Queenie (Robber)

NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Name: Queenie “The Queenpin”
Dead Name: [REDACTED]
Dead Race: [REDACTED]
Age: Approximately 25 years of undeath, Age of death estimated at 30-35
Height: 6'3
Weight: 178lbs
Relationship status: Single (With an asterisk)
Family: [REDACTED]
“Pet”(s): ‘Caius’ (Slave), ‘Malik’ (Missing)

About: Much of  Queenie’s past is a mystery, and she’d like to keep it that way, thank  you very much. All that can be said for certain is that she is -furious-  about her death and dedicates her entire being to seeking revenge  against the StarShooters that killed her and the Shooter empire as a  whole. She is zealous to a fault, harnessing vengeance as a call to arms  for anyone that will listen, and surprisingly, she’s collected quite a  few people that will listen. She’s crass and conniving and cruel, but  lawful and protective. Her views are very ‘with me or against me’, and  that dichotomy carries over into her leadership, for better or worse. (I  mean, she will practice peace and diplomacy where necessary, but she is  ready to make it known how salty she is over it.) Otherwise, she makes a  hobby of “living it up”, as it were, surrounding herself with riches  and concubines and (real or fabricated) power.

StarRobber government style: As of now, there isn't actually much a unified government for the  StarRobbers.  The race itself is still one of the smallest in terms of  population, and its members are scattered so sporadically around Jo'Arca  that most likely go about their un-lives without even knowing about  their proverbial government.  Many StarRobbers themselves would also not  necessarily consider themselves a separate race, often clinging to the  memories of their former lives.  It is actually only that the other  races have begun to consider StarRobbers as a race unto themselves...and  not just simply an undead blight of other races that needs to be put  down, but even this is met with hesitation from some of the other  stardragon races. The decision to allow a StarRobber representative into  the leader's council has only occurred a few years back (Queenie had  herself approached the council), and a decision that has left some of  the other leaders divided as some seem more enthusiastic to bring the  Robbers under a unified umbrella while others feel suspicious.

Which may not be too far fetched because unknown to the other council  races, Queenies empire is less a nation of land or a unified race but  actually the largest underground crime ring in Jo'Arca.  A vast network  of gangs and criminals, its fingers extend to just about every corner of  the globe.  As such, while many StarRobbers are unaware of an actual  government, it isn't too uncommon for them to be at least aware of tales  regarding a sanctuary and place for them to turn to when the rest of  society has shunned them as Queenie's underground empire is one of the  few places currently where Robbers are not only treated with equal  status but also more likely to be given places of power. The other major  sanctuary being the StarRobber circus of Oriens, but that’s another  story.  

Queenie is determined, sharing many of the ideals taught by followers of  Helgin. Equality, justice, vengeance, respect, power, and a pinch of  chaos. Her passion often overshadows her empathy, taking a more "all's  fair" approach in taking back what she feel is owed to the Robbers. Her  morality and methods may be skewed, but she believes in protecting one's  own, and above all else, making the Starshooters pay for the injustices  carried out against her and her followers.
Operating more like a mafia family and extended network of criminals and  spies, StarRobbers aren't exactly sure what is to come as far as the  future style of government. The queenpin seems to be gearing for war and  an eventual rise to power over the Shooter empire, but not much else is  said for plans beyond that. Does she have a plan? Is she just some  crazy spiteful warrior leading these rebels to their doom? It's a little  unclear, and widely concerning for those who don't subscribe to her  beliefs. At the very least, she runs a tight crime syndicate, so if the  forward facing politician plan doesn’t work out, there’s still that.

Some would say Queenie's decision to step forward and take a  representative spot among the other leaders is nothing more than another  way to publicly make her presence more known to the undead race...so as  to gain more followers.  They may not be wrong.

Religion: Much like  the government, the StarRobber race tends to consist of so many variety  of former StarDragons that there is not really much of a unified  religion.  That said, you would be hard pressed to find a robber who  does not acknowledge Helgin's influence, via praise or condemnation.   Some see their second life as a burden, a curse that's changed them from  who they once were into who they are now, and curse Helgin's name with  resentment. Others see it as a blessing, a second change to make amends,  or to keep up a goal they had in their first life.   Robbers that  recall memories of their former life tend to stick to their old faiths,  with a lot of focus on Helgin.  
Queenie herself is somewhat of a zealot, considering herself a prophet  of Helgin's and carrying out vengeful acts in his name. She openly  claims him as the patron of her operation and invites her underlings to  do the same. Whether or not she truly believes or is just using him as a  symbol to figurehead her righteous vendetta is certainly in question,  but never given enough evidence one way or the other. It's best not to  ask her. For your neck's sake.
Recently there has been reports of a of Robbers who have taken to  worshiping Hylcinth, the goddess of life.  The group follows an the  thought that since their actions in life gained the attention of Helgin  thus causing them to transform into this state...if they revere and  honour Hylcinth with their second un-life they may somehow gain her  attention and will be gifted their living forms again.  This particular  cult tends to consist of reclusive pacifists, living in secluded  monasteries of the countryside where the majority of their time is spent  in worship and studying of the healing arts.  Their primary action with  the outside world is how they will grow an assortment of crops and  medicinal herbs which a few times a year they will descend from their  monastery in fully hooded robes to deliver to the local villages.
Queenie believes these Hylth cultists to be "fucking weirdos", but otherwise refrains from comment.

Art drawn by missmab
Profile written by raptorslut and Cloneclone

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)