Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 11
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 18: Burn

Lately, Veo has been on a food fixation. He's actually gone out and gotten specific ingredients just to try recipes. And not just normal ones either, trying odd recipes he finds videos of regularly, even if he messes them up hugely...

Today he was just trying to make a bundt cake for the first time, with a spiced glaze. It was pumpkin of course, because of the season. But apparently it didn't just taste like all the other pumpkin spiced things out there. It should taste pretty unique, so he figured he'd give it a go!

He got all the ingredients today, mixed them according to the instructions, and slid it into the oven. The eggs got a little messy, so he figured he'd clean that up while he waits. Though once he was done wiping up the mess, he realized the cake wasn't nearly done yet. And being the simple minded demon he was, he completely forgot to set a timer for what the recipe actually said it'd be ready at.

Checking the timeframe for how long it'd be again, he saw it'd be a full fourty five minutes before it was done! Gosh that's a while... Veo figured he'd watch some tv while he waits then. Turning on a random halloween movie that pops up, he gets comfy and figures he should check the cake in uh.. yea thirty minutes sounds good.
Though that's when the trouble started, as Veo was quite tired after getting all the ingredients at the store and making the recipe after that. So he dozed off mistakenly, quite cuddly and warm.

Now confused about why the cat in his dream was screaming in a mechanical way almost, he ended up realizing that was the fire alarm. Shooting up immediately, he goes to check on the cake in the oven, and notices the time is drastically different on the clock. Pulling the burnt bundt out only makes the smoke worse, and he immediately turns the oven off to help a little. Bleh he's never going to get the burnt pumpkin smell out of his house now... even opening the sliding glass door to outside doesn't help much of anything, at least the smoke dissipates eventually though.