Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 7: Spooked

Mmm it was a sleepy fall day, a little too windy outside to enjoy the dry air for once. The gentle sunshine actually felt nice, not too hot on Veo's skin as he softly awoke. Which normally was a slow process in the first place, but today he was rather groggy for some reason. Grabbing his phone on the side table lazily, it fell to the ground and hit the edge of something hard...
The audible sound of worry echoed in the room, and he almost immediately arose from the bed to check on his poor and helpless best friend. What would he do without a phone! Was it cracked? Broken? Damaged in some way?

It turned out that only a small section of the outer screen on the bottom right corner hit whatever it was and cracked a little. And it wasn't that bad... he could cover it up with his hand, and it was barely noticeable, it's totally okay! Pressing down on it slightly to see how deep it was, it seemed to only grow more cracks, resulting in a small yelp from the normally demonic man. And then almost dropping it yet again from a nervous grip.
This would be such a worry to fix... He almost thinks not fixing it might be easier, it's way too overpriced to get a whole new screen for just one crack.. right?

Well, later on in the day, shall shards of whatever plastic or such that made up the screen, would fall off. It was just small pieces at first, but then a noticeable piece was gone after his phone was stored in his pocket. Veo groaned like a toddler and resented his sleepy little paws to begin with. This was such an inconvenience!
Making a note on his planner to stop by a phone repair store, he tries to forget the little mishap today and continue with upcoming halloween plans...