Hell's Bank (NEW)

Posted 9 months, 2 days ago by War-Paint-Demons


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 To start earning DC: Fill out the form below and post it listing the art that you have done. If you submit less than 6 entries, a mod will then count it and award you the DC. We recommend posting it weekly.

   If for some reason you need DC right away and you cannot wait for a mod to count it, then you can fill out the form and count it yourself using the Count system. You then MUST wait for a mod to approve it before using your DC.

  Art work must be linked from TH or discord. Please make sure ALL links work before posting.

 ONLY POST ONE ENTRY AT A TIME. To avoid confusions and incorrect DC totals, only one comment should be submitted at a time. If you post two entries, your second entry will be deleted.

   NO bulk postingIf you want to post more than 6 entries, you must count the DC yourself and we will approve the amount afterwards. Even if you calculate it yourself, only post a maximum of 15 entries. If you want to post more then you will have to submit them in another comment. See Bank Tips for extra help.

  Written entries must provide a word count. We will not count them for you. Put your total next to your link or at the top of your entry. (If you post the work on TH, it counts it for you)

  WIPs cannot be counted twice. If you submit a sketch, you cannot submit it again once finished. Please make sure you are submitting the final piece for DC.

   MYO refs do not count for DC (Including customs for others). You can submit new references of your Warpa but the image you used for approval cannot be cashed in for DC 

   If your artwork is from previous events/prompts that are older than 2 month, you will need to count the DC of that certain piece yourself and we will approve it once we count it. For example, if its September and you post a piece from an event that we did back in July. If for some reason you cannot post for a while, then you can go look for any past events (if they are still in the group) and count it yourself.

   If the event/monthly prompt can no longer be found in the group, then you will NOT receive the DC bonus and it will be counted as a regular artwork piece. Please do NOT beg mods for amounts or for event records. We will only save them for somebody that asks for an event/prompt extension. It is the members' responsibility to come here and cash in their artwork on time!

   You CANNOT trade DC if you have an uncounted bank form in order to avoid confusion. And you can only gift/trade/transfer DC to another member once a month UNLESS you are trading DC for a commission or shop purchase.




All members must keep track of their own DC. To make it easier for everyone, we made a Bank sheet where members can go and record their amounts. Each member can claim a box by writing their DA/TH username down. It's easy, all the calculations are done for you. All you have to do is write down the numbers and they will automatically add up/subtract depending on the activity. You write whatever you gain on the left, and whatever you spend on the right and you can see your total balance at the top.

>> You can access the sheet by clicking here!! <<

IF there are no available sheets anymore, PLEASE LET US KNOW so that we can add one for you. We will be using this count system to judge how many coins you earn from your artwork: Count system So you are free to double check.


To collect your coins:

Total DC as of now: (How much DC you currently have) 

Artwork done this week: 

 Total DC after deposit:(If counting the DC yourself. Please do not fill this if you want a mod to count it)

depositing DC from an event: 

Your total DC amount:

DC prize amount:

Event link: 

DC after:

trading/transferring DC:

Your total DC amount:

Previous DC transaction:

Amount being traded/transferred:

Trading/transferring to:

DC after:

[ Bank Tips ]

• A bust (chest up) and a headshot are worth the same amount of DC

• The body part must be included in the drawing. A waist up must include the waist. Knee up must include the knees etc. etc.

• If your background is not white or transparent, you should be getting a BG bonus at all times.

A simple BG is usually a scene. 

Props are objects within a scene but do not count as a background.

• Triple-check your links, I'm begging you.

• If you calculate your DC like this:  +35 (shaded chibi + simple bg)/ 25+10 (shaded chibi + simple bg). I can let you know where I made corrections, if any.

• Do not edit your links into your comment. It's hard to keep track of which images belong to an entry once open. We love long links, tells me the site and what I am viewing, it's safer

• It is better to ask questions before you post! 

Any general questions can be asked in the questions channel in the discord. For help with a specific piece, feel free to DM me (TomboyKei).  

If we find suspicious DC amounts or if we find that a member is adding DC to their total without fairly earning it, then that member will not be permitted to use the bank anymore!

