
NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.
NOTE:Not every subtype had a banner created, or had info written.


Sweeper and background art by raptorslut
Writing by raptorslut and missmab


“Mind your  manners son while we're guests.  If you insult our hosts you are likely  to find yourself looking down the blade of a sword.  But on that note,  best not make yourself too pleasant unless you want to be stuffed so  full of food you'll hibernate till spring.”

When most think of the StarSweeper race, they imagine bright colors,  extravagant plumage, sleek warriors in the jungle, and fire-lit  festivals along warm sandy beaches. However, in the far north of  Jo’Arca, the arctic Sweeper tribes have not only settled but became the  masters of the cold tundras they call home as they span across the pines  and plains. The current capital of the arctic Sweepers is located in  Gelidis along the great north glacier extending out to sea on the  moraine island, though it feels more akin to a military outpost than a  metropolis.

Living in an environment where resources are less plentiful than the  homeland of their tropical cousins, most arctic sweepers are more geared  for migratory hunting and fishing in small settlements versus larger  towns and cities. Though closer to the shoreline where trade is more  common you are more likely to see more established villages and towns  that raise munfs and whatever creature is able to subsist on the local  flora. It is also very common for arctic Sweepers to settle down with  other friendly races such as Eaters and Crafters, often falling into the  role of militia for such communities. Due to the constant Shooter raids  targeting east Canes (due to its proximity to Blackwatch, the largest  StarShooter slave trading hub), the majority of Sweepers now live closer  to the western parts of Gelidis, though many still stick to Canes in an  attempt to defend their homelands, or what’s left of it that hasn’t  been abandoned to the Gravewastes. This constant struggle between  environment and raiders have given the arctic Sweepers a more  military-oriented culture, with most Sweepers knowing how to hold a  weapon and defend themselves from both man and wild. Between that and  their size compared to the other races, arctic Sweepers are considered  some of the best warriors in Jo’Arca and their services as bodyguards or  mercenaries are highly sought after. They value defense over offense  and favor the use of shields and strong armors.

Despite the hardness of life, the arctic Sweepers still hold true to the  concept of Sweeper hospitality and one will be hard pressed to find a  race more welcoming to travelers. Many a tale consists of a lost  wanderer finding themselves saved in the frozen wilderness by an arctic  Sweeper hunting party and then fed by numerous doting grandmothers when  brought to their tribe.

Physically, the arctic Sweeper at a glance could best be described  as...fluffy.  Very, very fluffy.  Thick downy feathers, often with poofy  neck collars and heavily feathered feet to help insulate them from the  bitter cold.  Many of the males even gain a ring of fluff similar to  their collars around their stinger.  It is said that an arctic Sweeper  is the best companion on a winter night because they are unnaturally  warm.  But this also tends to mean they are the worst on summer ones,  especially since it takes them weeks to slowly molt the excess feathers  off. (Very funny to watch, not fun for the Sweeper in question.)  What  feathers are not fluffy tend to grow compact or close to the body,  though plumage grows everywhere between soft and downy and stiff and  oiled. Many arctic Sweepers will have patches of speckled down feathers  framing the face, most often following the cheek bone up to the line of  the ear. Arctic Sweeper ladies may have short fat tails reminiscent of  penguins to reduce the body heat lost to an exposed long thin tail.
The horns of an arctic sweeper often are larger than those of their  tropical cousins and feature a slight spiral like antelope or mountain  goats, and because of the more dependence on meat for their diet the  northern sweepers tend to have more pronounced fangs.  Due to the long  spans of night the arctic Sweeper’s eyes have adapted to allow them to  see well in dim locations.  While bright colors and plumage certainly  exist in the arctic tribes, you are also likely to find far more subdued  and muted colors than you would among the tropic Sweepers.

Many arctic Sweepers engage in trade with the other races, offering furs  and meats and weapons in exchange for exotic luxuries (coffee is a  particular popular one). And it isn’t uncommon for arctic Sweepers to  offer their services as guards in exchange for a chance to explore the  world.

Flowerwise, as many Sweepers take from their environment, you would be  likely to find Sweeper ladies with holly, poinsettias, branches of pine,  and other local flowers of the northern climates. Though a recent trend  with young Sweepers is to import an exotic flower and preserve it with  magic (Funny enough the same trend has been happening with the Sweepers  in the tropics when it comes to the northern tribe flowers).

