Region | Southeast Peninsula

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by ◬ Swā Veduro aaimasqtch

Southeast Peninsula


The Kandle Forest

Most of the island is covered in lush, turquoise and deep green, temperate forest. A place of wondrous hunting and secretive discussions. The forest is full of life and full of dangers, never are children allowed out into the trees without a parent or family friend to guard them, as monsters screech and echo throughout the leaves at night. The forest covers the northeast corner of the Southeast Peninsula and into all the creases between the Falls and the Crevasse.


Guawsyvern Cliffs

An exact translation from Draconic proves these flattened upper landings of the island are special to the creatures that inhabit these territories. Cliffs of Dreams, the Dream Cliffs, these wannabe mountains make up the area in between the Crevasse and the Hovering Memories, the southwest zone of the main peninsula. These cliffs are where Woariians take their young to teach them to fly, or some even prefer to nest up in the low clouds of the cliffs rather than the caverns far below. A preference depending on the individual, but most like to keep their nests on the ground since there isn't too much risk of keeping them there anymore. Of course, they are safer from predators higher up, but the risk of falling is great.


Spiral Marsh

A natural phenomenon, the marsh is a beautiful site of water coursing and trailing through the loose white sands that creates swirling streams that intertwine all back together to go back into the sea. A place of Zen, the salty water is inviting and warmed from the sun constantly hitting the shores. Found on the east side of the island, the marsh is easily accessed from the paths that leave the southern end of the Crevasse, or flying proves an easy way to spot the area as well when above the large temperate trees.


Nairuuthli Caverns

The first entrance to the caverns is a smooth transition of gravel that has an entrance point in the chasm just in between the West side of the Crevasse and Hovering Memories. A slide or surf down the loose sediment opens up into the Nairuuthli caverns with the Stepping Stones being the nearest camp. The second entrance is a hole in the ground big enough to fit through that is found by the river of the Endearing Falls. This entrance drops straight down into the foliage of the Ulhar Corner and is the least used entrance into the caverns. The third entrance, although treacherous for Ptithians the first time, is a rift at the bottom of the shallow sea zone just northeast of the Tailstrike Shores. The entrance is underwater, but it can easily dive into and it shoves those who go in back into the air of the cavern the second they spill down the waterfall of saltwater, where they can find the Plaza room just one tunnel down.

Kitte Crevasse Pack Plaza Bramble Verge The Archlen
A towering stone structure made by creatures of the past, its original base of crumbled ruins and mossy orb was already there when the pack's ancestors came to the peninsula, whoever had put it there was long gone, but they were still very curious as to who was the creator. Perhaps the Melder himself, that would certainly be something to overanalyze if need be. The intuitive Woariians rebuilt the Archlen over time, a decade or two of carving and crafting new ideas as to how to infuse aura back into the blue orb that had been pressed into the hearth. However, inventive spells were unnecessary, all it took was one dragon with a childish idea to simply fly the heavy orb up into the circular hole that the archway held once it was put back up again- it tugged at the dragon's arm and flung itself into its proper position, where it began to pulse and float, bobbing lightly until it stabilized and a relaxing aura flooded the researchers nearby who were building or working to fix it. A thank you from whoever created it long ago, maybe their spirit is free to watch over its land again, the clan members may never know. Endearing Falls
A busy spot on the northern end of the peninsula, the Falls are indeed a cool rush of gallons upon gallons of water tumbling off the side of a cliff from a river and into another river far below. The rushing water has caused the cliff it courses over to become more indented, curved within like a bowl with ledges where moss and slippery stones have stacked. Dwellers like to perch on these ledges and let the crisp and refreshing water stream over their skin just before they fly off back home or stay awhile in the pooling river curvature below with some friends to relax. Although the start of the river comes from the Southern Sea and begins with salt water, the underground filters backlash it by entering underneath from the other side, this results in a mixed briskish solution by the time the water hits the waterfalls. So those with scales sensitive to seawater don't have to worry too much and can still enjoy themselves in the pools like everyone else. The waterfalls got their name from the first settlers, who saw them as the original crossing point into a new "endearing" life away from their once homeland within the Aurix Caesin. The name struck and is still the title the waterworks retains despite most dwellers just refer to them as The Falls. Hovering Memories
The name derived from the location's undesired effects, the Hovering Memories is a patch of mid-height floating islands on the southwest end of the island that harbor the densest forest area of the land and the thickest vines holding it to the ground below. The Woariians built chains to keep the islands together and close, not wanting to lose such an interesting place of their territory. Pieces are detached, the ground is shaky and uneven, cracks could appear anywhere, so it's not a safe place for Ptithians to go if they lack the ability to fly. On the largest floating piece is a jutting crystal, deep turquoise, from the ground that splinters into knife sharp edges and spills into small ones all around it. Like a dangerous throne, the crystals show almost perfect reflections of anyone that steps near it, they show the observer memories of their past, usually ones they don't want to remember, and through their eyes the crystals shows those memories on its surface similar to a phone screen, so anyone can see the deeds of their brethren. It's a useful yet dastardly thing. Caesin's Relic
The third aura-infused relic within the territory, the forest relic is stationed on the very southeast end of the island, not the sand bars, and tends to be the least visited. Hidden deep in bramble and forest, brush of turquoise and green tone, the relic is a blue, pulsing orb like the Archlen and sits nestled, hovering slightly above a large tree-stump that has been hollowed out in the center over time. Similar to the Arch, the orb itself releases an aura while it is floating, but the aura isn't invigorating, no, the aura strikes an eerie sense into anyone who trespasses into its circle of land. Stray Ptithians wandering by it describe it as the feeling of being stalked, observed from the dark trees, and those who go out directly to the orb to attempt to study it describe the feeling as if they are being forcefully pushed away- mentally anyways, no accounts of physical harm has been recorded. Although most report being uncomfortable, a handful of Ptithians say it radiates a calm pulse, however those same Ptithians always say the Archlen has an aura of pain to them. Tailstrike Shores
Thick sandbars and one mini-island litter the southeast of the peninsula, just past the Swirl Marsh. A one stop shop for anyone looking for a beach to take a nap at or spend time catching marine life. The location got its name from the shape it possesses, a slashing motion, and to be found at the end of the island, the dragons had decided to associate it with a sharp tail slashing at its enemies. Stepping Stones
A broken segment on the western side of the caverns, the stepping stones are pieces floating above an endless drop into the darkness below. Few have ventured into the abyss of the caves, and even less have returned but they refuse to talk about what they found or observed. Enough light spills in from the Slope entrance to hit the stones and spare torches or firepits create the rest needed to navigate, so those without wings can easily hop across without trouble, for the most part. On the highest shelf sits small burrowed caves and pitched tents affront them to block the whistle of wings that blow through the caverns up from the abyss. A few dragons live there, mainly those who like solace and don't want to sleep around the others of the pack within the Plaza or the Crevasse. Ulhar Corner
This cavern area has drizzles of water spilling through the ceiling, enough for tree and floral seeds to be carried down with it and grow into a dense underground forest that is supplied with just enough light and soaks up the body heat of the animals tumbling through it. The Corner has two pockets to its cavern area that are filled with trees and foliage but still have enough room for a few Ptithians to sneak in. Lower Ryna
Translating to "lower lake", it is the first room any dragon is dropped into when they dive through the third entrance of the caverns. It's a beautiful place where water from the underground streams mix into what saltwater is draining downwards from the sea above to create a decently sized lake. Large mushrooms grow around the lake and foliage has taken over the walls that spiral upwards into the entrance rift far above. It is the source of water for those who live mainly in the Plaza dens.


