Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 16
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 23: Fall

Waking up in autumn, at least this far into autumn, was almost a whole new experience for the demon. He had been so used to warm mornings, with a sweaty bed and a need for maybe one blanket throughout the night. But lately, he's gotten so cold that he's needed to close his bedroom window all the way, and use two whole blankets. And that's still not even enough sometimes!

Waking up a little chilly has been a good excuse to make himself some coffee each morning though. Sometimes he's even spiced it slightly to get in the fall mood. Though he's never been a fan of the pumpkin spice flavor, so he tends to avoid those when given the chance.
This morning, he also had a few leftover cookies to monch on for breakfast. He'd swiped a bit of goodies from the family party last night, and was very glad to have done so. Most of the children ended up eating them, so the few he was able to grab were a delicacy.

Though he knew he shouldn't rely on just cookies and coffee from breakfast, especially when he'll be ambushed by toddlers and screaming children for hours tonight. It was halloween of course, and the entire neighborhood was bustling and rustling in excitement. Some were even still putting up their final pieces of decor.

Veo lazily and sleepily cooks some fried eggs and leftover ham from the party as well. Don't worry, he didn't shove the ham in his jacket too, that he actually asked for a plate to take home on.
It took a little bit for him to wake up fully, but even he needed to put out some decor too. The autumn chill outside seemed to disagree though, as he realized a coat might actually help. Bundling up a little more, he braces the soft wind and puts up fake gravestones in his yard, fit for a dorky little house like his.