Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 12
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 19: Bat

"Oh come on, live a little" Veo's friend had invited him to wander downtown and go shopping for quaint little gifts and things. It was meant to just be an excuse to hang out, but quickly they realized how much stuff was marked down from it's original price for the sake of it being halloween soon. Defiantly an excuse to spend money, they both knew that, but who could resist a glittery witch's cauldron to decorate with next year?

Though the comment made to him was specifically about a spells and potions magic shop they spotted. His friend was more than eager to go inside, never growing up with magic as a kid and defiantly interested in the hobby now. Though Veo knew by the looks of it, it was either owned by a creepy old lady, or had some seriously dangerous things in there.
It looked old, and crowded with just about anything useful in magic. And he had seen plenty of shops where any and all spells were being sold, even the highly dangerous ones.

So the idea of going inside was a little worrying, especially when his friend was the type to pick up and wiggle anything he thought was neat or shiny. And that's just about the worst idea in a shop like this.

"Fine but just for a minute or two..." He ran across the street with his friend, checking for any cars or whatnot. And when making it over, they both spotted various interesting things inside. The door leading into the place chimed with bells, and the old lady over the counter greeted them sweetly.
It was indeed filled floor to ceiling with just about anything and everything. And his friend did start immediately touching whatever he came across.

Veo tries to warn him not to do that in any shop, let alone this one. But the warning isn't heeded, as soon enough, his friend opens an old book to see dozens of bats fly out and inhabit the store wildly. They all knock over bottles of potent potions, and rummage around to try and get free. A few smart ones go up the chimney, but the others just get lost in clutter.
And as he guessed, the old woman kicked them out soon after. Though the only thing Veo's friend says is "That was kinda rude..."