Coin art by BobaBee-Tea


Your total DC amount: 7035

DC prize amount: 100 (If I read the bulletin properly)

Event link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1753814.impling-designing-contest-prompts

DC after: 7135

Total DC as of now: 13,124 DC

Artwork done this week: 
Written piece, 366 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208176.warpatober-2023-day-28-cross = 200
Written piece, 408 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208180.warpatober-2023-day-29-cold = 200
Written piece, 412 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208184.warpatober-2023-day-30-mystery = 200
Written piece, 459 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208186.warpatober-2023-day-31-tarot = 200
Written piece, 1236 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/162466.an-unexpected-visitor/4.a-night-visit/ = 800
Flat knee-up + scene elements; https://toyhou.se/19481147.serena-le-blanc#76785417 = 120 + 15 + 150(bonus) = 285
Shaded waist-up + scene elements; https://toyhou.se/18827716.aislinn-ishmerai#77018031 = 120 + 15 + 150(bonus) = 285
Flat waist-up x 2 + abstract bg; https://toyhou.se/19094986.ezekiel-ishmerai-cox#77062290 = 100(2) + 10 + 150(bonus) = 360
Flat chibi; https://toyhou.se/2440280.spirit/25624723.spirit-warpasona#77873158 = 40
Shaded knee-up + abstract bg; https://toyhou.se/20711664.roche#78070264 = 150 + 10 + 100(bonus) = 250
Shaded waist-up x 2 + abstract bg; https://toyhou.se/19101896.nassir-ishmerai#78426024 = 120(2) + 10 = 250/2 = 125 + 100(bonus) = 225
Flat waist-up x 2 + abstract bg; https://toyhou.se/19101896.nassir-ishmerai#78435824 = 100(2) + 10 + 100(bonus) = 310
Flat chibi x 4 + abstract bg; https://toyhou.se/19101896.nassir-ishmerai#79484053 = 40(4) + 10 = 170
Flat chibi x 4 + scene elements; https://toyhou.se/17291837.aozora-lune#79484158 = 40(4) + 15 = 175
Flat chibi + implings x 6 + single colour bg; https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/78384522_FXKdVzP28qBCrC8.png = 40 + 10(6) + 10 + 50(6)[bonus] + 15[bonus] = 415

 Total DC after deposit: 17,239 DC

- 30, event bonus for feb was 100 but a +20 for it being a comic

- 20, all base works count as lined max

+ 10, you did math wrong (its supposed to be 425)

 Total DC after deposit: 17,199

Total DC as of now: 10,124 

Artwork done this week: 
Written piece, 351 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206469.warpatober-2023-day-13-sleep-nsfw = 200
Written piece, 400 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206471.warpatober-2023-day-14-reaper-nsfw = 200
Written piece, 391 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/207230.warpatober-2023-day-15-owl = 200
Written piece, 392 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/207232.warpatober-2023-day-16-soul-nsfw = 200
Written piece, 350 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/207379.warpatober-2023-day-17-feed = 200
Written piece, 350 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/207382.warpatober-2023-day-18-broken = 200
Written piece, 391words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208158.warpatober-2023-day-19-rotten = 200
Written piece, 398 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208160.warpatober-2023-day-20-eyeball = 200
Written piece, 399 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208163.warpatober-2023-day-21-dark = 200
Written piece, 416 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208164.warpatober-2023-day-22-moon = 200
Written piece, 406 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208167.warpatober-2023-day-23-amulet = 200
Written piece, 336 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208169.warpatober-2023-day-24-rain = 200
Written piece, 322 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208170.warpatober-2023-day-25-injured = 200
Written piece, 364 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208171.warpatober-2023-day-26-seek = 200
Written piece, 423 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/208175.warpatober-2023-day-27-sacrifice = 200

 Total DC after deposit: 13, 124



 Total DC after deposit: 12,216



Total DC as of now: 0

Artwork done this week: 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/76881118_5fPHwmnzHy0SMPi.png flat colored waist up + abstract bg + prompt bonus (the future) = 260 DC

https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/75743989_092aICamX95tZMb.png Flat colored waist up + scene elements + prompt bonus (fireworks) = 265 DC

https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/74271102_LHQSoi5Cxe37IGx.jpg Waist up sketch = 60 DC

https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/74269780_aPeucdRfO66VDFY.png Flat colored bust + image bg = 70 DC

Total DC after deposit: 655

-20, last image is too chibi

 Total DC after deposit: 635

Alright, Ty!

