Region | North Shrine Plateau

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by aaimasqtch

North Shrine Plateau


Gold-eye Prairie

Expansive plains cover the northern edge of the continent. No cities or towns exist there but many small settlements and dwellings dot the landscape. Dull brown-gray grass that reaches the knee sways in the wind for kilometres ahead of where the eye can see. The fields invoke a sense of peace: like all is well in the world, and if not among the cities, then here it will always be calm. Many believe the plains are blessed, proven likely from the main Cardinal temple being situated on the plateau's far east. Dotted across the flat landscape are small "altar"-like constructions; stones shaped squarely sprouting up along pathways of dirt that have faint rune inscriptions covering their base. No texts explain the purpose of these rocks, but with their proximity to the temple, one can only guess they were important.


Monolith Heights

Bordering the North Shrine Plateau and Wyndgale territories is a towering mountain range. Believed by all to be the birthing grounds of all landscapes to grow from, Monolith Heights has snow-capped peaks, trails, and roads abandoned and broken, craggy cliffs, and emits the sense of peace from its descending wind and echoes. In the heart of the range is the original Cardinal Temple, where the ancient gods used to meet, discuss, and create.


Cardinal Temple

One of the oldest buildings in the world. Built from intricately white carved stone from the mountain range it sits within the center of, the temple remains ageless as it stands the test of time and the Monolith Heights' strong winds. Some spires have crumbled and the reliefs of dragons, lefikás, and other ancient individuals of the past have been worn down slightly and dirtied by heavy snowfall, but the inscriptions upon the walls, pillars, and ceilings written in Old Draconic still can be felt and read. A glimpse into the true beginning. The temple only has one massive central room, one with a cylindrical table rising high from the center. Claw marks from the Gods run deep through its stone and ancestral runic symbols scatter the surface. In the old texts it says the table was once a spellspace; glowing with runes and magic that illuminated the entire cathedral without a hint of darkness reaching in. Covering the walls from top to bottom is historic tales of first-hand stories of the Cardinals and their original followers. Small messages from their Collosals and Origin Kin. In small sections even stories about Lindoss are present, making the temple some of the only places in the world where text written in Void can be found and translated.

  • Prairie Stone Circles
  • Sage Altar
    The Sage Altar is a large statue carved from stone and petrified wood made to look like the North Cardinal which stands in a clearing just north of the plateau's main river. Although it used to hold a tablet with ancient Draconic texts carved into it, the tablet was stolen long ago and her blank eyes now look down upon empty hands. The tablet's exact current location is unknown but it is said to be hidden away deep in a cave, locked in a collapsed tunnel. Reasonings for a Ptithian to hide it away are speculative but one theory states that it might be in relation to anti-Sage propaganda in order to demote the affiliation.