Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 8
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 15: Laugh

Veo almost rolls over on the couch with laughter, due to a dorky photo a friend sent him. It had been a few hours of a casual back and forth of silly photos posing near drawn-on pumpkin faces. It was dumb for sure, but it made him laugh way too much.
The one that got him this time was a pumpkin with different colored buckteeth, and two little goggly eyes stuck on lazily with clear tape.It completely topped the one he sent prior, and Veo realized he's gotta try and make a funnier one than this even.

He rummages in his kitchen a bit, trying to find something goofy to put on or near the pumpkin he's been using. But so far there hasn't been too much. Hmmm...
Eventually he finds some skewers, and spots a red candle. Maybe he could make a 'dying' pumpkin?

Veo walks over to his poor little pumpkin, then jabs in a skewer or two, haphazardly to make it look 'accidental'. Then grabs the red candle and lights it, waiting for the wax to melt and pour onto the victim. While the candle was burning though, he did his best "oh god why" face on the pumpkin. After the red dribbles of 'blood' (aka candle wax) dripping down, it looked horrifically silly and he snapped a picture for his friend.

A few minutes later, his friend responded saying this gave him a great idea. Veo sat back on the couch and turned the scary movie he had been watching, back on, and waited patiently. About ten minutes later, his phone dings and there's a picture of a pumpkin that looks haphazardly sawed in half, and a handsaw next to it. It was also adored with 'blood', probably just red food coloring, and a broken up screaming face. This bit continued for a few hours longer until each of their pumpkins were turned into mush practically.