
NOTE:This is the initial species info, please see the relevant species trait pages for up to date traits and information. This sheet still states Closed Species, which is no longer true.


Name: Lenus
Gender: Female, She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual
Title: Lady Leviathan, The Tide Mother, Goddess of the Sea
Created: StarFishers
Patron of: StarFishers
Elements: Water
Constellation Association: The Blue Moon
Main temple location: Shrine of the Seven Stars
Secondary (major) temple locations: Port Caldera
Preferred offerings: 
• As the goddess of the sea, Lenus adores jewelry set with glittering  blue gemstones as brilliant as the ocean itself. Aquamarine, sapphire,  zircon, and apatite are some of her favoured gems.
• After a bountiful haul or catch, it is advised to share the spoils by  offering freshly prepared fish at any one of Lenus’ shrines. Baked,  fried, sauteed or even served raw, this goddess accepts any number of  seafood dishes. Failing to share ones bounty can result in scarce or  sickly fish on the next harvest.
• While the original ‘sirens’ were likely Starsweepers, Starfishers have  become notorious for their sinister songwriting and betwitching voices  said to lead careless adventurers to their doom. Lenus, naturally, finds  this delightful, and encourages music in any form - especially when it  is a song recounting her extraordinary feats and glorious triumphs. One  might be particularly favoured if they remember to mention her  unparalleled beauty and cunning as well.
Personality: Vain and  conceited, Lenus is said to be as cruel and unforgiving as the sea  itself, only sparing the Starfishers from her wrath. While she has no  love for her siblings followers, the Sea Goddess is more than eager to  show favour to any land-dweller who would worship her instead of Raziel  or Yvonne.

Needless to say, one can assume the Fisher’s fierce and terrible nature  may have stemmed entirely from Lenus’ disposition herself.
Religious Faith Leader Title: Priest/Priestess of the sea, Tide Maiden, Oracle
StarFisher Method of Prayer: It is, perhaps, Lenus’ vanity which makes  her so easy to appease. Simply praying, showing thanks, or leaving an  offering at one of her shrines is enough to win Lady Leviathans favour.  There is one catch, however: ritual sacrifices are a fairly common  occurrence.

While in the past, it was fair game to sacrifice any wayward  land-dweller, the practice has since shifted to a more illustrious  affair. It is an honor to be sacrificed in Lenus’ name, and to join the  glorious Tide Mother in the great beyond.

One voluntary sacrifice is made annually, with each year having a  different ‘theme’ or contest, including most powerful, most magically  inclined, wisest, melodic, and so forth. Lenus, after all, deserves  followers of all types to tend to her needs and desires.
Main Organizations:
The High Priestesses: Unlike other  stardragons, the starfishers primary government is also their religious  organization.  The underwater cities are ruled by the priestesses as  they espouse the many wonders of their Goddess.
The Silver Waves: A unique order of what  most refer to as "holy prostitutes".  While it is true they are the  organization that focuses on the more passionate aspects of their  Goddess and many offer services of the carnal nature, the organization  is also one that speaks of her wrath to those who have been wronged  romantically.
The Eyes of the Sea: A coven of witches,  often found near coastal villages or deep in the swamps.  Oftentimes  former priestesses who were exiled for heresy but still pay homage to  Lenus.
Common Sayings: 
“By the tides!” - “My goodness!”
“May the waters guide you.” - “Safe Travels.”
“Lady Leviathan be with you.” - “Lenus’ blessings upon you.”
The depths - Hell. E.g., “Damn them to the depths”
Common Practices: It is not  uncommon to find small shrines in individual homes or businesses, though  they are mainly used for prayer. There is also a tradition shared by  many, in which one places a small trinket or piece of jewelry into a  bottle and tosses it into a deep ocean trench as a gift for the Sea  Goddess. One should only do this to show gratitude, not in exchange for a  request or blessing - that is what shrine offerings are for.
Provided Blessings:
★While it is common practice to leave an offering to Lenus in exchange  for a plentiful fishing haul, land-dwelling Stardragons also pray to the  Tide Mother for rain to nourish their forests and farmland.
★Cheated on? Spurned by a lover? This goddess would gladly lend a hand  in the interest of revenge. Romantic retribution is Lenus’ forte, but  she can be called upon by anyone looking for vengeance, no matter how  petty.
★The sea is often associated with passion - deep and endless. Likewise,  one looking to enthrall a love interest might ask Lady Leviathan to aid  them in their romantic pursuits. Claims have been made that those who  made offerings often gained a seductive charm, becoming more charismatic  and confident. There’s nothing more attractive than confidence.

(Artist was not credited on original upload)

(StarDragons are an Open Species, created by DeleteTheStars, RaptorSlut and CloneClone. bellumi was given moderation of the community by the creators.)