 Total DC after deposit: 5,195

You cant math   



 Total DC after deposit: 41,536

Total DC as of now: 7284 DC

Artwork done this week: 
Shaded chibi x 2 + scene elements; https://toyhou.se/15086791.zidane#69857574 = 80(2) + 15 = 175
Shaded waist-up + scene elements; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1190889723275784273/1191065818780414123/IMG_2557.png = 120 + 15 135
Shaded waist-up + single colour/shape bg; https://toyhou.se/5304695.thyreus#75725739 = 120 + 10 =130
Written piece, 391 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/203541.warpatober-2023-day-1-night = 200
Written piece, 388 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/204355.warpatober-2023-day-2-hidden = 200
Written piece, 399 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/204570.warpatober-2023-day-3-laugh = 200
Written piece, 400 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/204584.warpatober-2023-day-4-curse = 200
Written piece, 400 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/205164.warpatober-2023-day-5-slice = 200
Written piece, 398 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/205383.warpatober-2023-day-6-fright = 200
Written piece, 399 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206038.warpatober-2023-day-7-alien = 200
Written piece, 400 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206040.warpatober-2023-day-8-haunted = 200
Written piece, 337 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206447.warpatober-2023-day-9-spider = 200
Written piece, 314 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206453.warpatober-2023-day-10-run = 200
Written piece, 398 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206465.warpatober-2023-day-11-mask = 200
Written piece, 382 words; https://toyhou.se/~literature/206466.warpatober-2023-day-12-spells = 200

 Total DC after deposit: 10124 DC

+200 event bonus

 Total DC after deposit: 10324 DC

Your total DC amount: 8084 DC

Previous DC transaction: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6991029/view

Amount being traded/transferred: 800 DC

Trading/transferring to: Bobabee-Tea

DC after: 7284 DC

approved, make sure nee updates their DC amount

Total DC as of now: 1162

Artwork done this week: 

Day 1: Night (115 DC; shaded nmf + simple BG)


Day 2: Hidden ( 335 DC; shaded waist-up + shaded full body + simple BG)


Day 3: Laugh (215 DC; shaded full body + abstract/ single color BG (glow lines?))


Day 4: Curse ( 120 DC; shaded waist-up + abstract BG)


Day 5: Slice (100 DC; flat color waist-up)


Day 6: Fright (130 DC; shaded waist-up + single color BG)


Day 7: Alien ( 120 DC; no color/ shaded knee-up + abstract element)


Day 8: Haunted (130 DC; 1 lined Fullbody + 1 lined knee up (kneeling warpa))


 Total DC after deposit: 2427 DC

-5 from day 3, 200+10

-120 for day 4, it doesn't have enough elements to count as the warpa as it lacks any sort of war paint, distinct flesh color, hair, or anything that make it countable uwu;;

-10 from day 7, 100 + 10

-10 from day 8, 100 + 20 (chibi lined, between lack of fingers and proportions it looks more chibi)

Next time use direct discord image links, as fun as opening up discord in a browser is

Total DC after deposit = 2282

Sorry I thought they were the direct images! I'll be sure to do so next time!


