
NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Name: Basut
Gender: He/Him, They/Them
Orientation: Pansexual
Title: The Scorn Child
Created: N/A
Patron of: StarShooters
Elements: N/A
Constellation Association: The Black Moon
Main temple location: The Capital
Secondary (major) temple locations: N/A
Preferred offerings: 
•See ‘Common Practices’.
•Basut has a heavy distaste for Weavers, as he feels they had a hand in  his imprisonment. Either sacrificing the life of a Weaver or taking the  sight of one is often done in offering to Basut.
•Ideally, coated in Basut’s Blood so the magic within the gem remains,  however given it’s such an expensive and difficult ore to get one’s  hands on, lifeless gems make do.
★Symbols of power
•Crowns, scepters, money- power is something Basut craves, and offerings that reflect power does the trick.
Basut is proud. A bit too proud. Practically the personification of  pride, greed, and wrath mixed together in one, Basut’s own malice was  what left him imprisoned for hundreds of years.

Despite being granted godhood, Basut doesn’t play a benevolent deity to  look up to, though many would think otherwise as no one truly knows his  selfishness. He doesn’t so much seek to bring the Shooters to absolute  power as he looks to throw the world into chaos. Right now, the best way  to do so just so happens to be bringing the Shooters to power.

Religious Faith Leader Title: Seer
StarShooter Method of Prayer:  While a cult in name, the method of prayer is more similar to the  religions you and I would find.  Weekly services, with songs and  devotionals, as well as holy texts transcribed from the first Seer used  in daily devotionals.  The time and place of one’s daily prayers has no  real importance, but many shooters prefer to do them before they sleep  for the night.
Main Organizations:
Cult of Basut- A relatively  new organization, the cult is still struggling with some growing pains.  Started by the First Seer, a shooter who claimed to see Basut escape his  prison during the tri-eclipse...the cult has since then been fractured  into three major sects.  While each group tends to have it’s personal  motivations, goals, and philosophies, it isn’t uncommon for them to  overlap or work together.
Sect One: A group whose focus is that Basut is a god proper so they  often work towards trying to have him recognized in non-shooter  communities.  They are also the force most likely to convert  non-shooters to the cause as they speak often of Basut as a conqueror  and that to spare oneself from his ire, one should kneel before him.
Sect Two: A group whose main focus is that Basut is the shooter god and  will one day overthrow the main pantheon and place himself and his  people at the top proper.  They feel Basut is a shooter only religion  and cater to shooter superiority.
Sect Three: A doomsday group whose main focus is that Basut will not  overthrow the main pantheon but destroy everything and all, before  re-creating it in his image. They feel Basut shall destroy all things  and one can either kneel or be destroyed regardless of race.
Common Sayings: 
“Basut.” - Honestly just a slur  non-Shooters use against Shooters. Some Shooters might be fine with  being called the god they worship however.
"May the Eclipse guide your path" - An  ambiguous phrase as it can mean both 'May your destiny be led by him' or  'May you be blinded in darkness' depending on the context.

Common Practices: As Basut’s  freedom was brought about by a devoted follower looking upon his moon as  all the moons aligned before the sun in an eclipse, blinding the first  seer, it’s a wildly common practice among those who follow Basut to  blind the slaves they keep. This could be as simple as blindfolding  them, or in more extreme cases, removing the slave’s eyes all together.  It’s not unheard of for devoted followers of Basut to forsake blinding  slaves all together, and instead blinding themselves.
Provided Blessings: 
★Power is a concept Basut is held up to covetting, and often a plea made  by his followers. Whether it be power sought after via wealth or  strength is up to the one making the prayer.
★A name that is on many battle ready soldier’s tongue when they’re off  to battle, in hopes Basut will give them a successful conquest.
★Given Basut is known for his wit and cunnings, it’s not uncommon  Shooters and other StarDragons who pray to him seek his guidance in the  same.
★Luck. Generally it is frowned upon for some to ask this, as often it’s  considered belittling Basut’s intelligence as just being ‘lucky’, but  here and there someone will call on Basut’s blessings for luck.

Basut has only recently been freed from his  prison, as of ten years in lore. He’s slowly been mucking up Jo’Arca in  small ways, and the Vampire and Severblight Robbers existence can be  blamed on him. He also has no star constellation as the others do.

(Artist was not credited on original upload)

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)