Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


I'm bad at keeping these up, I weep, sorry for the long post... :')

Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?
Voice wise, probably Collin since he just talks kinda loud.

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?
I mean, former relationships, Carter's wife is dead and DJ's husband is dead. Adam is in an unhealthy relationship with his girlfriend, but she doesn't have a profile and they techneclly aren't together anymore...? Idk man.

Q63. Which OC of yours is the most prone to illness?
Griffin, he's pretty sickly and catches the common cold easily as is. Essy is also somewhat sickly, but not as bad as Griffin.

Q64: If your OCs were in a video game, what genre would it be?
Probably an RPG adventure sort of thing, all of them live in the same sort of world and it would have to be extremely plot heavy. Some days I daydream about making The Crew into an RPG or something.
But Willa I have considered making her into a slice of life graphic novel... if you count that.
But overall, everyone would probably do best in an RPG setting, maybe pixel or something like fallout might be fitting for the world's magic and knowthing the character's personalities.

Q65: Which OC of yours does the most reading?
ADIE, my gosh, that bookworm would rather read than do anything else, it's how she got into history and she's a huge bookworm!

Q66. Which OC of yours has the best sense of direction? The worst?
Best sense of direction might be Willa, she usually has a good sense of where she's going and has a good memory which helps her use landmarks.
Worse might be Carter. I have a feeling he's just bad at pinpointing locations and giving directions and the sorts.

Q67. Do you have any OCs that are morning people? How about night owls?
I have so many that are just up all the time because they have no need of sleep...
Griffin might be my most hardcore nightowl oddly enough. He stays up late working usually, although his episodes of insomia don't help
Generally, even though she doesn't need sleep, Willa might be my biggest morning person, she's very active and enjoys getting ready in the morning.
After her is probably Leysa, who can easily get up in the morning and get shit done.

Q68. Which OC of yours has the strongest sense of justice?
Griffin probably, he has his own sense and doesn't follow other's and forms his own opinions, he's law abiding but knows when laws are wrong.

Q69. Which OC of yours is the most sexually active?
I'm ashamed of having so many of these...
Carter is just a horny fuckboy, he gets drunk and just hooks up, a lot
Ishra is a demon that actually can reproduce sexually so she has an almost human sex drive, and enjoys it and will frequent bars and clubs just to find drunkened people who wouldn't notice their one night stand is not quite human.
Iskalon is a lot like ishra but doesn't reproduce sexually, it's part of his feeding process and mostly involves getting people in bed in order to consume their souls/magic, he doesn't go for it as activly as Ishra but still finds enjoyment out of the act.


Q69. Which OC of yours is the most sexually active?
Sindbad and Adrian are my biggest slut bags.
Sindbad sleeps around to temporarily get rid of that painful feeling called lonelieness. It gets worst if they wake up next to no one. :D
Adrian will let anyone bang him. He's a free game. Doesn't like it when his partners end up developing feelings for him though. He'll abort the mission and say, "BYE FELICIA!"

Memen Isoprene

I hope no one minds me barging in here like this! I just couldn't help myself! It has to be boring just having the same person asking questions over and over, right? A shot of fresh blood is just what this place needs! Hmhmhm... I'm sure I'll work wonders with this thread~ ♥

So, I suppose I'd better find out who my allies are right away, yes?

Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Yes, that's a good question! Let's see, and tomorrow I can ask about the color pink, and the next day- what? What do you mean, I'm only hosting today's question? And the rest of the week alternates between six other characters?! All of this planning was for nothing?! Ooh, I have some heated image macros to make...! I'm going to make sure raining Hell upon you is the freshest meme on the block!


...Ahem. And so begins a week of themed questions! Based on my OCs because I do what I want

Memen is the filthiest memer of them all. The word is even in her name!! Which is why I made her a filthy memer in the first place. She's got a blog to reblog the latest, hottest memes and everything! Bonnie comes in a very solid second place, and in fact he's canonically mutuals with Memen! Though he doesn't know she's actually a powerful diety trapped in a prison dimension for mass murder and destruction, but hey you know whatever!

hadris gets an honorary mention for hating memes with a passion and laejizhar gets a mention for having no idea what a meme is despite his best efforts. he tries his hardest, he really does but he's under the impression that facebook is an eldritch tome made of faces and that updog is some sort of flying canine. he's probably better off for it though ;_;7


I hope it's okay to just jump in >->

Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?
That has got to be Sigrún, by a long shot. Though, that in itself is actually not such a feat, as most of those around her doesn't even know what a meme is. She usually just skims through them wherever she can find them, like 9gag and knowyourmeme, and won't really make any of her own. They're a great source of fun while her games loades.

Some exceptions to the "not knowing about memes"-gang would be Joshua, who hears and sees them from Sigrún whenever there's one that's just too funny to not share. He too finds them funny, but wouldn't be the first to search up some on his own. And then there's Noriko, who passes by them and stops to laught a bit at them whenever she searches the internet for *ahem* certain other pictures.


Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Leysa if anyone, she would be the one to get all up in popular things. She's like those people who constantly reference something popular and while memes might not be the most popular she would probably get a giggle out of them and then refuse to stop talking about memes for months and referencing them for years. She is a very go with the trends person and might get more amusement out of them longer


Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Most of my characters don't even come from worlds where the internet is a thing. xD

Of those that are, I guess Sage would be the one most up-to-date on that kind of thing. She's in college, and I'm sure she loves checking her phone frequently to stay connected. I don't think she's exactly the kind of person to post memes, or make her own, or really reference them all that much, but I think she'd love to browse sites like Facebook and Pinterest and laugh about the funniest ones she sees, just like I do. :3


Q11. Which of your OCs is the laziest?

Izevel is probably the laziest. While she’s incredibly cunning and willing to get her hands dirty to work towards a goal, she was spoiled in the clan she used to belong to, and when she left and set herself up as a fake deity for a clan of maren (mermaids basically), she barely did anything! Now that she’s in a clan where she’s expected to pull her own weight for her keep, she’s a little grumpy about that and tends to do the bare minimum. Thankfully what she does as a job (teaching others shapeshifting magic) is relatively easy for her… to teach, that is.

Q12. Which of your OCs is the shortest?

Hmm. Probably Eilun, since they’re a tiny cyclops fawn! But in terms of the adults: probably Paisley. She’s around 4'9".

Q13. Which of your OCs is the most exuberant spender?

Hmm. It’d probably be a toss-up between Theomeny and Yii; Theomeny is constantly spending money on new clothing, make-up/accessories, toys, etc. Yii takes care of several exotic breeds of snakes, and is also sure to deck himself out in expensive-looking clothing.

Q14. How do your OCs feel about Christmas?

You know I’m not really sure. I don’t think any of them live in a world where Christmas exists. I imagine for most though that there is a Winter Solstice, and they probably celebrate that with the communities they are in if they are so inclined. I’m not sure if the closed species I have designs of have those sort of over-arcing celebrations put into their lore (but I think it would be nifty if they did – I REALLY LOVE ORIGINAL RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS/FESTIVALS FOR SPECIES).

Hmm. I suppose though for the characters I have that are Flight Rising dragons, there is a two-week event near the holidays that celebrates a species of dragon (called Nocturnes) that come from the shadows to breed, create new communities, and also has the side effect of unleashing mimicry monsters! So I wonder if that festival is sort of like the Twelfth Night/Lord of Misrule thing.

Q15. Which of your OCs is the stingiest with money?

You know, I’m not really sure if I could call any of them stingy with money. Either they make smart purchases, don’t really care about the value of money, or don’t have any money at all. Oops?

Zosime Versephon Isoprene

...Ah. My turn.


Q71. Which OC of yours would want to pilot a giant robot the most?

The answer is me.


Begitte Absolutely! Anyone's welcome to join in at any time!

5inthemorning heck yeah you can, also i believe in you

As for the question, yeah definitely Zosime. Porphyra comes in an extremely strong second, and it's probably for the universe's best that she never get access to one. Hellscream would dig piloting a mecha as well, but the universe would be even worse off in his case. The sheer destruction... Thyx would also want to because robots are TOTALLY METAL (literally and figuratively), and though Umbra would never admit it she could fit into the role of hot-blooded mecha anime protagonist flawlessly and enjoy doing so.


i'll answer the memer question later. for now,

Q71. Which OC of yours would want to pilot a giant robot the most?

I have an oc who actually HAS a giant robot, but i haven't put her up on toyhouse or even charhub yet! Lazul and Papes would love to pilot a giant robot too, and Missingno would definitely show an interest in giant robots and would show curiosity about piloting one too. Listen, giant robots are cool ok


Q71. Which OC of yours would want to pilot a giant robot the most?

I don't have all my teenagers uploaded yet, I weep. But out of my uploaded characters probably Collin. He'd like to fly around and go pew pew, cause he's your typical teenage boy I guess :p

Laejizhar Adarez Isoprene

Ah, I see I'm up next! Quite an opportunity I have here... but I suppose I should follow suit and ask a question that fits me.

Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange?


Laejizhar has a brave stomach, being a celebrity chef and all, so he'll try anything at least once. It helps that he's an Eldritch Abomination who can eat just about anything without harm befalling him, so why not at least give something a taste? He believes anything has the opportunity to taste delicious, or at least the opportunity to be turned into something delicious.

Celesca will eat pretty much anything, too, but for her that's mostly just ignorance of what is food and what isn't. The way she sees it, there's little difference between a stop sign and a lollipop. They're both colorful and on a stick, so why do people look at her funny if she tries to eat the former?

Out of my more human OCs, Orange is probably the one who'd be the most adventurous with his eating habits. He wasn't always a candidate, but after a certain spoilery incident he became a lot less picky. Before he'd gag at the thought of eating crickets or cow tongue or whatever, but now he's willing to give pretty much anything a try as long as it's edible (so, no stop signs for him). Eating strange things gives him an idea of how to prepare them himself, too, which he figures could come in handy someday if he were to get stranded somewhere where the only things to eat were things he would have otherwise never eaten.

tfw i don't have my biggest will-eat-literally-anything ocs on toyhouse yet bc even though their designs are ridiculously simple i can never draw them properly ;__;


Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange?

Welp, Collin again probably, what a teenage boy I swear.

After him might be Iskalon, or one of his siblings. While he doesn't need to eat anything at all really, beyond magic and souls, he could probably choke something down just for the reaction of onlookers. And since he probably doesn't have the same perception of texture or flavor as your average human, he probably wouldn't bat an eye eating the weirdest of things.