Total DC after deposit = 40,336

Your total DC amount: 7035
DC prize amount: 1000
Event link: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6890815/view
DC after: 8035


Total DC after deposit = 8035

there is a seperate form above for turning in event winning (the form labeled "DEPOSITING DC FROM AN EVENT:")
see this post as a example https://toyhou.se/~comments/29855579


Total DC after deposit = 38,921

Total DC as of now:  586

Artwork done this week: 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/180865.short-stories-warpa/2.just-a-mouse/ (693  Words = 600 DC ) 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/180865.short-stories-warpa/3.the-new-addition/ (540 Words = 600 DC ) 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/180865.short-stories-warpa/4.the-boy/ (588 Words = 600 DC ) 

 Total DC after deposit: 2386


Your total DC amount: 162

DC prize amount: 1000

Event link:  https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6890842/view

DC after: 1,162


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Your total DC amount:3025

DC prize amount:1000

Event link: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6890839/view

DC after:4025


Your total DC amount: 9645

DC prize amount: 1000

Event link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1487743.warpatober-2023

DC after: 10645


+100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +210

Total DC after deposit = 4537

in the future, you post different forms separate so event claim would not be posted with your collection from art

Oop- will do! Thank you :)

Your total DC amount: 6640 DC

DC prize amount: 1000 DC

Event link:  Toyhouse

DC after: 7640 DC


This user is not visible to guests.


Total DC as of now: 466

Artwork done this week: 

https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/3.chapter-03-laughter/ ( 568 Words = 600 DC ) 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/7.chapter-07-aliens/ (559 Words = 600 DC ) 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/10.chapter-10-run/ (505 Words = 600 DC )  
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/26.chapter-26-hide-and-seek/ (629 Words = 600 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72621028_Yp5cfBwCtlXczEf.png (Shaded bust + scene bg = 100 + 15 = 115 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72738626_odFKsGorjNnHHSP.png (Shaded bust + bg = 100 + 10 = 110 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72738640_0PKS4m8C7oDLzx3.png(Shaded bust + bg = 100 + 10 = 110 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72738645_VR6bI13nzAQuZuA.png(Shaded bust + scene bg = 100 + 15 = 115 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72739169_y11HWMOHSiepFVl.png  (Shaded bust + scene bg = 100 + 15 = 115 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72787268_p9kuIozsLBkyth7.png  (Shaded bust + bg = 100 + 10 = 110 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72787971_3Jtz1IXbuehkjy0.png (Shaded bust + scene bg = 100 + 15 = 115 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72831254_Z8vd5A24H6ZgGut.png(Shaded bust + bg = 100 + 10 = 110 DC )
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72832459_1h18aT14BrgzstP.png  (Shaded bust + bg = 100 + 10 = 110 DC )
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72832488_xDEFKCG6c64PGDF.png (Shaded fullbody + bg = 200 + 10 = 210 ) 

3620 + 466 = 4086

 Total DC after deposit: 4086

This user is not visible to guests.


Total DC after deposit = 38,001

Total DC as of now: 7355

Artwork done this week: 

1. Word Count 389: https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/3.2023-day-23-amulet/ - 200dc

2. (Broken/twisted Limbs) https://toyhou.se/14863241.wendy-warpa#72231040 - 170dc(full-body flat color + pattern background)

3. (NSFW) https://toyhou.se/14863241.wendy-warpa#72257891 - 165dc(knee up shaded with scene elements background)

4. (Maggots) https://toyhou.se/16193659.yzai-warpa#72263390 - 50dc(flat colored head shot + single color bg)

5. (Eyeball in mouth/not gore) https://toyhou.se/12998260.celimine#72310378 - 50dc(headshot flat color + single color bg)

6. https://toyhou.se/13229358.kiki-warpa#72363962 - 215dc(shaded full-body with scene elements)

7. (339 words) https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/4.2023-day-24-rain/ - 200dc

8. (353 words) https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/6.2023-day-29-cold/ - 200dc

9. https://toyhou.se/15589280.leeri-warpas#72483739 - 440dc(2 full-body shaded with scene bg)

10. https://toyhou.se/20659032.arbor-warpas#72543138 - 195dc(knee up flat colored + flat colored nmf + scene elements bg)

11. (398 words) (minor dirty talk) https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/5.2023-day-25-injured/ - 200dc

12. (304 words) https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/2.2023-day-15-owl/ - 200dc

13. https://toyhou.se/11724153.rin/16079290.rin-warpa#72653286 - 70dc(flat colored headshot + single color bg)

 Total DC after deposit: 9710

7355 + 2355 (200+170+165+50+50+215+


-40 the shading for 6 isn't very distinct / isn't enough to count as shading 

-25 counts as a scene element at most. a complex scene backgrounds require a lot more depth (9), I'll have a reference guide in the future to help

 Total DC after deposit = 9645







 Total DC after deposit = 37,481

This user is not visible to guests.


