Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 4
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 10: Alone

It was a fairly quiet day, quieter than most around the holiday season. The holiday season that mattered to Veo anyways. He seemed to be waking up recently to loud kids playing around in their new costumes, and neighbors hammering in decorations outside. But today was oddly quiet.

Veo sloppily got out of bed and made a cup of bitter tea, accidently though. He left the teabag in it seemed, even if it only felt like a few seconds somehow. He felt exhausted actually, how long did he sleep? It sure didn't feel like it had been several hours, despite the brightness outside signaling it very much was.

Trying to go about his day, more oddities popped up it seemed. He'd leave something in one spot, and find it in another. He didn't seem to have a good grasp on words at all somehow, and could barely focus on them enough to even read the time. Not that the time would even stay normal, it'd jump around somehow and be incorrect even.

Being pretty tired of this day, and being awake it seemed from his exhaustion levels, Veo went to go lay down for a nap. It was still eerily quiet, and had been for hours, but a kind of quiet and stillness that was too loud. It was too quiet to even sleep, and trying to put on his sleep sounds app didn't work somehow. Maybe dropping his phone the other day busted the audio output too... ugh

Flopping into bed and groaning slightly, he buried his face into the pillow and hoped he could actually fall asleep or something.
Suddenly he was waking up to a loud alarm he remembered setting last night. And believe it or not, there were annoyances outside this time. Did he fall asleep finally.. or was that just a dream..?

He didn't really have time to think about it much, needing to shower and get ready for plans he had. But this thought shifted in his head the rest of the day, sometimes making him zone out to think about it more.