Dimension | Lindoss

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by ◬ Brunos aaimasqtch

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Portal Plaza In the center of Lindoss rests a massive altar-resembling area. The middle of the circular platform rises steeply into a sharp tip that curves over into a hood at the very top. There, a ball of pure, white light beacons can be seen from anywhere across Lindoss due to how little bright light exists in the dimension. Surrounding the outer part of the circle platform are rectangular towers that have their middles carved out. A vibrating and verticular film of translucent black inhabits this space and even has the ability to reach out with nerve-like tendrils to pull in any creature that steps too close. The Manor - Upon the dial-like platform there is a path built at 12 o'clock, it winds into the darkness and almost seems to have no end and may only come to a stop at a lone door attached to no walls once said treker believes they need to turn around. Opening the door, one will be greeted to the atrium of a massive hidden castle; the home that the Arch had created for himself to stay far away from the daily hatred that plagues the dimension’s kin. The atrium is the only thing accessible to those willing to walk, and is still bathed in darkness. If it were to be illuminated or seen through those with night vision, then it looks like a proper Victorian style hall with plenty of oddly abstract statues steeped on curly pedestals, they certainly stand out against the frilly wallpaper.

City of Darkness Most lindosts do not seek shelter nor a cozy place to live, but for those who do there is one city within the dimension. Nestled between black cliffs and an overhead slope of draining gray water and froth is a settlement built house upon clean house. Families and lovers are useless to lindosts, no home was constructed in terms to house more than one, thus each place is small and stacked. Homes are merely a means of solitude and escape from others, to say one has a place to be in where others may not trespass or insult is an absolute blessing to any Lindost. Still, the place is pitch black to all not from the dimension or enchanted to peer beyond the Unity.

The Empty Expanse The Empty Expanse makes up the majority of Lindoss. As a whole, save for the proper landmarks, the Expanse is a desolate and dark world that resembles a crooked version of various different boring landscapes. Mountains, lakes, grasslands, yet some are warped, upside down, there is no direct statement for physics and nobody can tell if they are traveling up or down as they wander. Trees exist but they are merely artificial replicas of the trees down below, as Lindoss enjoys copying and making its own versions of the things it sees in the overworld. Lindosts are scattered all throughout the Expanse, it is natural for them to wander mindlessly until the dimension calls for them to work. Sometimes, out in the distant Expanse, small lights appear, but no Lindost dares to go after it, afraid it is a trap the dimension has set up to test them. To go towards the light may result in being pulled towards “the edge”, where one may be ushered into and will never be retrieved again. Beyond this the Unity no longer holds the plane together, it is the realm of true nothingness.

The Soul Garden The most revered yet secretive area within Lindoss, despite how well-known it is to every lindost. The Garden is off-limits to all except the Arch (and Its assistants), who are trusted by Mother to control and keep track of each stem, vine, and bud within the Garden. It is a place of importance, as each lindost is attached to the flora within it essence-wise. Each bud represents a soul, each vine a connection back to the stem which is the beating heart of Lindoss itself. Lindosts have no husk or heart to hold their own entity/soul, so they are all within the Garden instead. The Garden is quite pretty if seen, with marble ruffled walls and curved architecture atop the walls that trail down and around to the front until they spread out into the shape of massive, daunting talons that hold tightly to the ground outside the entrance archway made of quartz.

Traveling Circus of Horror A detached section of Lindoss made entirely from transferable dimension matter. The Soul Circus looks like and behaves exactly like a normal circus would, even with outer fairgrounds with some vendors and hangout areas. The main attraction is the massive circus tent striped in red and white. The front doors are always pulled open wide and haunting music rings out from nonexistent instruments. The Soul Circus is linked to Lindoss, as when the Arch explains where to send the place to next, it is there in a heartbeat. There are a few places it rotated through, as they are populated and popular, and those are: the edge peninsula of Bivnix, the arena in Tucruitora, and on the coastal venue that is near Nox’s Fox Isle. Over time the Circus is a regular occurance, a new take on how to collect fresh magic and strong souls whenever there are not enough deaths happening in Ptitheros. The Circus goes on like any other, lindost performers and gorey shows of slaying and torture on prisoners gifted to the Circus by the closest kingdom. It is often a place everyone wants to go at least once in a lifetime, as nothing gets more realistic and horrifying than actual, live, relentless murder.

Harbjourn Prison

Mother's Temple

The Parallm Passing Plane