Total DC as of now: 48753

Artwork done this week: 

https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60132612_vNZ4XNlTalNMHhy.png110 [ flat waist up (100) + BG (10) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60218662_1n3fbXhw8i5kpPO.png70 [ flat nmf (60) + BG (10) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60218686_dYGw5ozDgHGxgT5.png40 [ flat chibi (40) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60312014_GXcacijQPpx8HRR.png50 [ base chibi (20) x2 + BG (10) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/59812922_1Tx3rtE0L1wJixq.png60 [ headshot flat (60) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/64534852_amEI17rGNjbevx7.png160 [ fullbody flat (160) ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/61268623_F2ZHJmrafYv3qpR.png?1678144719640 [ flat chibi (40) x6 + shaded chibi (80) x2 + flat NMF (60) + shaded NMF (100) + BG (10) x8 ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/62017403_49KrnuWDaPfNu2U.png260 [ shaded halfbody (120) x2 + BG (10) x2 ]
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72819268_uDro0WkBNEwRLdU.png 550 [ colored chibi (40) x 4 + flat NMF (60) + bg (10) x3 + event bonus (100) x3 ]
https://toyhou.se/~literature/179118.the-pick600 (525 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/176888.war-painting800 [ 600 words (600) + event (200) ]
https://toyhou.se/~literature/165435.r-anti-virus-137/5.a-missing-child/600 (525 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/165435.r-anti-virus-137/6.an-end/600 (525 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/162466.an-unexpected-visitor/3.unexpected-help800 (1225 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/196540.saving-a-caged-bird860 (2300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/196540.saving-a-caged-bird/2.the-pick-of-the-flock/860 (2300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/2.1-night/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/3.2-hidden/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/4.3-laugh/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/5.4-curse/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/6.5-slice/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/7.6-fright/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/8.7-alien/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/9.8-haunt/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/10.9-spider/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/11.10-run/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/12.11-mask/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/13.12-spells/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/14.13-sleep/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/15.14-reaper/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/16.15-owl/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/17.16-soul/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/18.17-feed/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/19.18-broken/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/20.19-rotten/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/21.20-eyeball/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/22.21-dark/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/23.22-moon/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/24.23-amulet/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/25.24-rain/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/26.25-injured/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/27.26-seek/ 600 (500 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/28.27-sacrifice/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/29.28-cross/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/30.29-cold/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/31.30-mystery/200 (300 words)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/204160.warpatober-2023/32.31-tarot/200 (300 words)

Total DC after deposit: 65613


Total DC as of now: 24,085

Artwork done this week:
400 words

396 words

400 words

400 words

400 words

397 words

400 words

400 words

398 words

400 words

400 words

395 words

400 words

400 words

400 words

200 x14= 2800 DC

Total DC after deposit: 26,885 DC

you have 15 entries so +200

 Total DC after deposit = 27,085

14 x 200 = 2800

+ 1225 = 4025

 Total DC after deposit = 4025

Total DC as of now: 5345 DC

Artwork done this week: (All Warpatober)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Night-Day-1-985725679 (399 words = 200 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Hidden-Day-2-985868848 (395 words = 200 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Laugh-Day-3-986015740 (Shaded Headshot, 100 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-4-Curse-986972230 (363 words = 200 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-5-Slice-987013104 (Shaded NMF, 100 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-6-Fright-987368388 (Shaded Headshot, 100 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-7-Alien-987783376 (Shaded Headshot, 100 DC) -don't think the Minnin would count toward anything just focusing on Katris

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-8-Haunted-988425926 (Shaded NMF (100 DC) +BG (Scene elements - 15 DC)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-9-Spider-990195336 (Shaded Chibi 80 DC) (Scanner kinda did not pic up on it as much as I would've liked. Feel free to change it to flat if you feel it is fairer.)

