Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that there probably won't be any questions for a couple of days because of this! Here's a question to tide you over in the meantime, though:

Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams?

Short answer: yes! Long answer: probably to come after the Q150 catch-up hiatus! That'll probably be about a week or two long like the Q100 hiatus!


I'm back! Back to your regular daily questioning!

Q145. Which OC of yours is the most likely to smile creepily?

Whose smile do you really not want to see coming out of a dark alley? Who's the most likely to say something super dark or terrifying while smiling warmly? That kind of thing.

Celesca perpetually wears a creepy smile, and it's rare for her mouth to be in any other shape. There's also Ouray, who - despite being a pretty decent person - tends to have a pretty frightening expression on all the time. Doesn't help that they tend to make a lot of morbid jokes and puns to go with it... they honestly might be a better fit for this question than Celesca.


Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams?

Most of my characters are born from my dream so, yes, definetely yes.
As for those who were created for RP, some of them still appeared in my dreams. Mostly Eden, Amadeus and Arthur, and their friends (characters I used to roleplay with A LOT).

edit : ok, so two days ago I just had the weirdest dream ever, and I am "chocked" of having had this dream.
....I dreamt that I was having sex with my character Eden, and then asked for a threesome with Eden and Arthur (but luckily I wope up before it happened). Disturbing.

Q145. Which OC of yours is the most likely to smile creepily?

Probably Hyrokin. He is not a "bad guy" nor a villain but he may have some creepy smiles. My "villain" character does not have creepy smiles, it would be too clichée. Well, actually, his smile can be creepy in his own way, because you can see that these small smiles of his are nothing like "happy smiles", but it is not the cheshire kind of creepy smile.


Q122. Which OC of yours has the strangest life?

that's a hard one, considering my characters' universe has stuff like magic and monsters and demons and angels and ghosts and stuff like that, so those aren't really strange for anyone to see. however, even though they would technically count as monsters, animated objects that aren't normally animated are actually a pretty rare thing, so i guess that means eleasha's life is pretty weird seeing as she gets possessed by a living dress at some point. ...eleasha's life is also completely fucked up in a million other ways, and none of them are good.

there's also a fairly new character of mine that doesn't have a profile yet. they're basically a human who's sharing their body with this eldritch... thing that pretty much looked at the sciencey biological rules of my characters' universe and said 'ur not my mom u can't tell me what i can and can't do', so naturally said character has seen and done a lot of messed up stuff that should be impossible, making their life very weird.

Q123. Which OC of yours has the darkest sense of humor?

later on in liam's life, he begins to develop a pretty dark sense of humour. he goes from playing pranks that just annoy everyone, to telling jokes about the deaths of people's loved ones and other stuff like that. trissa and nia would probably have a pretty dark sense of humour too.

Q124. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to blame someone else for something that they did?

another one for liam! he never takes the blame for anything, even when it really is his fault. started an argument with someone else? nope, THEY were the one who started it. stole stuff from somebody else? well, they shouldn't have made their stuff so easy to take. he skipped school on purpose? naaaah, he intended to get there on time, but SOMEONE was too selfish to wake him up. *glares at lora*

you get the point. it's never his fault, it never was and it never will be.

Q125. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to take the blame for something they didn't do?

of course, whenever liam needs somebody to blame for whatever trouble he's caused, his sister lora is more than willing to take it. she'd never do any of the things that liam would blame her for, but she's too kind to stick up for herself and make him stop blaming her for everything. eleasha also takes the blame for stuff she hasn't done, but by this point her self-esteem has been destroyed so much that she believes that she really is responsible for all the stuff that's gone wrong in her life.


Q145. Which OC of yours is the most likely to smile creepily?

After some time of thinking I think Elli, when she is in a really good mood, enough to be humorous and creep around smiling creepily. It's rare enough to be extra creepy when she does it, maybe?



inspired by a certain meme duchess.......

Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?

Barazia is definitely super affectionate toward anyone he takes a liking to, showering with them and gifts and fawning over them and refusing to leave their side. He might not be the greatest answer, though, seeing that he tends to move on to someone new the second some other sucker winds up lost in his little slice of Hell. Memen is also super affectionate, but she tends not to get tired of people and loves having lots of people to send heart emojis at!! Hopefully you like memes, because she usually expresses her love for others via shitposts and image macros. But I mean, if you don't, why would you be hanging out with her in the first place?? Muri is also pretty affectionate if her telling you how delicious you probably are is your kind of thing! She does that a lot while completely ignoring the concept of personal space.