CAPITAL CITY | Kitte Creavasse
One of the two most bustling places on the peninsula. The Kitte Crevasse is the hustle of above-ground activity and caters towards all, such as homes higher up, nestled into the cliffs, others closer to the bottom of the chasm for those who are restricted to the hearth. The Crevasse extends from the northwest edge of the island to the southeast, smoothly it curves upwards and transitions into more flat land where the forest takes over more just before the marshland does. The rocks that line the inner chasm are naturally very jagged, with minerals showing and weak covering from the talons that had begun to scrape and carve at them in due time. As stone was stripped away near the top and trees were cleared or pushed back away from the cliff rims, the Ptithians that inhabited the island had started their endeavor to create their first settlement there- and so they did just that. From a small campsite to hollowed out caves for them to take cover in during rainstorms, the settlement has evolved into something much more with history rooted down to its very beginning tent stakes in the ground. The entire northern half of the Crevasse is populated, the buildings; platforms made of wood that lean on the rocks and use stilts to keep them up against the edges. Turquoise tarps and wraps string the roofs together and baubles such as foe lanterns and other pretty jewels drape from corners and chime in the breeze that blows past. Ladders, ropes, even stairways have been carved into the stones themselves to allow easy access to the upper levels. Off the ground, the platforms and better viewpoint can make any creature feel safer. Where the platforms of wood and roofs of tarp stop, digging begins. The cliffs are dug out but retain their very top layer of stone and dirt, columns of rock are left alone so none of the dwellers' work becomes undone or the world literally crashes down on a Ptithian's head. Pockets, little dens for individuals or larger ones for families are strewn all throughout the inner cliffs just inside the tarp buildings, with crystals that pulse a magnificent blue or torches are hung all around to cast a glow to illuminate the artificial mini-caves. Ptithians fly through and across the crevasse constantly, hopping from market shop to market shop, home to home, everything and anything can be found in the crates or barrels that are left on the platforms by the shopkeepers after they head back home to their respective den.

CAMP | Ulhar Corner
This cavern area has drizzles of water spilling through the ceiling, enough for tree and floral seeds to be carried down with it and grow into a dense underground forest that is supplied with just enough light and soaks up the body heat of the animals tumbling through it. The Corner has two pockets to its cavern area that are filled with trees and foliage but still have enough room for a few Ptithians to sneak in.

CAMP | Bramble Verge
A dense rock wall away from the plaza, the Bramble Verge is the second small campsite and den area of the caverns past the Stepping Stones. With two streams of water spilling in and into shallow pools on either sides of it, it's a quiet and serene place for anyone to live it they want to be just a bit out of the other's way. Many of the gatherers of farmers live here since it supplies spare dens for storage and easy access to the forest in the Ulhar Corner just a tunnel northwards. The area was named after the dense vines that web across the ceiling of the cavern room.

TOWN | Pack Plaza
A busy spot, the widest room of the caverns, it has been carved and dug into over time by the Woariians and has been crafted into one of the two most dwelled in areas on the island. A roughly circular room with an entrance to the west and another entrance that feeds in from the ocean a bit to the northeast based on the center point of the cavern room. Like the Kitte Crevasse, dens and family caves with platforms and tarps to function as walls or blinds are all over the walls of the room, with almost as many residents that can be found above ground. Light spills in as a blue hue from the ocean entrance just past in the nearest room where the Ptithians can gather water to boil the salt out. The plaza zone is deemed the safest place on the island and within the caves, so it is the haven for many clan members.