Kolmeh Beybee (Crafter)

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Name: Kolmeh Beybee
Age: 41
Height: 4'1" (4′5" with horns)
Weight: 110 lbs
Relationship status: Married (5 husbands, 2 wives)
Father: Russ Wick
Mother: Ruby Wick
Siblings: Mar Wick (brother)  Sapphire Ridge (sister)
Spouse(s): Eron  Ridge (husband, Crafter) Dirk Fretly (husband, Crafter) Obbie Jund  (husband, Crafter) Ruavin Wildseed (husband, Dasher) Brick Halfpeck  (husband, Crafter), Velrona Pebble (wife, Crafter), Ameth Lightvane  (wife, Crafter)
Children: Jared Beybee (son)

About: Kolmeh is the  current denmother of the StarCrafter race. A notorious hedonist and  non-traditionalist, Kolmeh's antics have led some to wonder how she has  managed to hold the title of denmother as long as she has... what with  her multiple spouses and complete lack of reverence for tradition. The  likely reason is that despite her gaudy personality, Kolmeh has a keen  eye for business and thanks to her efforts has managed to push forward  several innovations and projects for the betterment of the Crafter race.  As such, many Crafters have the stance that as long as she does well  for the race, her personal antics are easily forgivable. One such  project has been the recent development of Waveshine, a city underground  where a large cavern meets an equally large underwater one and has  acted as a neutral trading hub between the StarFisher and StarCrafter  race.

There are some rumors that such an alliance was done only because of a  secret affair between Kolmeh and the Fisher's high priestess but it has  been denied by both parties. Though Kolmeh is quick to add "not for a  lack of trying on my part".

StarCrafter government style: The StarCrafter government is somewhat unique in that the title of  denmother (or denfather) is not one that is passed down from one  generation to next but actually is a title given to a leader that has  been elected via a more democratic process. In smaller communities, the  title is given to the village's leader who holds the job similar to a  mayor and every five or so years goes through a review where the  community either votes on a new leader or for them to stay. Where as for  the race's leader, the voting is done where each communities'  denmother/father acts as a representative and submits their individual  vote on behalf of their community.

In many cases, the denmother/father tends to run unopposed if they are  particularly well-loved, though it isn't uncommon for some villages to  rotate denmother/fathers every other term.

Religion: Crafters  tend to hold all the dragon gods in high regard but many pay special  reverence to Raziel as they feel his gifts to them allowed them to  resist heat and fires and thus live so deep within the ground. However  Crafters tend to be very subdued in their religious practices and  beliefs which often leads to some friction between the more devout and  zealous races as they often mistake the Crafters casual approach for a  lack of enthusiasm.

Art drawn by/Profile written by missmab

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)