common residents.  Other stardragon races do call this  place home, but are much rarer.

General Information:  The  village of Osis is considered by those outside of it as a whispered  rumour and ghost village.   Travelers who have claimed to have  discovered the elusive location have spoken of a lush valley filled with  plants and wealth...only to try to return and become lost in the  underground maze that runs through the mountains that surround the  village...or stranger yet find their way through only to discover  abandoned buildings and dried riverbeds.   Such things have led most to  believe the village is nothing but a myth or some haunted remnant of a  village long since destroyed.  However the truth is that the village  itself is in a way not one village but three, as depending on the season  the waters that run through the village will shift course into one of  the three enclaves.  When this happens, the entire population gathers  their belongings and migrates to the new enclave.   The locals often  joke that everyone has three houses in for each enclave.  The  houses are built from clay and rocks mined from below by the  starcrafters, though it isn't uncommon for some members to live in tents  and pavilions.

To even get into Osis, one must first navigate a series of complicated  underground tunnels...a task that even some locals can find difficult at  times.  Depending on the route an individual can end up at any of the  three enclaves...or more likely just end up lost in complex networks.   The tunnels themselves are maintained (and likely expanded upon) by a  small clan of starcrafters who mine far underneath the cliffs for  natural gems and metals.  While one could technically scale the steep  cliffs, the strong winds and sand make such a task painful if not deadly  to try.

Seasons:  Osis runs off of  three seasons, each depending on which enclave has water.  A typical  season lasts for about four months, though there have been instances  where a season has only lasted two to upward of close to a year and a  half.  The season is usually marked by the silverleaf cactus going into  blossom followed by a sudden rapid decline of the river, to which two  scouting groups go and see which enclave has begun to fill with water in  order to prepare for the migration.  As water rushes into the previous  riverbed, local river plants that lay dormant during the dry season  bloom and grow rapidly.  The dashers of the area have long since learned  to cultivate a type of reed as well as several crops that grows quickly  to make the most of the possibly short growing seasons. After the  season ends, the plants go dormant into a form of dry hibernation as the  area soon becomes a dry wasteland.  

Government:  The village is run  by a council of elders and prophets who oversee different aspects of  the community.  There is an elder to oversee trade and commerce with the  outside world, one oversees defense and protection, one tends to the  spiritual needs of the community, while another sees to the physical  needs of the community. A fifth elder acts as a proxy to the people  themselves.  While normally each elder has say over their area of  expertise, they will often vote when it comes to decisions that affect  everyone as a whole.

Main Exports:  Metal, Gems, Pottery, Silverleaf Cactus Extract, Silk, Medicine, Jewelry
Main Imports:  Food, Fabric, Lumber
-Due to the size of Osis and the seasons, lumber and domesticated  animals are a rarity.  Many of the crafters and dashers in Osis are  skilled artisans, honing their abilities in an environment that doesn't  require them to constantly travel across the desert.  However due to the  reclusive nature of the village as well as the difficulty in traveling  there, it is not on any trade route. This combined with the small  population is often the reason why many young members of the village  join with the trade guild (much to the chagrin of the elder who oversees  the village's defense) so as to travel and see the world as well as  make their fortune and find a partner before attempting to return and  settle down.  

Silverleaf Cactus:  (Its  pointy! See image above for example) One of the prize exports of the  village, this cactus grows in several parts of the Great Expanse and is  highly sought after for its medicinal properties as it not only renders  the area it is applied to instantly numb and devoid of pain, but also  acts as a relaxant and calming agent.  However in its raw form, the  cactus has several side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headaches,  heavy anxiety/paranoia, as well as severe hallucinations.   While many  groups have found various ways to distill the cactus to lessen the  effects, the village of Osis has managed to discover a method in which  the negative effects have been neutralized all together...making their  extract one of the more sought by various medical practitioners and  alchemists.

Outside World:  The village of  Osis is somewhat reclusive.  Due to the fear that if they grow too large  or expand outward they will somehow attract raiders or a shooters, the  older generation tends to be somewhat xenophobic. However the trade  goods of the outside world are too tempting and many of the younger  generation find it more exciting to become a member of the trade guild  and explore the world rather than stay behind and act as a militia and  patrol the caverns.  Small trade groups often go to and from Osis,  usually trying to remain small enough so as to avoid too much notice and  attention.  However it isn't uncommon for trade groups to come across  lost travelers and bring them back to Osis to nurse them back to health.  

Crimes and Law:  There is not  much crime in Osis due to the small population and easy to maintain  distribution of wealth.  As such, most small crimes tend to be punished  with community labor.  Serious crimes are a rarity and are usually dealt  with swift and severe punishment.

Art, concept © missmab

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)