https://www.deviantart.com/davalon4ever/art/Warpatober-Day-10-Run-990195545 (Shaded NMF 100 DC)

 Total DC after deposit: 6640 DC


Total DC as of now: 5346

Artwork done this week: 
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/12.chapter-12-spell-practice/ (578 Words = 600 DC ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72237516_7iMpwknVXz5O0X6.png (Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72276552_R04VulqC6xlpKMs.png (Shaded Knee up + BG = 150 + 10 = 160 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72276571_DdrTS3eBxyY9inV.png (2x Shaded Bust + BG = 100 + 100 + 10 = 210) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72317330_8Cd4MFBV8eNEL76.png (Shaded Bust + BG = 100 + 10 = 110 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72317336_1p0x35E5u6jONcz.png (Shaded Bust + Simple BG = 100 + 15 = 115 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72435354_TsFAndIpNHVMk2T.png(Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72536631_tAA7BEyXTCQtZAu.png(Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72536643_04YK4LDfdHoI8Hk.png(Shaded Bust + BG = 100 + 10 = 110 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72537033_eI8tjzSb2gKXSLW.png(Shaded Bust + BG = 100 + 10 = 110 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72537047_lU7h7sPHCfhbfxD.png(Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72537058_ReOyHfCc4R2uRzg.png(Shaded Bust + BG = 100 + 10 = 110 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72537072_AfTagQnYOGVNQlV.png (Shaded Knee up + Fullbody + Simple BG = 100 + 200 + 15 = 315) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72576091_WXqMBjP6ThXFigH.png(Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72576759_ziHTsF6JjAMbltW.png (Shaded Hip Up + BG = 120 + 10 = 130 ) 

Total 2620 +   7966

 Total DC after deposit: 7966


Total DC as of now: 21,085

Artwork done this week:

400 words

400 words

400 words

400 words

400 words

400 words

397 words

400 words

398 words

400 words

396 words

395 words

400 words

400 words

394 words

200 x 15= 3000

Total DC after deposit: 24,085 DC


Total DC as of now: 5560

Artwork done this week: All are warpatober entries

1. https://toyhou.se/19172034.pierre-warpas#71584860 - 135dc(knee up, fully colored, plus background)

2. Word Count 394: https://toyhou.se/~literature/203711.warpatober-entries/1.2023-day-2-hidden/ - 200dc

3. https://toyhou.se/13081269.atticus#71666327 - 40dc(chibis flat colored)

4. (SUGGESTIVE) https://toyhou.se/14646469.brutus-warpa/gallery#71692615 - 120dc(knee up flat colored)

5. Word Count 388: (NSFW) https://toyhou.se/~literature/204018.slice - 200dc

6. https://toyhou.se/13334785.jade-warpas#71776873 - 80dc(2 flat colored chibis)

7. (SUGGESTIVE CLOTHING) https://toyhou.se/12910053.vysij-warpas/gallery#71838353 - 95dc(2 flat colored chibis + scene background) 

8. https://toyhou.se/17928398.vaeril-warpas#71846415 - 80dc(flat colored bust + 4 frame animation)

9. https://toyhou.se/17928398.vaeril-warpas#71932624 - 60dc(flat colored headshot)

10. https://toyhou.se/11724153.rin/16079290.rin-#71934388 - 200dc(flat colored full-body + complex background)

11. https://toyhou.se/18206639.shirl-warpa#71961516 - 60dc(flat colored headshot)

12. (NSFW) https://toyhou.se/18132212.clare-warpa#72048886 - 130dc(knee up flat colored + single shape background)

13. Word Count 398: (NSFW) https://toyhou.se/~literature/204018.naughty-warpatober-entries/2.sleep/ - 200dc

14. (GREY BLOOD) https://toyhou.se/13081269.atticus#72057709 - 80dc(shaded headshot)

15. https://toyhou.se/15757001.celeste-warpa-halfblood#72186021 - 60dc(headshot flat colored)