To save some money on importing and to stay fashionable, many young  Sweepers will set up flower trades with cousins and other extended  friends and family during the great spring migration. Since the northern  and the tropic Sweeper tribes are the largest, both representing the  StarSweepers on the international council, the northern and southern  capital are host to a yearly pilgrimage of sweepers that acts as an  enormous family reunion. Each capital trades off hosting every other  year, and while the tropic years are generally more popular, the arctic  tribes welcome their tropic brethren with festivals, feasts, vendors,  dances, and competitions.
While the tropic migration hosts the Raziel’s cup, the north holds  competitions like ice sculpture, snow fort building, subsequent snow  fort testing via snowball onslaught, skating and fishing, cold water  dives, ambitious or dangerous hunts, sledding, artisan hot chocolate  competitions, and fireside camaraderie dancing and drinking under the  northern lights. “Are you going to migration this year?” would be a  common question among Sweepers.

Though militaristic and practical, birbs will always be birbs, and the  arctic tribes share the love of dance and raucous festivals that  Sweepers are infamous for, placing an emphasis on family and protecting  one another. Arctic Sweepers tend to be good caretakers, though they do  mother hen a little.


Sweeper and background art by raptorslut
Writing by raptorslut and cloneclone


“Beware the lights in the bogs...nothing good comes from the lights in the bogs...”
“It was a  lot. A lot of everything. Just a swarm of people, the most Sweepers I've  ever seen in one place! I couldn't keep up with the party every night,  but the colors were amazing. If you can handle the crowds I definitely  suggest going for at least the crazy performances, and I haven't even  started talking about the food! Those birds know how to party I gotta  say.”

While their cousins in the north have faced brutal hardship for the past  several generations, the tropical sweepers of the capitol islands of  Kabuki have thrived as a cultural pariah of fashion, dance, art, and  music. This dichotomy in the flock has caused some animosity between the  two sweeper leaders that represent each tribe on the international  council of Ivoryhelm, but squabbles aside, family reunions between north  and south still play a big part in Sweeper culture. The patriotism of  the Sweeper nation is exemplified no better than the extravagance of the  bi-yearly southern migration to the Kabuki islands and the  world-renowned Raziel's Cup.

But focusing on the islands and the Tropical Sweepers themselves... The  land that these Sweepers live in is bountiful, as such many have taken  to simply living amongst the bounty than trying to forge large  structures.  Elaborate treehouses and cliffside dwellings are quite  popular.  It is not uncommon for tropical sweepers near the rocky  coastline to have underwater entrances and large caves (old volcanic  caverns or mined out thanks to Crafters) in which they make their homes,  leaving trade among Crafters and Sweepers a familiar sight. The  alliances between Kabuki Sweepers, Dragonsback Crafters, and Dragonskeep  Fishers allow these Stardragons to live and go about business without  the fear of Shooter raids.

Deeper into the jungles far past the easy raids of shooters, larger  cities exist with grand temples and stone structures, flourished often  with festivals and feasts, where dancing and strutting ones stuff is a  frequent occurrence. Singing and dance-offs are considered legitimate  forms of competition, argument settling, and courtship. These birds of  paradise value romance and showmanship, making them excellent  performers, but may be considered gaudy and pushy by other species.  Festival plummage takes over the top to a new level as Tropic Sweepers  adorn themselves with sparkling jewels, plentiful golden jewelry,  feathers, flowers, fans, shakers, grass skirts and other fanciful  costumes. Parades of birds celebrate with drink and dance deep into the  night.

Given the Sweeper's proximity to the ocean, fish and shellfish are  staple in the Tropical Sweeper diet and exports alike. Tropical Sweepers  have been known to be able to hold their breaths for extended periods  of time to hunt for fish and other aquatic delicacies, along with oyster  collecting for the pearls they keep within. Both the colorful shells  and pearls catch them a pretty penny. Always flashy and over the top,  traditional free diving for fishing and collecting from the ocean often  involves a head start from a very high cliff.

The flowers both the male and female Sweepers decorate their hair with  to exchange with loved ones are often as flamboyant and bright as their  plumage… and Tropical Sweepers also abide by the bigger displays the  better.


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(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)