Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 7
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 14: Apple

The autumn wind picked up today quite a bit. Veo, not really wanting to go apple picking with his family, had to wear a winter earmuff to even step outside and not freeze. His ears were safely, but barely, keeping warm. All he wanted to do was go back inside.

But it had been several hours of finding only rotten apples on the ground, unripe apples on the tree, and the occasional ripe one ready to be picked. It was late in the season of course, that's why they weren't finding much of anything. But his family was determined to find enough to make a whole apple pie. "Sounds like a waste of good apples to me.." he mumbled under his breath, almost going noticed.

He did try to enjoy the outing with them though, despite the cold and the wind and the.. no apple situation. But eventually, they stopped at a store nearby to grab a bag of apples anyways. There wasn't enough from the pick-em-yourself farm, and his relatives were dead-set on making that pie.
Being a sneaky little rascal of the family, he did sneak at least one or two from the farm for himself. He much preferred them by themselves, or just warm and spiced without the crust.

His younger sibling noticed his hand reaching into the basket and quickly hiding an apple away in his coat pocket. The both of them laughed it off, and agreed not to tell. Though their giggling got the attention of their parents eventually, just like when they were younger and being nuances.

And when he did finally get home, he covered himself in blankets and made a little pile to stay warm in. Meanwhile almost forgetting to to take the apples out of his pockets and into the fruit bowl for later.