(full name is Exe:Late[Dreamless Memory])
fanmade, almost standalone, side story for under night because i really liked the idea of how voids work in unib maybe a bit too much and also desperately wanted to give the uni characters more dynamics because why do they just drop the ball on that. also i wanted to see underutilized characters get some shine. looking at mr enkidu unib my favorite character in the whole world smiles autistically. if you're ??? about how a void operates while reading one of their bios, please check out parasite void logs (not all of them are created equal though) :) this entire side story is literally just nerdy plain girl and pathetic male rights. tldr theyre like void fragments/muniel on MEGA STEROIDS. rejected re-births also work as a comparison. there is a bunch of creative liberties because fb kinda sucks at elaborating on how voids work so if something isnt 1 to 1 with uni lore its an attempt to fill in some sort of blanks.

The side story starts with Nodoka, the main heroine from Sado and daughter of Noriko, a prominent member of the now defunct Lab Committee. She stumbles in a Hollow Night and finds herself as a host to a parasitical Void who only remembers their name and name alone: Hitoki. Cowardly and nervous of her involvement with the Hollow Night at first, the purity in Nodoka's heart allows her to navigate through these circumstances and take Void research into her own hands. In order to give redeemable Voids a purposeful life in the human realm, her resolve becomes to protect the Hollow Night Voids from those who threaten it. As she does, she realizes that the Lab Committee and her mother harbor a dark secret. While she had her eyes set on engineering Curse Commandments, she instead prefers to act as guidance for the Voids, while Tsujino handles their physical make-up.

Aoki: The tomboyish heroine that is an old friend of Nodoka. She fosters the Voids within the "Hime Project," the Lab Committee's worst victim. Knowing next to nothing about Voids, she chooses to tag along and do the best she can offer, fitting of her honest lifestyle. For her, it is just natural to help the struggling. She often keeps the other heroines grounded, as she is not particularly special in comparison to them. "Bah, that's just a me thing to do, don't worry about a thing!"

Ruru: The ominous heroine who has lived a mysterious, dark life fitting of her appearance. She hosts the war traitor and exiled aristocrat Laos, formerly known as the man(?) Camelie Bostan, the troubled son of the Bostan House. Being a defected Void hunter in the past, Ruru grows an intrigue and fascination for Voids, desiring to have a personal connection to them, as if to truly understand their existence. "You are monsters...just like me...kukuku," she says, with bated breath, "that's why...I know...I can find trust in you..."

Tsujino: The sheltered and knowledge hungry heroine hailing from the countryside of Aomori, gifted with a natural profiency with technology. She formerly worked in the Aomori subsidiary of the Lab Committee as a Void geneticist to bring a healthy amount of wealth to her family's farm. It was when she was assigned to put the subsidiary's first discovered Parasite Void to sleep, she would finally realize the weight of situation she found herself in. Seeing the damage the Void had sustained, she runs away with him from the life she once knew, living in secrecy as a neurotic mad scientist. As she urgently searches for a way to prevent such atrocities from happening again, her savior complex grows to unbelievable heights. "I will find a way to give Voids independence and freedom...that Abyssal Altar...the 'Sistema Celeste,' harborer of knowledge..."

Bernadette: The powerful, egotistical subheroine, eternally drenched in boredom. She is a vampire from Greece that has ties to Ruru and Laos after both won her admiration and approval during their honeymoon. She collects and sometimes even hunts down Voids, though she is not made aware of their true state of being until Ruru tells her of the Hollow Night. Holding respect for Ruru, she decides to assist the human and her little friends to advance their efforts in protecting and providing for Voids as thanks. To her, this merely serves as more entertainment for her palate.

Mogu: The 13-14 year old junior student and proud founder of the Hero Club. She is a klutz and not particularly smart, but has a strong sense of doing the right thing due to her avid watching of superhero cartoons. After a tragic disaster in her former prefecture, she started her streak of good deeds not out of an inherent want for justice, but because she always wants to prove that she can be there for others right away. She is often underestimated by her peers for being a kid, as Nodoka and others often tell her that "this is for grownups," but when the time comes, Mogu is ready to help in anyone's time of need. "Ehhh? The Hollow Night? Oooh, that sounds really important! Hey, I can help too! I'm not just some little kid anymore!"

Nao: nao nao chuu

Human Delightful Witch my pride and joys under night in birth WizardMage International Gal Aestas Magi Project MahoroBloom Light Magical Girl Swiss Maid Strudel Parasite Void Fleurs MonsterAnimal Resplendent Magicians Nostalgic Audition Tengu Girl Miracle Beast Gods Ita Vivam MOJYO SPOTTED Familiar Spirit Other Agaris Vampire In-Birth info Dark Magical Girl Dragon Angels MiruRambu SpiritsGhosts blazblue Celestial Rebellion Girls MechaRobo shes uh. Suze the Surface and the Sea YALL guilty gear goddess of dkeatry Harpy Gorgon Navigator Esper TO SUCK HIM OFF this girl is in every story somehow popular with the homies. Tengu OUT OF ALL CHARACTERS jk she is a god funny girl is funny girl Kaka Angel Werewolf Draupnir 30 Day Casino Affair SO HARD just some omnipotent joke character oh no not again hashtag boy Okuri Inu Horse Slime 30 Days Overload Buffet pokemon akatsuki blitzkampf mikotsune is...mikotsune Devils king of fighters ive seen things. melty blood Bat Helhest Alien EVERYONE WANTS