Kind of a complicated question since affection can be expressed in a lot of different ways! Some of my OCs aren't that affectionate in public but super mushy and romantic in private, while others are pretty affectionate in public but not always in a romantic or sexual sort of way. But my corn dogs are cold and I got stuff to do so I'll save adding on to this question for the Q150 hiatus!


lmao i have so many missed questions i need to answer

Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?

thanks to Isoprene enabling me on this one, i'm just gonna go ahead and answer with 2no for now even though i have more donuts that would fit this question in different situations. OKAY LISTEN UP, he's very flirtatious and affectionate with people he's attracted to okay ((almost every headcanon he's involved in he hits on Isoprene 's poor 2cro, sometimes to the point where 2cro passes out!))

i'll edit this all later/eventually/whenever with the rest of my donuts, but 2no's definitely the most affectionate out of the ones i have.


Doing out of order lol gonna try to keep track of it on my bulletin tho
Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams? Sapphira (Sapphie) has many dreams of the future as she's a seer. However blood, water, death, sadness, and happiness generally appear in her dreams.

Q21. Do you have any fan characters? Yes if I end up joining an Fan RP group. Aina Sugimoto is for a fan rp group based off naruto. And Kotose Nakamura is a fan character based off Air Gear. But does have a pokemon story too with Hitomi

Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars? I use my favorite one or the one that depicts my OC the best. If it's a girl (not woman) then I tend to use the chibis.

Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most? Lilu

Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not? Yes. Because I like to separate genders and wound up separating by hair colors too lol

Q41. Do you have any adopted OCs? Yes, I have three I did a draw to adopt for - Chocolatta, Lilu, Nesrin .. Two customs AnisseCandy made for me - Ryder Knight, Tristan


Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth? Chocolatta

Q45. Are any of your OCs dead, planned to die, or have been dead at any point (even if only briefly)? My atedarian saga story has the most ppl who end up dying lol. Pretty much all of them die at some point in the story but since I like the idea of reincarnation, bring them back and reuse them for continuation

Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief? Zackarion Adair

Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Ehh I guess Arzu Khoroushi Who has the most complicated design? Tei Regas

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships? YES. (does friendship/family count besides romantic partners? then it'd be all of them lol)

Q63. Which OC of yours is the most prone to illness? Xuě Huā

Q79. Do you have any AUs for your OCs? Yes. Harry Potter, Pokemon, Kitty, Mafia, School AU, Maid-butler, Hunger Games, Modern Setting AU

Q84. Have your OCs (or anyone else's) ever been in one of your dreams? No ;u;

Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all? roleplay with some, write story for others, get art of most, draw of most. I'd love to make a webcomic or a visual novel thing for them but my story skills suck LOL

Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have? I'm actually not sure if it's Hitomi or Momoko (but probably Hitomi as I drew her tradi )

Q118. Are any of your OCs involved in the military in any way, or any sort of in-universe equivalent of one? Hmm I tagged some of them here since they're knights/officers. But all of my atedarian saga characters are related to the military due to war among the kingdoms and the culture to learn defense. Also my alternica story is military related.

Q129. Do any of your OCs collect anything? Yes Chocolatta collects chocolate. Hitomi collects pokemon. Lilu collects art.

Q132. Do you have any OCs who are robots, androids, AIs, cyborgs, etc? Rylan Blackwood is considered a cyborg as he lost his arm and it is replaced with a robotic arm

Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams? Uhh I think this was an older question. But once again no.


Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?

This one is a no-brainer. Louie tries to make friends with anyone. Acting like they've been bff's for forever, right from the start.


woohoo this seems fun!

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

Leppo 'cause he's unfortunately my fave

Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet?

Most of the ones who know it exists use it to their benefit and generally think it's cool, except Maeve and Dario, who just don't understand modern technology (Maeve pretends she doesn't need it and Dario is just awkward about it and feels bad when people push him to understand it). A good portion of my ocs (highlighting EltenKei & Michael) are aware of how horrible the internet can be, and also are Meme Trash

Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?

Charo sleeps a lot when she's relaxed and skips through the morning sometimes and it's distresing 'cause she feels like she's wasting time. Numai is not exactly hard to wake up but he has a lot of trouble to get up in the morning. He's supposed to be nocturnal after all.


Hope you all eat your vegetables today!

Q147. Which OC of yours has the healthiest eating habits?

On impulse I'd say Azior, but the truth is that because of his adventuring lifestyle he doesn't really eat regularly enough. He eats healthy when he does, but sometimes he'll go pretty long stretches without food and then eat a bunch of food at once later.

So, probably Tsubame! She actively avoids junk food and eats three square meals a day, with plenty of healthy snacks and probably protein shakes or something in-between. Diet is an important part of her personal training regimen; how can she hope to protect the Overkings if she can't even keep herself healthy and energized?


Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?  Nesrin