Holiday: Yvonnes Masquerade

df29mxh-2b80ac81-c5f2-466d-bfb8-8836e56e NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.

The stardragon equivalent for Valentine's Day.  Instead of chocolates  and hearts, most stardragons associate masks and masquerades as a  romantic symbol and the thing you do for this holiday. ...Not that  chocolates and candy aren't also allowed.  Everyone needs an excuse for  chocolate.  

Often younger couples will attend larger dances while older couples  stick to more quiet and smaller gatherings.  Many long-term  relationships often keep the mask they wore when they found their future  partner alongside their flower as a cherished memento.

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)