Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 14
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 21: Poison

Once getting home from the store, Veo pulls up a blanket on the couch and gets to work on his candy bar. He enjoys a nice halloween movie, one of his favorites, and casually checks some messages from friends and posts online.
It's mostly just excited posts about halloween coming up, decorations others have put up so far, and any costume plans. A few of his friends actually got to wear a costume already for parties or whatnot too, though he decided to just keep this year fairly relaxed for his own sanity.

He didn't exactly mean to get a chocolate bar that had almonds in it, but whatever, he didn't mind it he supposed. The crunch was a little surprising at first, but it did help separate the chocolate from the.. chocolate.
Though soon after monching down on a few pieces, he comes across a post from someone he only barely knew or remember following, mentioning to 'check for candy, it could have potent poison in it'

It had been a few years since he noticed this comment floating around for halloween, and it seemed to be back this year too. He heard it as a kid even, which was quite a scary thought for a younger demon. But hearing it as you're at that second eating a piece of candy is a lot different of a feeling. Clearly irritated now, he decides to just unfollow this person and tries to forget he even saw the post to begin with.
It clearly wasn't true, and only was used to scare parents mostly, why would anyone post lies like that without actually thinking about it ugh...

Veo sulks a little and continues watching the movie he turned on though, eventually forgetting all about the annoying post from before. Especially since he mindlessly eats the entire family size bar in one sitting without realizing it... oops...