 Total DC after deposit: 7300

5560 + 1740 (135+200+40+120+200+80+95+80+ 60+200+60+130+200+80+60)

+ 50, there are two chibis and bg color

+10, single colored BG (that aren't white) still gets BG bonus

+10, BG

+10, BG

-25, harder to tell if there is enough detail due to it being so blurred

+10, BG

- 10, BG bonus but the headshot i snot shaded

Last one doesn't change, but NMF has a separate count

 Total DC after deposit = 7355

Total DC as of now: 2661

Artwork done this week: 
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/71589296_yvLA4tX3H80KEcb.png (Shaded Fullbody + Scene BG = 200+ 15 = 215)
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/71639357_LwqQ8w4JmkHpaTy.png (Shaded Fullbody + Scene BG = 200+ 15 = 215)
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72094393_2vYxu6evovw9jYH.png (Shaded Bust +  Pattern/Abstract BG = 100 + 10 = 110)
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72094434_LYWlpzXPpSN7aIF.png (Shaded bust = 100)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/1.chapter-01-dead-of-night/ (632 Words = 600)
https://toyhou.se/~literature/203551.october-2023/2.chapter-02-stay-hidden/ (744 Words  = 600 )
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72103596_b0owC7HWdjIG5sm.png (Shaded Bust + Pattern/Abstract/Simple BG (?) = 100 + 10 = 110 )
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72103598_6v0tfG0CBzjjBXl.png  (Shaded Bust +  Single Color BG = 100 + 10 = 110)
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72235560_zPIP5XfAc1Xj8c0.png (Shaded Bust +  Single Color BG x2 = 100 + 10 = 110x 2 = 220)
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72235573_5xKo8eMyXuNILVJ.png (Shaded Fullbody + Scene BG = 200+ 15 = 215)
(On base Chibi x 10 = 20 x 10 = 200 )

2695 + 2661 = 5356

 Total DC after deposit = 5356

-10, no mater amount of characters the bg will only count once

 Total DC after deposit = 5346

Sorry must have accidentally counted it, thanks

Your total DC amount: 1225

Previous DC transaction: https://toyhou.se/~comments/28299134

Amount being traded/transferred: 1000

Trading/transferring to: BobaBee-Tea

DC after:225

Approved, have nee update their sheet


Your total DC amount: 6435
Previous DC transaction: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5403624/view
Amount being traded/transferred: 200
Trading/transferring to: BobaBee-Tea
DC after: 6235

Approved, make sure nee updates their sheet

Your total DC amount: 9584 DC

Previous DC transaction: https://toyhou.se/~comments/26692095

Amount being traded/transferred: 1000 DC

Trading/transferring to: Bobabee-Tea

DC after: 8584 DC

Approved, make sure nee updates their sheet

Your total DC amount: 5760

Previous DC transaction: https://toyhou.se/~comments/28233251

Amount being traded/transferred: 200 dc

Trading/transferring to: BobaBee-Tea 

DC after:5560

Approved, make sure nee updates their sheet

+ 100 dc (20 x 5)

 Total DC after deposit: 5,760

Total DC as of now: 730

Artwork done this week: 

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1098879877974863913/1140269370828931103/your_favourite_preacher.png - shaded fullbody + sc bg - 210
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1098879877974863913/1140559033464528986/air_sugar.png - shaded fullbody + sc bg - 210
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1098879877974863913/1146764375072460960/cuddles_with_your_ex.png - shaded cheeb - 80
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/705598092434604053/1145305706824736768/in_the_forest.png - shaded + bg + event bonus - 320
https://toyhou.se/~literature/196540.saving-a-caged-bird/1.the-gala/ - 820 for me, 860 for kei
https://toyhou.se/~literature/196540.saving-a-caged-bird/2.the-pick/ - 800 for me, 860 for kei
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/998140831468896296/1152517839299805334/red_flags.png- shaded hip up + single color bg - 130
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089047739800764426/1150238119472410704/no_braincells_club_-_Killian.png - unshaded chibi + simp bg - 50
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089047739800764426/1147306379778998323/yelling_at_your_boyfriend.png - shaded fullbody + scene bg - 215
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/998140831468896296/1153302204321648691/stabby_stabby.png - unshaded chibi + simp bg - 50
https://toyhou.se/~literature/201819.random-fuckin-warpa-writings/1.-/ - 500-1000 words - 600
https://toyhou.se/~literature/201819.random-fuckin-warpa-writings/2.- - 1000-2000 words - 800
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089047739800764426/1155452464343027742/mingling.png - hip up + complex bg - 160
https://toyhou.se/~literature/201819.random-fuckin-warpa-writings/3.- - 500-1000 words - 600
https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/70999900_ELQFHPVOn00kFh8.png - bust sketch + 1-4 comic panel - 50

