

A mystery to all who call the Flameverse home. Supposedly, a medium-sized island off the western coast of Bivve, filled with wondrous buildings and strange artifacts. Its people, incredible mages and intelligent scholars, were remarkably unfriendly to visitors, though they occasionally probed into the world for inscruitable reasons. And, if that wasn't enough, they had the power to control their island's location.

Utilizing this power, the island disappeared two hundred years ago, when Passane threatened to stage a naval attack. Though the attack was kept secret, Evenne still vanished. Much speculation whispered through the other continents - until the island reappeared in the last year, just southeast of Lacraya.

Little is known about the island, its countries, its populace, and its geography.

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya immortal t v f