Misc gem info

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


~~~Basut's Blood~~~

Basut's blood is a mineral found in the earth of Jo'Arca that crafters  discovered in their deep mineral digs and extensive underground cavern  systems. Starcrafter gem carvers found that the mineral had inherent  magical properties, and with a surprising hardness on the mohs scale,  could be used to better carve, cut, and engrave life gems of stardragons  while reducing the risk of damage to the gems.

It was later  discovered that while incredibly hard, once the mineral  reaches a certain temperature it will melt into a more blood-like  consistency.  More interesting is that once melted, it doesn't return to  its hardened state, even when reduced to less molten temperatures.  Scientists have settled that it must just be another magical property of  the mineral.

However, while incredibly helpful in the gem carving industry, Crafter  and Shooter researchers have also found more nefarious uses for the  mineral. When in its liquid blood form, it can be used to coat a  stardragon's life gem, and the coating will dampen the magical bond  between the stardragon and their gem. When the life gem is free  floating, as in the case of Stardasher head gems and Starweaver tail  gems, this method can be used to sever the strong magical magical  holding their gems in place, and take the life gem from the Stardragon  without damaging or killing the living host.

These stardragons, when separated from their life gems, experience a  dissociative feeling, as if their soul and life energy has been  separated from their body. They tend to be quieter, calmer, some even  describe it as a zombie or trancelike state. So long as the gem is kept  in tact the dragon will stay alive, but if they gem is destroyed, they  will die along with it. A stolen gem can be returned, but must have the  basut's blood removed from it.

The name Basut's blood is given because many speculate it was formed  from the battle Helgin had with the up and coming deity...the result  scattering the blood of said deity across Jo'arca where it settled deep  in the earth.

Basut's Blood is extremely rare and difficult to get a hold of, and  considering Crafters make more money off of gem modifications, giving a  tool they can use over and over again to someone who is going to break  it for a one time use to enslave a StarDragon... Crafters aren't too  willing to part with it.

~~~Multiple Gems~~~

StarDragons with multiple life gems split their magic between all their  gems. If a StarDragon were to lose a gem, it would weaken them, and  leave them feeling as if they're not complete. That being said, on rare  occasions, is has been known that a StarDragon with multiple life gems  may have a dud. This means, the gem does not contain any magic... which  does not mean the StarDragon is naturally weaker, but simply does not  share their magic to that gem. That gem can be removed without dealing  damage to the StarDragons magic, but it would hurt a great deal to have  something attached to them pulled off. The pseudo gems are the same  color as the gems that contain magic, however when the dragon dies, it  keeps the color while the rest fade as the magic leaves.

~~~Free-Floating Gems~~~

StarShooters, Dashers, and Weavers all have free floating gems. They are  all born with these, though they're far smaller and smoother in birth,  and with age they grow. The shards and gems are bound in place by, for  the lack of better words, a binding magic. It's not really considered  magic however, since it does little more than keep the shards and gems  floating in place, and does nothing beyond that.

Art © thelittlehamstar

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)