 Total DC after deposit: 5825

-25 bg considered Scene Elements

-25 bg considered Scene Elements

 Total DC after deposit: 5775


Total DC as of now: 2251

Artwork done this week: 

(Lined Chibi (on base) + Simple BG x 36 Icons)   = 20 + 10 = 30 x 36 = 1,080

 Total DC after deposit: 1080 + 2251 = 3331



 Total DC after deposit: 2,251

Your total DC amount: 5145

DC prize amount: 200 DC

Event link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1393890.august-prompt-camping-season

DC after: 5345 DC


-10 there is no background

also make sure to put spaces between links and the count, or it messes up the links

Total DC as of now: 14,770

Artwork done this week: 

https://artfight.net/attack/4975703.nympila Shaded headshot (100) + pattern background (10) + art fight bonus (100)

https://artfight.net/attack/5418246.bianca  Shaded waist up (120) + pattern background (10) + art fight bonus (100)

 Total DC after deposit: 15,210

+30 (second one is a knee up)

 Total DC after deposit: 15,240

Total DC as of now: 6918 DC

Artwork done this week: 
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://toyhou.se/20744963.crab-twin-f#64863951 = 40 + 10 = 50  
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1019430730067087411/1128390706365464646/IMG_2261.png = 40 + 10 = 50
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1019430730067087411/1112692317703393311/IMG_2119.png = 40 + 10 = 50
Shaded waist-up + single colour bg; https://toyhou.se/20711664.roche#65172392 = 120 + 10 = 130
Flat chibi + single-colour bg; https://toyhou.se/18827716.aislinn-ishmerai#64686243 = 40 + 10 = 50
Shaded waist-up + single colour bg; https://toyhou.se/20954300.lilliana/21892351.artwork#66014178 = 120 + 10 = 130
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://toyhou.se/20538472.clancy#66835937 = 40 + 10 = 50
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://toyhou.se/2863586.alev/4473309.artwork#66835925 = 40 + 10 = 50
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1002089284871917648/1129795558308073552/IMG_2281.png = 40 + 10 = 50
Flat chibi + single colour bg; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1017000119687720990/1123977438209245195/IMG_2232.png = 40 + 10 = 50
Flat headshot + abstract bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5057863.tamao = 60 + 10 + 100 = 170
Shaded fullbody x 2 + scene elements + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5096165.lilinaya-x-ezekiel-happy-summer  = 200(2) + 15 + 100 = 515
Flat fullbody + single colour bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5110608.minn-dow = 160 + 10 + 100 = 270
Flat fullbody + abstract bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5159703.hama = 160 + 10 + 100 = 270
Shaded waist-up + scene elements + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5233428.hyeon-seo = 120 + 15 + 100 = 235
Flat headshot + single colour bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5415674.shen-qingqiu = 60 + 10 + 100 = 170
Shaded chibi + single colour bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5644928.watch-out-sugar = 80 + 10 + 100 = 190
Flat chibi + single colour bg + AF bonus; https://artfight.net/attack/5731536.fido = 40 + 10 + 100 = 150

 Total DC after deposit: 9548 DC


remember next time that you are only allowed 15 entries even if you count them

Total DC as of now: 2391

Artwork done this week: 
Artfight bonus for all (+100 DC each) 


 Total DC after deposit:


Total DC after deposit: 3011